Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 595 So Straightforward Mieko Sakai

Chapter 595 So Straightforward Mieko Sakai

Chu Mingguo was the third of the Eight King Kong, and was secretly sent to France by Dai before the Anti-Japanese War. No one else knew where he went.


"Third brother! You are back! You have completed the mission well!" Dai praised,
"Boss, I'm applying to go to Nanjing!" Chu Mingguo said,

"Lao Liu is in Nanjing, do you want to find him or go to the puppet government?" Dai asked,
"There are poisonous snakes over there in Shanghai. I'm going to Nanjing, boss! I'm very sure to break into the high-level puppet government." Chu Mingguo said,

"Approved!" Chu Mingguo didn't know where to place Dai after leaving him.

"Boss, can I contact Lao Liu if there is anything wrong?" Chu Mingguo asked,
"Yes! From now on, the sixth son will be your downline, you can give him orders directly for what you need to do, and I will also arrange two people to help you."

"Boss, you must be reliable! I don't want more people to know my identity except Lao Liu."

"Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be reliable, and you'll know when we meet."

The next day, Qi Rui asked Song Jian to pick him up by the river very early, and there was no need for Chen Mubo to go there with Minglou and the special committee to deal with it.

When Qi Rui arrived, he saw two more deformed cars on the shore, and more than 20 corpses were covered with white cloth on the ground.

"Where's the body in the car?" Qi Rui stepped forward and asked,

"It has been taken to the hospital."

"Have you confirmed your identity?"

"It's confirmed. Among them are General Itagaki and Consul General Miura."

"Hey!..." Qi Rui let out a long sigh, and the micro-expression manager looked regretful and sad, but his heart was full of joy. He never thought that the double S task could be completed so easily!


Qi Rui heard someone calling him, and it was a voice he hadn't seen for a long time. Following the voice, it turned out to be Shigeharu Matsumoto.

"President! When did you come?" Qi Rui asked in surprise,
"I arrived a few days ago. I originally wanted to report on the press conference, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Jiuchi, did the God-killing Action Team do it again?" Matsumoto Shigeharu asked,
"It should be them, because the explosives made are almost exactly the same as the previous few times."

"Jiuchi, they are in the dark, we are in the light, so we will always be passive."

"President, I know this truth. Gemini is still lurking in the military command, but because the level of secrecy of the God-killing Action Team and the Jellyfish Assassination Team is too high, he can't find any information about them at all."

"Is there no other way?"

"I've tried many things, but they just don't fall for it."

"How about designing a few major assassination operations? The God-killing Action Group can attack us like this, why can't we deal with them like this? Don't the Chinese often say an eye for an eye." Shigeharu Matsumoto asked,

"The president means that I also want to form an action team to lurk in Chongqing?" Qi Rui definitely couldn't pretend to be stupid and asked,
"Yes, I think this is the best way to retaliate against them. They will still have scruples in Shanghai, but it's completely different when we go. Anyone anywhere in Chongqing can be our target."

"Didn't our bombers often bomb Chongqing indiscriminately, and we still need to do so?"

"Jiuchi, the bombers used to hide in the air-raid shelters. After the bombing, the Chinese should eat and drink. If they should play mahjong, playing mahjong will not hurt their bones at all. If there is a team like the God-killing Action Group With the action team, we can carry out targeted attacks."

"What the president said made me suddenly enlightened!" Shunsuke Kuike said in agreement,

"So think about it, I will tell this suggestion to General Ying Zuo, and I think you are the most suitable to be the captain of this action team. Since there is a killing action team in Chongqing, we also have the same action team Let's see who is more destructive!" Matsumoto Shigeharu made a fierce expression after finishing speaking.

"Okay! The president said that my blood is boiling!" Shunsuke Kuike said, waving his fist,

"Jiuchi, I will also help you find some powerful operators!"

"Thank you boss!"

Qi Rui scolded Shigeharu Matsumoto's eight generations of ancestors in his heart. This old devil is so vicious. If I didn't do anything in the past, it would be tantamount to telling the devil that I have a problem!This job is absolutely unacceptable.

Sakai chestnut rice!It's better to introduce the Sakai team to the past, but seeing that Shigeharu Matsumoto means that he is determined to recommend himself, what should we do!
"Kuichi-kun! Is that President Matsumoto?" Takeuchi Yunko came over and asked,


"Jiuchi-kun, are you alright?" Takeuchi Yunko asked concerned,
"It's okay! Where's Mieko?"

"She'll be here soon."

"Okay, I'll get ready, and I'll continue to look for documents later."

"Kuchi-kun, let them find it if it doesn't work, it's too dangerous." Yunko Takeuchi said very gently, and now she really looks like a traditional Japanese woman.

"Yunzi, didn't Mieko say that this document is very important, let me go."

Mieko Sakai was supported by Asaka Sakai to the river bank, and shouted from afar, "Kuike-kun!"

Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi went up to meet him and said, "Mikeko, you really don't need to come here."

"Jiuchi-kun, I know you have to go down the river. I'm here to cheer you up. It's best to find the things, because Commander Nishio called just now and said that he must find them, so that he can rest assured."

"Okay, I'll go now." Qi Rui generously took off the loincloth in front of them, causing the three Japanese girls to swallow when they saw the big bulge under the loincloth, Qi Rui He also intentionally prepared for them in front of them, so that they couldn't help but tighten their legs.

Seeing Shunsuke Kuike dive into the water, Mieko Sakai said enviously, "Masami is such a blessing!"

"Jiuchi-kun is indeed very attractive to women!" Takeuchi Yunko also agreed,
"Yunzi, I also want to live in Jiuchi-kun's house!" Mieko Sakai said with a regretful expression on her face.

Seeing Mieko Sakai's heart fluttering, Yunzi Takeuchi quickly persuaded him, "Mieko, what do you want to do? Mr. Jiuchi and Ms. Masami are very affectionate."

"What are you thinking!" Mieko Sakai really wanted to seduce Shunsuke Kuike,
Qi Rui knew where the document package was kept, so he helped the salvage team get some corpses up by acting. It was almost noon before he brought up the body of Major General Gu Matsumi, and handed the document package to Mieko Sakai panting .

But Mieko Sakai forgot to pick up the sharply defined objects soaked in water while looking at the loincloth.


"Ah!" Sakai Mieko was called back to her soul by Qi Rui, and quickly took the document package, and after opening it, she was sure that it was the document that the commander wanted. She immediately gave the document package to Sakai Asaka, and then stepped forward and put her arms around Jiuchi Jun Fu thanked and said: "Thank you! Hisakuchi-kun, if I can't find this document, Commander Nishio Hiszo will definitely punish me severely. How should I repay you?"

"Mieko, I'm a bit cold now, can I put on my clothes first?" Qi Rui didn't expect Mieko Sakai to ask so directly,

"Oh! Go quickly, don't freeze!" Mieko Sakai said, not forgetting to touch the back of Shunsuke Kuike's acquaintance with her hand.

When Yunzi Takeuchi saw this, she wished she could go up and kick Mieko Sakai's feet. It's not because she wanted to hook up with someone. Fortunately, there are so many people around, otherwise, wouldn't you just repay with your own body!
(End of this chapter)

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