Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 590 There will be news soon!

Chapter 590 There will be news soon!
Xue Min's injury is still not healed, so he definitely can't participate in this operation. After setting up the mission, Qi Rui took Ouyang Lan to see Su Wenqian.

Because Qi Rui didn't have time to teach Ouyang Lan how to make explosives, this time he had no choice but to let the blasting experts Ouyang Lan and Su Wenqian do it by themselves. Experts like her don't need to teach anything at all, just give her the formula and equipment.

Qi Rui told Su Wenqian and the others about the task face to face. Tan Lin was assigned a task for the jellyfish assassination team to go to the cake shop. Su Wenqian waited at the designated place because Ouyang Lan couldn't let Ouyang Lan know about Chi Tiecheng's cake shop.

Time was running out, so after making arrangements for Su Wenqian and Ouyang Lan, Tan Lin took the cake and drove Qi Rui home.

Yunzi Takeuchi did not come back, Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue the overall plan again, Song Jian called and told Qi Rui Itagaki Seishiro that they were staying at the Japanese consulate, and Miura Yoshiaki might also attend the press conference tomorrow, so It shows that the Japanese attach great importance to this press conference.

Qi Rui immediately looked at the map and judged the route they drove to the scene tomorrow morning, and called Qi Lianna and Chi Tiecheng. Before knowing the driving route, Qi Rui divided his troops into four groups, and now he formed two teams to attack the convoy halfway.

Qi Rui must have been unable to sleep that night, so he got up in the middle of the night and drove to the press conference with Tan Lin, where he saw Yunzi Takeuchi, who supervised the super-high school, leading the gendarmerie on patrol.

The reason for being so nervous now is to prevent people from entering the conference site to install bombs, hide weapons and enter the venue early to ambush.

"Kuichi-kun, why are you here now?" Yunko Takeuchi felt extremely at ease when he saw Shunsuke Jiuchi.

"Yunzi, you are a woman who can sleep without sleep, how dare I sleep at home as a grown man." Qi Rui laughed,
"With so many people, tomorrow's security work is the most important thing."

"I am still not at ease with the Chinese. We should be more cautious. After all, our opponent this time is the God-killing Action Group."

Yunko Takeuchi knew the plan of Sakai's advancing team, knew that they had also made a very careful security plan, and set up an ambush, and said, "As long as they come this time, we will definitely destroy them."

"I think the same as you, so I can't sleep because of the excitement. The God-killing Operation Team, the Jellyfish Assassination Team, and the Blackberry at the Military Command Shanghai Station. This time, with the cooperation of Mieko and the others, we are very likely to catch them all." Qi Rui thought to himself. : Let me kill some war criminals this time!

"I think they may not come." Takeuchi Yunzi said,
"They haven't failed so far, and maybe that's why they might come."

"I'm looking forward to them too!"

"Yunzi, what has Mr. Fujita been up to lately? Why haven't I seen him for a long time." Logically speaking, Yoshimasa Fujita couldn't have participated in such a big action, but he never saw anyone else.

"I don't know what he is secretly investigating with the special second class recently. I reported to him about the press conference and he let me decide."

"Since Nantian Section Chief Yu Sui, he seems to seldom show up." Qi Rui said,
"Nantian was carefully cultivated by Mr. Fujita. He is really sad."

"Yunzi, come with me to the car and rest for a while."

Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi slept in the car until dawn, and the puppet government's security forces and special committees were also busy.

Minglou and Mingcheng also rushed over early in the morning, and Mingcheng drove the car and asked, "Brother, will the God-killing Operation Team really come?"

"This time, Shunsuke Kuike and I designed the security plan. It can be said that the press conference is a solid wall without any flaws. I don't think they will come."

"Brother, I also heard that Shunsuke Kuike and Yunko Takeuchi have been watching all night."

"So, let alone the God-killing Action Team, there is no chance for the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Future."

"Brother, didn't you receive the telegram from Chongqing?"

"At this time, our radio station must be silent. Do you know how many intelligence agencies are capturing all kinds of suspicious radio waves."

"Then the intercepted code is likely to be fake?"

"Boss Dai is old and cunning. Don't look at the confidentiality level of this secret telegram, but the telegram sent to the God-killing Action Team must be higher than this level."

"Brother, with so many important senior devil officers coming this time, will the Killing God Action Group take action?"

"I don't think so, because there is basically no chance."

"What about before and after the press conference?"

"The road Seishiro Itagaki and the others are taking will definitely be under martial law in advance, and a violent attack is also tantamount to suicide. Although Boss Dai may send someone to do this, it will definitely not be the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team." Ming Lou said,
"Yeah, since the deciphered telegram said that the God-killing Action Team will take action this time, the little devil will definitely protect it with heavy troops. If the God-killing Action Team succeeds again this time, it will be amazing." Mingcheng said,
"But anything is possible, so let's see."

The press conference started at nine o'clock in the morning, and people entered the venue at seven o'clock. Because the security check was very careful and slow, only twelve inspection lanes were opened.

Qi Rui looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock, he would definitely not be able to participate in this assassination operation, now it's up to Qi Lianna and Xue Min's team, the jellyfish assassination team is to assist.

"Brother, the consulate has imposed martial law on the street where the press conference was held!" Song Jian came to report,

"Well, I've thought of it a long time ago."

"Brother, did you give up on the action?" Song Jian asked,

"No, we'll just wait for the good news."

"Is there any good news?" Song Jian also found it difficult to ask,

"There will be, I believe they will succeed."

A lot of people gathered outside the press conference, almost all of them were spies. Bi Zhongliang also came to assist with the spies of No. 76 himself. Don’t look at the chaos outside, but the press conference was orderly. There were very few people walking around in the venue. The venue was surrounded by elite pseudo-guards armed with live ammunition.

"Brother! The convoy from the consulate has already set off!" Tan Linlai reported in a low voice.

"Are you sure everyone is in the car?" Qi Rui asked,

"Definitely! Including Lieutenant Generals Miura Yoshiaki and Itagaki Seishiro, there are two major generals! Four Colonels!"

"Is Ouyang Lan ready?"

"It's already ready!"

"Very good!" Qi Rui felt a little nervous at the moment. According to the action plan, there will be news soon, and news will come from both sides.

In addition to the convoy of Itagaki Seishiro and Miura Yoshiakita, there is another convoy that is the traitor convoy of Chen Mubo, a senior official of the puppet government. Qi Rui arranged a total of two teams, and the other team targeted this nest of traitors.

"Chief Kuchi! Didn't you sleep all night?" Minglou didn't enter the venue because it was too troublesome. He was looking for Shunsuke Kuike everywhere, because he wanted to know if Shashen would take action if he saw him.

"Deputy Director Ming, is there anything wrong with you?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"So far so good."

"That's good!" Qi Rui looked at his watch, it was already 08:30, there will be news soon!

(End of this chapter)

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