Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 589 It's up to you this time!

Chapter 589 It's up to you this time!

Qi Rui took the deciphered telegram to the extra-high school class, and Mieko Sakai and Kurifan Sakai were there as expected.

Takeuchi Yunko asked Shunsuke Jiuchi confidently: "Kuichi-kun! Have you deciphered it?"

"That's right, Chen Jiaying and the two from the Military Aircraft Department deciphered it almost at the same time, and they are not weak. It seems that the new government's Military Aircraft Department will have a lot to do in the future." Qi Rui said,
"What's the content of the telegram?" Sakai Kurifan immediately asked,
"See for yourself."

After several people passed it on, Sakai Mieko said excitedly: "Sure enough, I have given the task to the God-killing Action Team. This is exactly what we expected!"

"The God-killing Action Team is the main one. This time, the Jellyfish Assassination Team, the Hurricane Team, and the Shanghai Station all assisted. It seems that they want to make a big noise." Takeuchi Yunzi said,
"But how will they act? Are they going to force their way in!" Qi Rui took out the floor plan of the conference site and the surrounding map and said,
"Hiuchi-kun, the security plan you designed is impeccable, because we have thought of a variety of plans for deduction, and the result is failure and heavy losses." Mieko Sakai said,

"Yunzi and I have deduced many times, but I am worried that they will give up their actions if they don't give them a chance, because it is impossible for the God-killing action team and the jellyfish assassination team to act as death squads." Qi Rui said,
"Hisaki-kun is right, but this press conference is very important. Your security plan must not be changed. You must ensure the safety of General Itagaki and the others." Mieko Sakai said,

"We know this better, so we will not change our previous security plan."

"Director Hisaike, what will happen if your security plan is leaked?" Eiko Sakai asked,

"It doesn't matter, as long as our own people are arranged in important places, I can guarantee the smooth progress of the press conference. In addition, our Jiuchi Mansion will be responsible for identity verification outside the extra-high class this time, and the security personnel in the venue are all new. I think the government secret committee and the trusted troops of the guards should be fine." Qi Rui said,
Sakai Kurifan asked: "Chief Hisaike, will there be any problems with the guards?"

"I can't guarantee this, but after all, this is the establishment of diplomatic relations between the new government and other countries, and they must be the protagonists of this security." Qi Rui said,
"Jiuchi-kun is right. We have communicated with Chen Mubo on this point. He said that all the troops he uses are absolutely trusted troops, and there will be no problems."

"I also asked Chen Yaozu and Minglou, and they have repeatedly assured that they will use a trustworthy team this time. We only need to be responsible for the safety of our own people." Qi Rui said,
"We are only responsible for the safety of General Itagaki and the others, and leave the rest to you and Yunzi." Jiu Jinmei Keiko said,

"It turns out that this is your task, and I can rest assured that you are here!"

Qi Rui didn't ask the Sakai advance team how to protect Itagaki and the others, but said to them: "Then I'll go back and get ready now, and we'll get busy starting tonight."

"Jiuchi-kun, I will also take people from the super high class to patrol the periphery of the venue." Yunko Takeuchi said,
Qi Rui bowed his head and said to everyone: "Everyone! Then I wish us all the best!"

Qi Rui left the super high class and drove to the venue again. Song Jian, Tang Rui, Yi and Xianren were all here.

"Curator, no problems have been found so far. The guards of the new government have sealed off the place. Tomorrow, two small things will be done in advance to allow the media and participants to enter the venue. Twelve passages will be arranged at that time. Each passage will There is a rigorous inspection and identity verification process.”

"Very well, Yi and Xianren, I'll leave it to you here." Qi Rui said,
"Curator, are you not here?"

"The focus of my leadership is the periphery. It is impossible to sneak in through such a strict security check. The most important thing is the periphery. I am worried about the jellyfish assassination team." Qi Rui said,

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, Feizawa Yuta, you three follow me."

"Curator, are all of us staying?"

"Tell your people to go back immediately and take a good rest to recharge their batteries. You will have to stare at them all day tomorrow."

Qi Rui gave way to the car, Tang Rui was the co-driver, and Tan Lin sat in the back seat with Qi Rui.

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, I have a task for you. Before tonight, you must find out where Seishiro Itagaki lives."


"Notify me as soon as you find it."

"Brother, isn't there no action?" Song Jian asked,

"I didn't know Itagaki Seishiro and the others were coming, this is a good opportunity to kill them."

"Brother, do you mean to attack their residence?"

"Song Jian, Tang Rui, there are more than a dozen high-level snipers in the Sakai advance team. We will definitely suffer if we insist, so you just need to find out where they live."


"We must find out their exact location, we Sakai Mieko and Sakai Kurifan will definitely go there."


After Song Jian and Tang Rui got out of the car, Qi Rui said to Tan Lin: "Old Tan, I don't want too many people to participate in this operation."

"Brother, you won't take me this time again?"

"Aren't you following me, drive to the French Concession, let's go buy cakes."

"Go to the jellyfish assassination team?"

"Just to buy cake."

Qi Rui asked Tan Lin to buy cakes. He got off the car ahead of time and took two rickshaws to the small building where Xue Min was recuperating. Before coming, he made up to look like Qi Jin.

"Killing God, you're finally here!" Ouyang Lan was still waiting for the Killing God to teach her to make a bomb, and so many days had passed.

"Killing God, I received a telegram saying that the plan has changed, let us take care of your arrangements."

"Yes, I'm here to assign tasks to you." Qi Rui took out a map and marked the venue of the press conference.

"We have been here before, and it seems that we really can't get in at that time."

"Everyone, we want to make more noise in this operation, so we don't necessarily have to attack the press conference."

"Killing God, you can arrange the task!" All the girls said with full of fighting spirit,

Although it was a task with double S difficulty, Qi Rui's method this time was simpler and ruder than the previous ones, and the success rate was higher.

Qi Rui also thought of two sets of plans, one is to implement before the press conference, and the other is to implement after the press conference. Of course, the action taken before the press conference has a greater influence, and it will even directly affect the normal holding of the press conference.

"This method is good! But can you determine their exact route?" Ouyang Lan asked,
"We don't know their driving route, so we will divide into four groups, station master Qi, I will let the jellyfish assassination team cooperate with you, this time it's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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