Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 596 Fu Yingxue is Angry!

Chapter 596 Fu Yingxue is Angry!

After getting dressed, Qi Rui asked Mieko Sakai, "Is this the document?"

"That's it, but because it was soaked in water, a lot of handwriting can no longer be seen clearly, but it doesn't matter, this is just a copy, as long as you find the commander, you should be relieved." Mieko Sakai said,

"That's good, then Yunzi and I will feel at ease."

"Kuichi-kun is really thoughtful." Sakai Asaka has been observing this Kuchi Shunsuke all the time, and found that he has everything. Originally, this document had nothing to do with Takeuchi Yunko, but she didn't forget to take her with her. There is a special relationship between them.

Mieko Sakai knew what was going on with Shunsuke Kuike, and asked, "Mr. Kuike, we still don't have any clues about this bomb attack, right?"

"It can't be said that there is no such thing. The amount of explosives used in the two explosions is very large. We have to investigate carefully where we can get so much high explosives. Maybe we can find something." Qi Rui prepared the explosives himself , if the Japanese searched in the direction he said, they would not be able to find anything.

"Kuichi-kun, you've been soaking in the water for so long, you'd better go back and rest, we're fine here." Yunko Takeuchi couldn't understand the way Mieko Sakai looked at Shunsuke Kuike and said,
"Okay, I need to go back to take a shower and change my clothes, so I'll go first, and I'll leave it to you guys here."

"Kuike-kun, can I stay at your house tonight?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"Ah? Doesn't Mieko need to go to the hospital for treatment?" Takeuchi Yunko was already a bit delayed, and it would be more troublesome for Sakai Mieko and Sakai Asaka to go there.

"I just want to live with you because I don't want to go to the hospital." Mieko Sakai said softly,

"Since Mieko wants to go, let's go. I'll ask Masami to clean up your room, but I advise you to go to the hospital and let a professional doctor treat it well, so we can rest assured."

"Jiuchi-kun, you see I'm fine, I don't need to go to the hospital at all."

"Well, I'll ask Yami to cook more meals today." Qi Rui couldn't refuse, after all, Mieko Sakai was the one who found this house.

Qi Rui returned home, took a shower, changed clothes, sat in the living room drinking tea and thinking about things, Song Jian asked: "Brother, do you have any tasks to do next?"

"Don't keep thinking about our own tasks, but also think about what you should do as Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu."

Song Jian was smart and said, "Brother, let's go to the black market to check those who sell gunpowder and arrest them all for interrogation."

"That's right, we still need to make a show for some people to see."

"Yes! Let's go!"

It's noon now, Fu Yingxue should be in the pharmacy at this time, Qi Rui is relaxed while drinking tea, this operation is the happiest for him, because he killed two Class A war criminals in one go.

Qi Rui's greatest wish is to kill as many war criminals as possible before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, because it would be difficult for these war criminals to be killed after the war with the protection of Yankees.

After drinking two cups of hot tea, Qi Rui drove to the pharmacy by himself, where he had lunch with Chen Jiaying and Fu Yingxue. When he was about to leave, he told Fu Yingxue that Mieko Sakai would be staying at home tonight.

"You said Mieko Sakai went to live at home, why are you so annoying!" Fu Yingxue was a hundred times unhappy,
"Is this woman in love with you?" Chen Jiaying asked,
Qi Rui smiled bitterly and said, "Yunzi Zhuuchi has hooked up with me once or twice."

"These Japanese women are really shameless." Fu Yingxue could tolerate Qi Rui and Zhuang Xiaoman, but she absolutely couldn't tolerate him with Japanese women.

"Don't worry, Xue'er, I'm no longer thinking about how to kill them." Qi Rui comforted,

"Are you willing to do it?" Fu Yingxue asked angrily that he was inviting Japanese women at home.
"I want them to die in my dreams, but don't we have to find a chance, I will find a way now."

Seeing Qi Rui escape, Chen Jiaying smiled and said, "Xue'er, don't you worry about Qi Rui?"

"It's not that I'm worried, but I don't like them living at home, because I can't participate in several actions because of their existence."

"So it's because of this, maybe Qi Rui felt sorry for you and didn't want you to participate in the first place." Chen Jiaying said,

"It's not okay to always be like this. The first task given to me by the organization is to protect him!"

"He's so smart he'll be fine."

"Sister Jiaying, bullets don't have eyes. The last time they went to bomb the Bacteria Research Institute, Xue Min was injured. It would be bad if it was Qi Rui!"

"That's right, no matter what happens to any one of us, the Miaodao team will be in great danger. This loss organization can't afford it, and neither can we."

"So! How dare he recruit Japanese women into his home! You can't be angry!" Fu Yingxue said angrily,

"Xue'er, the main reason is that your man is too good. Even if there are no Japanese women, there will be other women who like him."

"That's why I have to watch him even more!"

Qi Rui came to Xian Lesi and asked Liu Rusi to find Xu Tian. Within half an hour, Tielin and Xu Tian arrived on bicycles.

Xu Tian had been looking forward to Qi Rui looking for him, and thought that there must be something important, so he asked Tielin to wait, and went to the office to meet Qi Rui by himself.

"Mr. Qi! Are you looking for me?" Yongming Bridge killed dozens of devils, and Fuyan Road killed a bunch of traitors. Xu Tian, ​​who was able to do this in Shanghai, could only think of this Shunsuke Kuike. So this time the eyes are full of reverence.

"Mr. Xu, have you thought of any other tricks?" Qi Rui asked, wanting Yunzi Takeuchi and Mieko Sakai to die unexpectedly,

"Mr. Qi, tell me who you want to kill, and I will design accidents based on where they often move." Xu Tian said,
"What if I tell you about the environment and characters?"

"That way the design won't be too accurate. It's best for me to go to the scene to see it. That way the design method will be accurate."

Qi Rui thought about it for a while and shook his head, but he gave up the idea of ​​letting Xu Tian design an accident. Before, they faced some traitors, but the places where Yunzi Takeuchi and Mieko Sakai often haunted were either the special high school or the secret service headquarters. It's too dangerous for him to go.

Qi Rui didn't want people like Xu Tian to take risks, besides, he didn't have to kill them in an accidental way, and it wasn't impossible to assassinate them directly.

"Then I'll think about it again, and I'll let you know when I need it."

"Mr. Qi, did you do the Yongming Bridge and Fuyan Road?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. I'm tracking down these people. I'm here this time to ask you to help find clues, understand?"

"Understood, we will definitely try our best to help Taijun Jiuchi find it!" Xu Tian smiled,
"You ask Tielin to help you investigate the black market vendors who resell gunpowder in the French Concession. If such a big explosion happened, we must do something about it."

"That's easy. Tielin already has a record, and he can provide it to you right away, and he can help you arrest people!"

"Haha, very good, let Tielin help arrest people, the bigger the movement, the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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