Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 601 Am I Amazing?

Chapter 601 Am I Amazing?
In order not to make mistakes, Ouyang He has always been a cool person. If it is not ordered by her superiors, she will try to avoid participating in any activities.

"Just kidding, can't I be wrong, my big beauty Ouyang, as long as I arrive in Chongqing, I have a very special mission!" Qi Rui patted her shoulder lightly and said,

"What mission?"

"My special mission is to make Miss Ouyang happy! And it must be done." After finishing speaking, Qi Rui laughed innocently, he will not play any tricks when dealing with his comrades, it is completely true.

After Ouyang He knew that Qi Rui was his comrade, he also treated him like a relative, and said, "Then I will punish you for bringing me with you every day in Chongqing!"

"According to the order!"

Ouyang He was amused by Qi Rui again, and said: "'s just fun to be with you, tell me what you are doing this time."

Qi Rui said with a smirk: "This time I will take you to catch the spies and protect my own people."

"Who is still one of us?"

"You'll know then!"

"By the way, I've always wanted to ask you a question."


"Did you already know that I am like you?"

"It's true, from the first moment I saw you, I knew we were definitely the same person." Qi Rui said,
"You knew it in Shanghai?"

"I lied to you as a puppy."

"How did you know?"

Qi Rui drove the car and said in a low voice mysteriously: "I'll tell you a secret. I have a very special ability, that is, meeting people. How else would I have known that you must be my comrade? To know you The level of secrecy is about the same as mine."

"You're kidding me again!"

"I'm really not joking with you, it's true, but not everyone can see it, and I can only see special comrades."

"What's so special about me?"

"You are not special. You are a super beautiful woman with such a rich family, but you choose to give up your pen and serve the country. You should have known very early on that the hope of our country is definitely not Chongqing, so you chose Yan'an."

"What is this special! You will lie to me."

"I really didn't lie to you, and many times I can still see who is a traitor and an enemy." Qi Rui said,
"The more you talk, the more amazing you are!"

"Did you know it after following me for a few days, so it shouldn't delay your work?"

"As long as I can be with you, I would rather miss work for a few days."

"Then let's interrogate someone first."

When he came to the single room of the teahouse that he had agreed with Xu Baichuan, he really got Chen Shan, the fake Xiao Zhengguo.

Ouyang He knew Xiao Zhengguo, and asked, "Chief Xiao, why are you here?"

"Oh! I was called by the fourth brother." Chen Shan didn't know Ouyang He actually, and he said perfunctorily with flickering eyes,
Qi Rui pulled Ouyang He to sit down, he looked at Chen Shan carefully and asked: "Did Yui Araki come too?"

Chen Shan trembled when he heard this, but he didn't answer, but looked at the strange person in front of him, because at this moment, Chen Shan very much hoped that someone could help him, but he didn't trust the people in the army, especially the one who saw him. People who have never met.

Qi Rui continued to ask: "Chen Shan, if you tell me, I'll help you find Chen Xia, and I promise to cure her eyes."

"Can you really help me find Chen Xia?" Chen Shan came here to ask for his sister,
"I promise, but you have to tell me where Yui Araki is?"

"I don't know either. This person and a woman named Hideko Chida were the ones who contacted me."

"So they are in Chongqing?"

"Yes, my sister doesn't know where they are hiding."

"Don't worry, you can do whatever Yui Araki asks you to do, just tell the fourth brother in advance." Qi Rui said,
"By the way, Yui Araki told me that there is a Japanese spy code-named Sakura in the military." Chen Shan said,
"You don't need to worry about this person, he can't run away."

"Then can you catch Yui Araki and Hideko Chida?"

"I can't catch it for now, because your sister is still in their hands. For your sister, you may need to go back to Shanghai with them. After you find Chen Xia, it's not too late for them to die." Qi Rui said,
"That means I'm still at their mercy?"

"Well, temporarily, don't worry."

"Sir, what about Yu Xiaowan if I continue acting like this?"

"Yu Xiaowan didn't like you in the first place, you just keep making her look down on you, and tell her your real identity later, she will forgive you." Qi Rui said,
"Okay! I know how to do it!" Chen Shan said,
"Okay, you can't come out for too long, because that cherry blossom is still watching you, go back, if anyone asks, just say that the fourth brother asked you something about Shanghai."

After Chen Shan left, Xu Baichuan asked in surprise: "Xiao Jiu, how do you know this is not Xiao Zhengguo?"

"How could I not know, Shang Mansion was established by me, and I know them well."

"Who is this Chen Shan?"

"Chen Shan is a gangster in the alley in Shanghai. Xiao Zhengguo was beaten to death by his own people during his mission. Araki Yui accidentally found that Chen Shan was exactly like Xiao Zhengguo, so he trained him to pretend to be Xiao Zhengguo and sneak into the Military Command Bureau." Qi Rui said.

"Then shall I wait for news from Chen Shan?" Xu Baichuan asked.
"Fourth brother, Yui Araki is the second-in-command of the Shang Mansion, and Hideko Chida is the captain of the action team. They will definitely issue mission instructions to Chen Shan. It is important to know their whereabouts, so they must be eliminated!"

"Then do you know what they want to do?" Xu Baichuan asked.
"This time Yui Araki should be targeting our secret arsenal around Chongqing."

"Are they trying to blow up our arsenal?"

"That's right!"

"Then you said just now that you would let Yui Araki go back?"

"I'm just comforting Chen Shan. If there is a chance to catch Yui Araki and Hideko Chida, it would be great."

"Ninth Brother, what about Chen Xia you mentioned?" Ouyang He asked,
"In a few days, when I go back to Shanghai, I will go directly to the Shang Mansion to find someone. Yui Araki is not there, so it's useless for Xiao Hinata to keep a blind man in Bailang." Qi Rui said,
"Then I'll go back and listen to the letter?" Xu Baichuan asked tactfully.
"Fourth brother, go back and find out for me whether Fei Zhengpeng is imprisoning a man named Ma Xiangshan."

"You know this too!?"

"Fourth brother, go and help me take a look." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I'll go right now."

"Fourth brother, I won't have dinner with you tonight." Qi Rui said,
"There are so many beauties around you, so you can still take care of your fourth brother! Give me time tomorrow, why don't you let my brother perform well." Xu Baichuan originally planned to clean up Qi Rui's dust today, because he has a beautiful woman. Accompany me, so don't disturb others' interest.

"Okay! Fourth brother please invite me tomorrow!"

After Xu Baichuan left, Qi Rui asked Ouyang He: "How about it, am I very good?"

(End of this chapter)

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