Chapter 593
After Shunsuke Kuike went into the water, he would come up every few minutes at the beginning. Yunko Takeuchi and others on the shore also lamented his water quality, because he would bring a corpse every time.

It was nearly dusk when Shunsuke Kuike went into the water, and Yunko Takeuchi lit several gas lamps on the motorboat and the rescue boat, illuminating the water surface like daytime.

It was completely dark when Shunsuke Hisaike went into the water for the seventh time, but he didn't come up after 10 minutes.

"Kuichi-kun!" Takeuchi Yunko began to worry. She shouted on the bank without listening, and sent someone into the water to find someone. As a result, another 10 minutes later, Kuchi Shunsuke came back from the downstream bank, holding a Before Song Jian gave him a flashlight wrapped in oilcloth.

Of course, Qi Rui wanted this flashlight not for use in the water. If he found the document, he couldn’t read it in the water. It was almost dark, and no matter how good his brain was when he found the document, he couldn’t have night vision, so he brought a flashlight.

Takeuchi Yunzi went up to him and asked in a reproachful tone, "Jiuchi-kun! Where have you been?"

"Yunzi, why are you crying?" Qi Rui was only wearing a white loincloth and couldn't speak clearly because of the cold.

"You haven't come up for so long, where have you been? Don't you know that we are all worried about you?"

"I'm sorry, Yunzi, to make you worry. I found the car of General Gu Matsumi, but I didn't find any documents in the car, because the car was deformed badly, and all the corpses were stuck in the car. I followed the water. After searching, it can be regarded as exploring the way first, and then go to the water to search after tomorrow." Qi Rui shrank his neck and folded his arms around his shoulders, looking very cold,

Seeing Shunsuke Kuchi like this, Yunko Takeuchi hurriedly asked Accelerator and Uchiha Yu to bring the clothes.

"Yunzi, let's go to the hospital to see Mieko, we'll look for things tomorrow." Qi Rui said while getting dressed.

"You'd better go home quickly, drink some hot soup and take a bath to drive away the cold, so you don't catch a cold." Takeuchi Yunzi persuaded,
"I'm not so squeamish, let's go, I still have something to ask Sakai Kurifan and Mieko."

Qi Rui asked Uchiha Yu and Feizawa Yuta to take the people from the mansion back. There are dispatched troops and the Gendarmerie Command here, so they are not needed at all. He asked Song Jian to drive to the hospital.

Yunko Takeuchi had his own car and didn't sit in it, but sat in Shunsuke Hisaike's car.

"Kuike-kun, how's the situation underwater?"

"It's very complicated, and it's very difficult to find things. Tomorrow, I will take two people into the water and get the generals' bodies up first."

"I really don't know what Mieko and the others think. It's useless to find all the documents in the water." Yunko Takeuchi complained to Shunsuke Kuchi,

"It must be a very important document, otherwise Commander Nishio would not attach so much importance to it."

When he came to the hospital ward, Sakai Kurihan was lying on the hospital bed staring at the ceiling in a daze. Beside his bed were Sakai Eiko and another girl he didn't know.

"Chief Kuchi! Section Chief Takeuchi!" Eiko Sakai stood up and shouted a lot more politely this time.

Sakai Kurifan hurriedly got up and asked Sakai Eiko to help him up and lean on the pillow, and asked, "Kuike-kun! Miss Yunzi! How is the situation now?"

"It's very bad. Only a few of you who fell into the water were lucky enough to survive, and everyone else was smashed!" Qi Rui said with a sad face,

"It's all our fault! I still underestimated the God-killing Action Group. I didn't expect them to be able to blow up such a bridge before. It's abominable!" Sakai Kurihan said,
"It's also our fault that we focused all our attention on the press conference. We didn't know General Itagaki would come before." Qi Rui said,
"It's all because I didn't trust Kuchi-kun before!"

Sakai Kurifan believes that Shunsuke Kuike is fine this time, because he sent people to monitor all the people related to Shunsuke Kuike, and he himself never left Takeuchi Yunko's sight from the beginning to the end. His people are also doing their due diligence for the press conference.

"Yeah, I said long ago that Mr. Kuchi is fine, but you just don't believe me!" Mieko Sakai was helped by Asaka Sakai from the next ward and said,
"Mikeko, how is your injury?" Qi Rui hurried forward and asked,

"I'm not in the way, Jiuchi-kun, Yunzi, if we had told you earlier, perhaps such a thing would not have happened." Sakai Mieko said,

"It's not all your fault, even if we know in advance that our key work is still at the press conference." Qi Rui said,
"Why are they so sure we're going this way?" Sakai Kurihan asked,

"This is very simple. When General Itagaki and the others arrived in Shanghai, they only needed to inquire about it. The generals are a convoy. They know where they live and the location of the venue. Looking at the map to find the only way to go is not easy. matter." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Yunzi is right, there is no way to hide this point, and it seems that you deliberately let General Itagaki reveal his whereabouts, maybe you want to lure the God-killing Action Team to come out?" Qi Rui asked,
"I'm sorry, we overestimated our own strength, but this is the general's intention, we are just following the order." Sakai Kurihan said,
"Mieko, what you want, Mr. Jiuchi, has been searching in the water for more than an hour but couldn't find it." Yunko Takeuchi said.

"I think the things were probably destroyed when they fell into the water. It's just that the documents are too important. Commander Nishio is worried that they will be taken away by the enemy, so even if they can't be used, they must be retrieved."

"Don't worry Mieko, we'll look for it tomorrow." Qi Rui said.

"Jiuchi-kun, hurry up and go home and take a hot bath. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Yunko Takeuchi persuaded, because she knew that the underwear that Shunsuke Jiuchi was wearing was still wet.

"I'm relieved to see Mieko that you're fine, and it's time for me to go back. I feel very uncomfortable."

"Kuichi-kun, I will also go to the scene tomorrow." Sakai Mieko said,

"You guys should cultivate well, and leave the scene to us with confidence."

After Kuchi Shunsuke left, Takeuchi Yunko unceremoniously scolded Sakai Kurifan and Sakai Mieko, and asked, "Did you find anything after monitoring everyone?"

"No, everyone related to Shunsuke Kuike was under our surveillance that day, and no one had any problems." Sakai Kurihan said apologetically,
"Is Zhuang Xiaoman okay?"

"Jiuchi hasn't gone to see Zhuang Xiaoman for the past few days. She has been busy with business. Aoyama Masami is a good wife. She goes to Huimin Drugstore every day to help Chen Jiaying, and goes home on time to cook for Jiuchi at night. Tang Ling has also been taking care of Shenghui Automobile and Rongxiang Automobile, and they seem to be very busy."

"What about Cirrus?"

"It's okay. Tielin and Xu Tian in the French Concession are working as usual, and they haven't seen any suspicious people during the period."

(End of this chapter)

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