Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 592 The Perverted Rewards for Double S-Level Missions

Chapter 592 The Perverted Rewards for Double S-Level Missions

The press conference could not continue. Chen Yaozu and the others rushed to the scene of the explosion. Wang Jingwei in Nanjing and Hisao Nishio, the commander of the dispatched army, received the news. They immediately ordered the formation of a task force to investigate.

On the side of Yongming Bridge, through the continuous efforts of rescuers, only two deformed cars were salvaged, and the people inside were still alive.

"Brother, it's been so long, Seishiro Itagaki, Yoshiaki Miura and other officers must all be dead! Now more than 20 bodies have been recovered, including three to five Japanese officers." Mingcheng told Ming the latest news. building.

"Is Chen Mubo dead?"

"Dead! He was killed on the spot, and few of the accompanying traitors were still alive. They were all sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

"This time, the action took place in seconds. The Super High School, Jiuchi Mansion, the Secret Service Committee, and the Secret Service Headquarters were all focused on the press conference. I didn't expect the Killing God Operation Team to start on the way, and their reaction was really too fast. "Ming Lou admired,

"Brother is right. We only learned that Chen Mubo and Itagaki attended the press conference yesterday afternoon, and Shunsuke Kuike deciphered the military command's telegram last night. Such a large amount of explosives can be prepared in one night. It is simply a miracle!" Mingcheng said knowing how difficult it is to get gunpowder,

"Indeed, as Shunsuke Kuike said, there are very top blasting masters in Shanghai, and there are also gunpowder experts. The explosives used to blow up the Sakura and the bacterial research were made by him."

"Red Rose Zhuang Xiaoman!" Mingcheng reacted, because she was the one who provided the explosives last time.

"Ah Cheng, Zhuang Xiaoman should be a member of the God-killing operation team, but she is not an operator, but a logistics and liaison officer." Minglou said,
"Tsk tsk, it seems that she made the raw materials for these explosives." Mingcheng said,
"Just know it. Remember that in the future, the goods of Junfu Foreign Firm will not be inspected, and they will be secretly protected!" Minglou said.
"I've already done that!"

"Shunsuke Kuike asked us to protect the representatives of those two countries, and we will go there immediately."

"Why don't you blow them up together!" Mingcheng said,
"What's the point of blowing them up? Killing the gods is really beautiful. It ruined the press conference and killed so many traitors and senior Japanese generals. The most important thing is that it didn't follow the truth and let other countries make irresponsible remarks." Ming Ming Lou said,
"Not all of them are the same."

"They did not go to war with our country. Besides, the current attitudes of many countries are unclear. Through this bombing, the whole world has seen the attitude of the Chinese people against the invaders and the puppet government. I think some countries will reconsider the issue of establishing diplomatic relations. "

"I didn't think about it so much, it seems that the eldest brother admires the god of killing!" Mingcheng said,
"Don't you admire it?"

"Of course I admire them, I wish they were our own team!"

"Haha..." Minglou didn't say anything but laughed a few times,

Qi Rui and Zhu Nei Yunzi went to the scene where Chen Mubo was bombed, and the person who detonated the explosives had long since disappeared. Qi Rui had a sad face, but he was familiarizing himself with the super memory ability that the system rewarded him.

This ability is a little perverted, and it is indeed a reward for double S difficulty. Qi Rui tried this ability, and it is stronger than Lan Rouge's super memory.

Rouge needs about 3 minutes to write down a newspaper, but Qi Rui can memorize everything with just a glance.

What Qi Rui envied most before was Lan Rouge's ability, because with this ability to collect information, he saves an important tool, a miniature camera, no matter if it is graphics or handwriting, no matter how much content he can easily write word for word Keep it in your head.

Qi Rui can't understand how useful this skill is, that is, no matter how many pages of documents, he only needs to count them all in his mind, and his brain is just like a video recorder.

It's not that Qi Rui has never encountered a similar situation before. He watched the important information in front of him, but without Rouge's brain, it was impossible to remember it after reading it, so he delayed a lot of opportunities to obtain information.

"Hiuchi-kun! Just received a call from Mieko, Major General Gumatsu, the staff officer of the dispatched army, has a very important document in his hand, we must find it."

"Did you say it was in that car?"

"In the fourth car."

"We didn't know that one was the fourth one!"

"Jiuchi-kun, the fourth car should be at the center of the explosion, and it may still be in the water now."

"Shall we hurry over and have a look? Didn't we salvage two cars?"

"I've checked those two cars before. There is no briefcase in the car that Mieko mentioned, and Major General Gumatsu is not in the car."

"So the file is still in the water, what file is so important?"

"I don't know, Mieko said that Commander Nishio Hiszo called and ordered her to find it, but she is injured and can't come, so she had to call and ask us to help find it."

"Then let's hurry over and look for it before dawn."

After getting into the car, Qi Rui asked, "How are Mieko and Captain Sakai injured?"

"Sakai Kurifan suffered severe head injuries, while Mieko only suffered injuries to her shoulder and thigh. They are really lucky." Yunko Takeuchi said,
"Yeah, not many of those who fell survived. It's really lucky for the two of them to be alive."

When they came to the river, Qi Rui and Yunzi Zhuuchi searched in the car they had fished out, but found nothing.

"Jiuchi-kun, it looks like the document is still under the water!" said Takeuchi Yunko,
"The document is very important, so no one else can touch it. I'll look for it myself." Qi Rui began to take off his clothes after speaking.

"Jiuchi-kun, it's very dangerous underwater now, you must be careful!"

"Yunzi, wait for me on the shore!" Qi Rui was wearing a white loincloth like other Japanese, because Yunzi Zhuuchi had seen that thing before, and his face couldn't help but blush.

Qi Rui didn't understand why a battle-tested woman would blush just when she saw her own body. He didn't know that Yunzi Takeuchi had never met a man since he was in the extra-high school.

It is precisely because she has seen all kinds of men that she knows better what kind of man can satisfy her.

Shunsuke Kuike has a well-proportioned figure, without a trace of fat all over his body, with a thin waist and a fan-like figure, what she is thinking at the moment is how can that kind of picture not blush.

Qi Rui moved around a bit. Although it is the end of May now, the water is still very cold.

"Curator! What are you doing here?" Song Jian and Tang Rui rushed over and asked when they saw that Qi Rui was going into the water.

"You wait on the shore, I'll go into the water to have a look, and find me a flashlight!"

Qi Rui, who had nothing to do, dived into the water with a flashlight. His purpose was to find the documents. He just learned a new skill. If he found the documents, he might just be able to use them.

(End of this chapter)

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