Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 597 What Can I Do About This!

Chapter 597 What Can I Do About This!
There was no pressure at all to catch the black market dealers Tielin and Xu Tian, ​​because they didn't have any good things, and soon Tielin led the patrol and arrested more than a dozen. Qi Rui called Zhu Nei Yunzi to take them to the special high school interrogation.

Takeuchi Yunko, Sakai Mieko and others admired the speed of Kuchi Shunsuke's movements.

Under the leadership of Shunsuke Jiuchi, the towns around Shanghai have also carried out a major cleansing of black market dealers, especially those who have touched gunpowder will be taken away for strict interrogation.

In five days, the bodies at the bottom of the Yongming Bridge were basically salvaged, and those who had resold gunpowder on the black market were also interrogated. Many arms dealers were also caught, but they were similar to the gunpowder used by the God Killing Action Group. Nothing was found.

"Kuichi-kun! General Kagezuo asked you to go to Nanjing, saying that he has something important to see you." Imai Yuji found Shunsuke Kuike and said,
"Do you want to go to Nanjing immediately?"

"Yes! I have booked a train box for you to Nanjing, and the general asked you to take Shifang Accelerator, Uchiha Yuu, Tozawa Yuta, and Aoyama Masami with you."

"I'm going to prepare right now, that, Imai-kun! Do you know what it is?"

"The general didn't say anything, but it shouldn't be a bad thing."

"Thank you Imai-san!"

Qi Rui guessed that Matsumoto Shigeharu told Kageza Haraaki about forming an action team, did he really want to go to Chongqing to wreak havoc!

Qi Rui brought people to Nanjing by train, and he was really afraid of something coming, and that's what Yingzuo Zhenzhao told him.

Seeing Shunsuke Kuike's unhappy face, Kagezuo Zhenzhao asked: "Kagechi! How do you think you don't want to go?"

"General, I'm thinking about how to be stronger than the God-killing Action Group. When I arrive, can I get as much explosives and weapons as they do? Although I can make bombs, I'm not an expert."

"Jiuchi, you don't have to worry about these things, just ask for what you need, and I will send someone to help you get it!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"General, in fact, I think the Sakai advance team is more suitable than me, because they have more experience than me."

"Kiichi, the Sakai advance team has other tasks, and I don't think so. I think you are much better than Sakai Kurihan and the others. At least the tasks assigned to you have been successfully completed."

Seeing that Ying Zuo Zhenzhao was so persistent, Qi Rui knew that he had made up his mind, and asked, "General, are you going to ask me to find someone to take it with me in the Jiuchi mansion?"

"Hisaki, like Sakai Kurihan, you can also select suitable personnel from the dispatched army."

"General, you must have a China pass to go there, and you must know everything about us with the God-killing Operation Team."

"Jiuchi, I'm not asking you to come over right away, I just want you to start planning and come up with a complete plan. I think it will take some time. We will discuss it together when the time comes."

"Okay, then I'll think about it after I go back." It's better not to go right away, at least I can make some preparations during this period.

Qi Rui went back to the hotel and told Fu Yingxue about it, and asked, "Xue'er, what do you think we should do?"

Fu Yingxue didn't know what to do, so she asked, "This is really difficult, why don't I ask the chief to see what they mean?"

"I have to ask Dai about this matter, otherwise I can't do it with a team of people."

"Yeah, since you brought people there, you must take action, but any action in Chongqing will hurt your own people, but if you don't do anything, then you can't explain to the devil."

"Well, Xue'er, you can contact the organization and see what the chief has to say. I'll discuss it with Sixth Brother."

At night, Qi Rui put on makeup and went to Zheng Yaoxian. After meeting him and explaining the situation to him, he asked, "Sixth brother, what do you think I should do?"

"Let you go to Chongqing to get a revenge team like the God-killing Action Team?"

"Yeah, Brother Six, how can you do this!"

"You should contact the boss yourself, ask him what to do, and tell him that this is the death order of Kagezuo Zhenzhao, and you must go there." Zheng Yaoxian said,
Qi Rui immediately sent a telegram to Dai, and it took more than half an hour to call back, saying that he didn't know what to do.

"Sixth brother, if this is the case, it seems that I can't be a devil anymore!" Qi Rui said,
If Qi Rui does not take the place of Shunfu Jiuchi, it will definitely be a loss to all parties, because no one can take his place. Zheng Yaoxian regretfully asked: "Xiao Jiu, is there any other way?"

"Kagezuo Zhenzhao listened to Matsumoto Shigeharu's suggestion. He insisted that I form such an action team to go to Chongqing. What do you want me to do? Is it possible to carry out several assassinations and bombings!" Qi Rui ask,

"Then what should you do with such a mess?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"What can I do, I can only withdraw as much as I can."

"Then Rouge and Chen Jiaying must also evacuate."

"So now I'm going to start preparing."

"Will we not be able to get the information inside the devil after that?"

"Not necessarily, I will definitely think of other ways."

"Xiao Jiu, you'd better ask Boss Dai first before making a decision." Zheng Yaoxian didn't dare to give Qi Rui an idea because this decision was too important.

Qi Rui sent a telegram to Dai again, telling him that if Yingzuo Zhenzhao insisted on forming such an action team, he would have to evacuate Shanghai or go underground.

Chongqing Military Control Bureau
"Boss, Xiao Jiu has already done a lot, and what he said is also reasonable. If the devil insists on letting him bring a team to Chongqing, that's the only way to go. Otherwise, what will you ask Xiao Jiu to do?" Xu Baichuan asked.
"The little devil really knows how to find someone!" Dai was also very regretful, because he worried that he would never be able to obtain as important military information as before.

"Boss, how about this, call back first and let Xiao Jiu bring the team, and we will discuss the countermeasures after meeting." Xu Baichuan said,

"You're right, come here first and then think of a solution. If it doesn't work, let Xiaojiu continue to trick her."

Qi Rui looked at the call back and said: "Brother Six, the boss means that I will take the action team over there first, and we will discuss it after we meet. This is not impossible, but I must make some preparations in advance. Evacuate."

"Xiao Jiu, do you want them to join your action team?" Zheng Yao asked first if he wanted to evacuate safely.

"Yes, let the two of them go to Chongqing, one becomes a doctor and the other joins the military command. They are both talents, and Yingzuo should agree."

"Then all your previous arrangements have been disrupted."

"Then what to do, if I leave Shanghai, they will have to leave too."

"Xiao Jiu, I've thought through all aspects, and who else can be affected."

"Sixth brother, don't worry, even if I'm not a devil, I can still get some information." Qi Rui comforted,

"I'm too convinced of that."

"It's just a pity for Yan Zhi and Xiaoman's efforts." If Qi Rui leaves, it is certain that everyone related to him will evacuate, but he is sincerely reluctant, because the loss will not be small.

(End of this chapter)

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