Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 602 Infatuated Species

Chapter 602 Infatuated Species

Qi Rui is not good, and Ouyang He would not have thought of absorbing him into the organization before, and said with a smile: "Anyway, you are so talkative that you claim to be the second, and no one dares to say that you are the first."

"Haha, that's what you say about me."

"Ninth brother, is Ma Xiangshan one of us?" Ouyang He asked,
"No, but he has relatives who may belong to us, but this person will tell a news about the safety of our comrades." Qi Rui said,
"You want to kill him?"

"That's unnecessary, I've already figured out a countermeasure."

"Where are we going now?"

"Call Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li and ask them to play at the Queen's Ballroom tonight."

"Why are you so interested in the two of them? Could it be that one of them is the one you mentioned! It must be Zhang Li, right?"

"I won't tell you yet."


"Beauty Ouyang, after Fang Rui died, did Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li feel sad?" Qi Rui asked,

"I'm sad, especially Yu Xiaowan who cried several times because of her sadness. She didn't want to wear the clothes you bought and put them away." Ouyang He finished speaking and asked, "What capacity did you meet them this time?"

"This time it's Fang Qi, Fang Rui's younger brother."

"Are you sure you won't be recognized by them?" The current Qi Rui basically looks like the deity, and Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li have never seen each other before.

"It's normal for brothers to look alike, and Fang Rui's burial was quite a scene at the time, so they probably wouldn't think too much about it." Qi Rui looked at his watch and said, "I'll send you to the hotel first, and then I'll pick you up." .”

"Can I see you?"

"Yes, they are both big beauties like you, and they are all assistants to Qi Rui, the ace agent of the military command, just like you were when I went offline when you were in Shanghai, because my identity may change after a while, so I have to let them Transfer to Chongqing." Qi Rui said,
"It's all your daughter-in-law?"

"That can't be, one elder sister, one younger sister, and the other is the daughter-in-law." Qi Rui laughed,
"I'd like to see if they're all as pretty as me."

Qi Rui sent Ouyang He to the hotel first, and then went to pick up Chen Jiaying, Lan Yanzhi, and Fu Yingxue, and told them in advance: "You will meet Ouyang He from the attendant's room later. If you encounter any difficulties in Chongqing, you can find him." She helps."

"Do you know all the girls in the attendant's room?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"When I first arrived in Shanghai, she was a member of our military command, and Rouge knew her." Qi Rui said,
"Are you talking about sister Ouyang He?"

"Still Rouge is smart."

"Sister Ouyang is different, I used to envy her very much." Lan Yanzhi said,

"She is indeed very good, otherwise how could she enter the attendant's room." Qi Rui said,
When he came to the hotel, Qi Rui made an introduction, and told Ouyang He that Chen Jiaying would open a clinic in Chongqing and let her take care of her in the future.

Ouyang He readily agreed, because this was a help from a friend, and Qi Rui is the ace agent of the military command, so Chen Jiaying's identity is naturally related to the military command, as for the others, Ouyang He knows it well.

After dinner, everyone went to the Queen's Ballroom. Chen Jiaying, Lan Rouge and Fu Yingxue were no strangers to such occasions. Qi Rui first asked Jiaying to dance.

"Sister Jiaying, when we are away, we can find Ouyang He for anything. I invited her here to introduce you." Qi Rui said,
"The person you fancy must be right."

"Sister Jiaying, once my identity is exposed, your side will immediately go underground, because there is a person in Chongqing with Yingzuo Zhenzhao, who has not been found yet."

"Then is it okay for us to play like this?"

"Aren't we now just to build an intelligence network, and it doesn't matter if the devil knows."

"That's why you simply put on makeup?"

"Sister Jiaying, if my identity is exposed, you will be in danger in Chongqing. Why don't you go to your hometown?"

"Just don't forget that I'm your team member."

"That will definitely not be forgotten."

"Ouyang!" Yu Xiaowan yelled at Zhang Li, the sister who had her beheaded and changed her life, when she saw Ouyang He coming over.

"Xiaowan, Zhang Li, you guys are here! Let me introduce some friends to you." Qi Rui must have a purpose for calling them here, and Ouyang He knew it was definitely not because they were beauties.

"Fang Qi! Why do you look so familiar to me?" Because Qi Rui didn't pretend to be in front of them, both Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li seemed to have seen this person somewhere.

"It should be familiar, because I have an older brother named Fang Rui."

"So you are Fang Rui's younger brother! No wonder."

"Who killed your brother?" Zhang Li asked.

"The ghost spy who killed him is dead. I am very happy to see my brother's beautiful friend today, so don't mention those unpleasant things."

The few women around Qi Rui are more beautiful than each other. When the music starts, many men come to ask them to dance, but they don't want to be rejected by all of them.

"Xiaowan! Why don't you tell me when you're here." A face that deserves to be punched appeared in front of Yu Xiaowan again, who else would it be if it wasn't Zhou Haichao? hold on.

Qi Rui looked at Zhou Haichao with some regrets, because whoever was in the special training camp with him was not an anti-Japanese hero, only he would kill his own people, if he hadn’t killed Xiao Zhengguo, Araki would have no chance to send Chen Shan to lurk in the military command .

"Why should I tell you! Hurry up and cool off and stay there." After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaowan took Fang Qi's hand and said, "Fang Qi, let's go dancing."

Seeing Qi Rui and Yu Xiaowan enter the dance floor to dance, Ouyang He said to Fu Yingxue in a low voice: "Yu Xiaowan is married, and her husband is Xiao Zhengguo from the military."

"Then this person knows she's married and still keeps pestering her?" Fu Yingxue asked seeing Zhou Haichao staring at Yu Xiaowan on the dance floor in a daze,

"I don't want to die."

Zhou Haichao is not lustful, he really likes Yu Xiaowan, even to the point of madness, that's why he shot Xiao Zhengguo, and he doesn't care about Xiao Zhengguo's return, if he can kill Xiao Zhengguo once, he can kill him a second time, for Yu Xiaowan Tonight he would do anything.

Qi Rui knows that he is an infatuated kind, but he and Yu Xiaowan are not the same at all, because sooner or later Xiaowan will wear the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, but Zhou Haichao is going further and further, and finally he is willing to be a traitor. This time, the solution This Zhou Haichao is also one of Qi Rui's goals.

"Xiao Wan, I heard you are married?" Qi Rui asked during the dance,

"I'm married, but I don't marry the person I like."

"Is it arranged by the parents?"


"Now it's not suitable and you can get a divorce. Is there any fear that no one will pursue a beautiful woman like Ms. Yu?"

"You said Zhou Haichao, he is very kind to me, he can be crazy with me, and he can also play with me. He always appears when I need it, but I don't like it."

"There is another person who stares at you as soon as he comes, who is he?" Qi Rui asked melancholy when he saw Chen Shan wearing a military uniform at the bar,

"He is my current husband, Xiao Zhengguo." Yu Xiaowan said contemptuously,
(End of this chapter)

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