Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 600? Lovely Comrade

Chapter 600 Lovely Comrade

Qi Rui's plan is quite vicious for the devils. His action team is still in the stage of establishing an intelligence network and preparing for it. He needs to go back to Nanjing to select the members of the action team. Therefore, he has the opportunity to implement a large-scale operation. assassination operations.

Qi Rui's targets are Kagesa Haruaki, Matsumoto Shigeharu, Imai Takeo and others, and he has already thought up the assassination plan.

"By the way, Xiao Jiu, you have evacuated all the important people from Shanghai. Didn't the devil become suspicious?" Dai asked,
"No, because Shunsuke Kuike was punished to go to the combat unit, and part of his assets in Shanghai were confiscated, because the action team needed to establish an intelligence network here. Kagezuo asked me to choose people myself, and I also took advantage of this People on the bright side all evacuated to engage in the so-called intelligence network.”

"What a pity!" Dai was a little bit reluctant to let go of the business in Zhuang Xiaoman's hands, but how did he know that Qi Rui had already prepared for it, and now those businesses still belonged to him and Zhuang Xiaoman, but they were just managed by the Li family.

Boss Dai also felt that doing this now would be the most beneficial, and asked, "Then do you need to prepare for a few days?"

"That is, according to Shunsuke Kuike's plan, he needs to establish an intelligence network first, which will definitely take some time, and I will stay in Chongqing for a few days before leaving." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, you have done a great job in this operation again, here is the bonus! And you have added another medal! I will keep it for you." Dai said, pushing a small box of gold bars to Qi Rui, and There is a fourth-class Yunhui medal.

Qi Rui was not interested in these medals at all, he accepted the gold bars and said with a smile: "Boss, rest assured that the medals will be added soon!"

"Xiao Jiu, if you can kill Yingzuo Zhenzhao again, it will be worth it. I agree with the plan." Dai also figured it out. Qi Rui has been in the job for three years and Chi Junfu, and the credits he has made are beyond counting. There are several medals alone, and besides, a person as capable as Xiao Jiu, even if he doesn't pretend to be a devil, will definitely achieve great things. He also firmly believes that Xiao Jiu will always be his trump card.

Xu Baichuan left the Dai mansion with Qi Rui in his arms, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Jiu, do you still want to play with your confidante friends this time?"

"That's for sure, fourth brother, what happened to Qiao Yu recently?" Before Qi Rui came, he deliberately inquired about the whereabouts of Araki Yui and the gangster Chen Shan, but they all disappeared, including Chen Shan's younger sister Chen Xia. It is guessed that Yui Araki and Chen Shan have already arrived in Chongqing.

"Qiao Yu has always been like that, Xiao Jiu, we have raised him for almost three years, can we catch big fish?" Xu Baichuan asked,
"I promise, I will come back this time to help you make great contributions."

"Haha, it's better to be my old brother, tell me what's great about it?"

"Did Xiao Zhengguo go to Shanghai a few days ago?"

"Yes! I went to perform a mission, but it seems that I came back a few days late, saying that I was injured." Xu Baichuan said,

"That's right!"

"What's right?"

"Fourth brother, you find a way to get Chen Shan out alone, I want to interrogate him." Qi Rui said,
"This is easy to handle, leave it to me."

"Fourth brother, is there still a house? I have several people who are not enough to live in."

"The boss has already prepared it for you, here is the key."


"Xiao Jiu, this car is also prepared for you."

"Sensible! Hahaha..."

Qi Rui sent Xu Baichuan to the Military Command Bureau and then drove to find the clinic opened by Chen Jiaying. Fu Yingxue and Lan Rouge were also here to help pack things.

"Brother Rui!" Lan Yanzhi saw Qi Rui screaming like a child, she could see that she was very relaxed now,
"Yanzhi, why are you so happy?" Qi Rui sincerely hoped that Yanzhi could be like this forever, because this is what she should have at her age.

"Of course I'm happy not to have to look at the faces of those traitors and devils!"

"Then let's have fun for a few days."

"Why, do I have to go back?"

"If you don't want to go back, you won't go back."

"I'll go wherever the team leader tells me to go! I'm a good comrade, hehe..."

"Hehe, our Rouge is the cutest." Qi Rui liked to scrape Rouge's small nose,

Both Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying could see that Qi Rui really liked this girl, and said with a smile, "Qi Rui, do you really intend to let Rouge stay in Chongqing?"

"No, I want her to go to Yan'an to study for a period of time, and then we can talk about where to go after returning to the team." Qi Rui said directly,
"Brother Rui, you told me to go to Yan'an!?" Lan Rouge had always wanted to visit the Holy Land of Revolution, because she wanted to see with her own eyes why Qi Rui and Xue Yingxue believed so firmly in communism.

"Don't you want to go?"

"Think!" Lan Rouge hurried over and hugged Qi Rui's arm, acting coquettishly and cutely,

"Going to study will be of great benefit to you. Let Sister Xue'er contact you later, and let the organization send someone to pick you up."

Rouge is a member of Miaodao's group, especially a person cultivated by Miaodao himself. The organization will definitely pay attention to it. Qi Rui asked her to go to let her fully understand what her beliefs are.

"Sister Jiaying, the organization didn't let Brother Tang Ling come back, I'll ask the organization to send two people to help you later." Qi Rui said,
"I also follow the arrangement of the team leader." Chen Jiaying imitated Lan Rouge's tone and said,

"Xue'er, please contact the organization and send someone over as soon as possible. I will pick you up at night. You are all dressed nicely."

"Are you still going out?"

"I have important things to do."

"I'm Fu Yingxue now, take me with you!"

"That is required!"

Qi Rui drove to the attendant's room and called Ouyang He to ask him out.

"Qi Rui! When did you come?" Ouyang He was also very well informed, knowing that he was responsible for the two bombings in Shanghai.

"Did you miss me?"

"You're so talkative! What are you doing here this time?"

"Get in the car, I'll take you to play."

Ouyang He got into the car, Qi Rui said: "Beautiful Ouyang, do you still keep in touch with Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li?"

"Don't keep in touch, why are you doing it? You can't see someone?"

"How is that possible? I have a wife." Qi Rui laughed.
"Do you have a wife? Really or not!"

"of course it's true."

"Then you still hook up with me!?" Ouyang He asked unhappy,
"I'm wronged! Miss Ouyang, I'm so close to you because you're my comrade!"

"Those earthy love stories are all fake?" Ouyang He deliberately teased Qi Rui to pretend to be distraught and asked,
How could Qi Rui fail to see that Ouyang He was joking with himself, he said solemnly: "Ouyang! I knew you liked me, but in fact I don't have a wife, and you will be my wife from now on!"

"Stinky boy! You took advantage of me, I will tell the chief that you are bullying!" Ouyang He stretched out his hand and slapped Qi Rui lightly,
"Haha, Comrade Ouyang, haven't you been so relaxed for a long time?"

As an underground worker lurking in the enemy's core department, Qi Rui knows what kind of life she lives every day, and he is also very happy to see her smiling so happily and relaxedly.

(End of this chapter)

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