Chapter 594
The day before the press conference, Sakai Kurifan sent people to monitor all the people related to Kuchi Shunsuke, including the Kuike Mansion, but Kuike Shunsuke and the others did not monitor, because he was always in the sight of Takeuchi Yunko middle.

Does Qi Rui know about this? He really doesn't know, because this time the action doesn't need people around him. Tan Lin followed him and was not followed, so Sakai Kurifan's monitoring is meaningless, let alone any discovery.

When Qi Rui returned home to take a hot bath, Fu Yingxue congratulated him when Fu Yingxue washed his back: "Rui, you succeeded again. The organization said that your action is of great significance. It not only dealt a great blow to the puppet government, It also allows the international community to see my country's determination to resist aggression."

"It's all because the foundation was laid well before. Fortunately, I bought enough raw materials for making gunpowder in advance, and there happened to be Ouyang Lan, an expert in blasting." The double-S difficulty task was so simple to complete, Qi Rui knew that it was not him Fortunately, it's not that the task is not difficult enough, but that all the conditions just happen to be met.

If this task is handed over to others, it is almost impossible to complete the task. The task difficulty given by the system should also be calculated according to the current environment and necessary conditions.

"Rui, there is nothing you can't do." Fu Yingxue rewarded Qi Rui with a kiss on the cheek,
"Xue'er, you will send an important document to the organization tomorrow, and I will write it down for you later."

Qi Rui found the document package in the car that Gusong saw at the bottom of the river. He took the document package to the downstream bank and found an empty place to write down the contents. Then he dived and put the document package back in the car. See below the body of times.

The file was indeed damaged by soaking in water, but the content on it could still be seen clearly.

"what document?"

"The plan to suppress the communists was formulated by the headquarters of the Devil's Dispatch Army and the puppet government. It is mainly aimed at the base areas of the New Fourth Army. This time it is on a large scale, and the puppet army is the main force."

"These traitors!" Fu Yingxue scolded angrily.
The flag of the puppet government has the words "peacefully fight against communism and save the country". The agreement between the puppet government and the Japanese army is that the Peaceful National Army will not assist the Japanese army in fighting the national army on the frontal battlefield, but will fully support the suppression of the Communist Party.

The information obtained by Qi Rui is the joint campaign plan of the Wang puppet government and the Japanese dispatched army to suppress the Communists. It is mainly aimed at the bases of the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu, western Zhejiang, southern Anhui, eastern Hubei, and eastern Jiangxi. This plan has a bright future. Prolonged combat deployment.

"Xue'er, this document must be sent to the organization as soon as possible, and the base area must make arrangements in advance." Qi Rui said,
"You write it today, and I will send it tomorrow."

"I'll write when I have something to eat."

"Rui, how did you get this document?"

"The document is in the hands of the accompanying officer of Itagaki Seishiro. It should be shown to Miura Yoshiaki. Now the document is wrapped in the car at the bottom of the river, and most of it has been damaged by water."

"Did you go into the water just now to find this battle plan?"

"Well, don't worry about my water quality!"

"I'm not worried about your water quality, but I'm worried that you'll catch a cold. I'll make some ginger tea for you later."

"Thank Wife!"

"Rui, do we need to transfer our independent regiment?"

"It must be moved to a safe place, Moganshan can't hide so many people." Qi Rui said,
"Then where are you going to send the team?"

"Huangshan Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, and Tianmu Mountain are all fine. If we have a chance, we still have to lead a team to fight against the puppet army and little devils."

After taking a bath and eating something, Qi Rui began to write the document silently. Fu Yingxue boiled ginger tea for him and asked strangely when she saw the silent document: "You remembered it after reading it once?"

"Such important documents must be memorized!" Qi Rui said,
"Your memory of feelings is better than Rouge!"

"My memory is pretty good!"

Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue didn't have time to celebrate the victory at home and continued to be busy with the rest of the work, while Qi Lianna, the head of the Military Command Shanghai Station who successfully completed the task, and Xue Min's team had a big meal to celebrate.

"Ouyang Lan, did the killer teach you how to make explosives?" Qi Lianna asked with a smirk.
"I would like to, but I was taught by Mu Yu from the Jellyfish Assassination Team. He is the apprentice of the Killing God. I really didn't expect that the Killing God has a processing workshop in Shanghai!" Ouyang Lan said,

"Machining workshop?"

"Yes, but don't ask me where I am. I don't know. If it wasn't for the urgent task, I wouldn't know about this processing workshop." Ouyang Lan said,

"So the gun in my hand was modified by the God of Death?" Leng Yue asked,

"That's right, the bullets used are also refitted from this workshop."

"Killing God's strength is far stronger than we imagined!" Xue Min said,
"Sister, it's absolutely fine to blow up the No. [-] Devil Bridge!" Ouyang Lan said,

"We'll blow it up when we get the chance!" Xue Min regretted not taking part in the action this time,

"Sister, I heard some very bad news." Ouyang Lan said,

"What?" Everyone asked nervously.
"Killing God has a wife! Muyu and the others call her God's Sister-in-law."

"I have a daughter-in-law! It depends on our elder sister's body!" Tong Lingling shouted,

"What nonsense are you talking about? He doesn't look at my body how to heal my injuries, don't you think so!"

"Killing God is really powerful. Not only is he skilled in medicine, but he is also an expert in gunpowder manufacturing, blasting, and gunsmith." Qi Lianna said,

"Muyu said he knows a lot, far more than what you said." Ouyang Lan said,

"Sister-in-law must be super powerful too, right?"

"I heard from Muyu that Shen's sister-in-law is very good at marksmanship, and she is also very good-looking."

"It seems that Mu Yu worships the God of Killing and God's Wife very much."

"That's true. When they talked about themselves, they faltered and hawed, but when it came to killing God and God's wife, they immediately became storytellers, and their eyebrows were full of reverence."

"Mu Yu is not bragging, Killing God is really powerful, I really want to follow him in the future!" Qi Lianna said,

"When you look back at the Killing God, you must ask if there is still a shortage of people in the Killing God Operation Team." Liu Rusi said,

Xue Min suddenly couldn't be happy anymore, she felt as if she had lost something she loved so much, she drank heavily before her injury healed, the girls all knew why she was like this, so they didn't stop her from letting her enjoy herself drink.

"Hahaha, happy! Happy! There is nothing impossible for Xiao Jiu to do!" Boss Dai laughed happily in the office,
"Secretary, apply to join the God-killing Action Team in the BlackBerry telegram."

"Join the God-killing action team! It's a possibility. I really plan to give Xiaojiu a complete set of Fan Luosha, Bai Wuchang, and Hei Wuchang! But I don't dare to make decisions for Xiao Jiu, so I'd better ask him Let’s talk about what you mean.”

"Boss, the third brother is back! I'm waiting to see you outside."

"Chu Mingguo?"

"Yes, he has just returned from France."

"Call him in."

(End of this chapter)

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