Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 614 Shunsuke Kuike's Last Assassination Mission

Chapter 614 Shunsuke Kuike's Last Assassination Mission
Qi Rui readily agreed to their request, so three days later, all the Bloodfang Ghost Riders followed Qi Rui to Changsha on horseback.

On the way, Qi Rui asked Deng Gu and Liu Qing where they are now. In the end, Zuo Zhi, the sixth head of the family, told the truth that they had voted for the Communist Party, but no one knew where they were now.

After Qi Rui arrived in Changsha, Fu Yingxue immediately asked Fu Yingxue to contact the organization and asked them to investigate Deng Gu and Liu Qing. If they found out, they hoped that the organization could transfer them to the independent group.

The Miaodao team's request will generally be fully supported by the organization. In addition, it has been heard that Miaodao has absorbed the Bloodfang Ghost Rider from Xiangxi to join the team, so it must fully support it.

It has been half a month since the team arrived at Tianmu Mountain, where they joined Zhou Daliang and his group of more than 600 people, so that Qi Rui's independent group had more members than Fang Tianyi's independent group.

Qi Rui set up a cavalry company based on the Bloodfang Ghost Cavalry, and Twelve Mountain Wangzhai also formed a company, and then asked them to train according to the training outline, and also fulfilled the promise, and replaced each of them with a big eight-grain rifle.

What made Qi Rui happy was that on the second day after they arrived at Tianmu Mountain, Deng Gu and Liu Qing arrived with a dozen comrades. It turned out that they were in the ranks of the New Fourth Army near Jingdezhen, and the organization sent them to join the independent regiment. Help Qi Rui do the ideological work of Blood Fang Ghost Rider.

Qi Rui asked Li Xiaonan to focus on the political and ideological work in Twelve Mountain Wangzhai. The previous team has been fully on track, so he can complete his plan with confidence.

"Brother, they still have to train for a while, are you so relieved to leave?" Hearing that Qi Rui was going to Nanjing, Zhou Daliang asked,

"The next step is training. You are already familiar with this. I will be back in a few days. Then we will have a battle to fight."

"Brother, the soldiers have long been looking forward to the day!" Zhou Daliang said,
"You go by yourself?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"Take Song Jian and Tang Rui, and the others will stay for training. We'll be back soon. After we come back, we'll fight the puppet army and devils!" Qi Rui said excitedly.

"Be careful." Fu Yingxue warned,
Six days later, Qi Rui knocked on Yingzuo Zhenzhao's office alone with a stack of documents: "General!"

Kagezuo Zhenzhao raised his eyes and saw Shunsuke Kuike and said in surprise, "Kagechi! You're back!"

"Hayi! General, everything is going according to plan. I have recruited a bandit team of more than 100 people for my own use. As long as these people are given money, they will even kill their parents!" Qi Rui said a little proudly,
Yingzuo Zhenzhao praised: "Haha, many Chinese people are like this, Jiu Chi! You are doing very well, how is it going well in Chongqing?"

"It went very well. Zhuang Xiaoman's Hongyuan company has been established, and Chen Jiaying's clinic has also opened. They will all collect information for our Great Japanese Empire."

"So, is it time to form your action team?"

"Yes! If I go again, I must bring an action team with strong action capabilities. This team must include blasting experts, gunpowder manufacturing experts, firearms experts, reconnaissance experts, and at least two sharp snipers. There must also be a top-level machine gunner and mortar player, as well as a correspondent and a bomb disposal expert." Qi Rui said,
"Yoxi, Hisashi-kun, it seems that you already have a very mature plan!"

"I also ask the general to support me a lot!"

"This is for sure."

"General, I still have some things to discuss with you and President Matsumoto. It is best for the general to invite the person in charge of the dispatched army, because I need to choose from the dispatched army for machine gunners, mortars, scouts, and engineers. There is also a set of action plans for you to review, and I hope you can give me some useful corrections." Qi Rui said,
Yingzuo Zhenzhao did not doubt that he was there, and immediately agreed: "This is no problem, how about it, I will immediately ask the dispatched army to help you select the best fighters, and then you will choose from among them yourself."

"General, I still need two sword masters, preferably those who are above the seventh dan and know how to use firearms."

"That's fine. President Matsumoto should have found it for you. In the end of three days, if you come to the meeting room, I will ask them to bring you all the people."

"Okay, General, we will meet again in three days!"

"Well! Jiuchi, you have to prepare well these two days, and don't let the generals of the dispatched army look down upon you!"


Qi Rui's plan was half successful, and he went to see Zheng Yaoxian the next day.

"Brother Six! The boss has agreed to my plan."

"Is it really wrong to be Shunsuke Kuchi?" Zheng Yaoxian still asked regretfully,
"I really can't play this role anymore. If I want to play it, I have to really wreak havoc in Chongqing. How can I do that?" Qi Rui said,
"It's a pity." Zheng Yaoxian sighed,
"Sixth brother, although Shunsuke Kuike's mission will be completed soon, you can rest assured that I will get important information about the Japanese army!" Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, will you be the same as us in the future?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"It should be about the same. Didn't I form a task force, which now has more than a thousand people, and I will lead them to fight guerrillas in the future!" Qi Rui said,
"There are so many people!" Zheng Yao first heard Jing Yun and the others talk about the task force.

"I recruited 500 bandits from western Hunan, plus the previous [-] people, now we can conduct small-scale corps operations."

"Xiao Jiu, you are really good, and you can actually lead a team to fight." Zheng Yaoxian admired,

"Sixth Brother, you can't do without fighting, because the puppet government and devils are going to join forces to wipe out the base areas of the New Fourth Army. We must stop and disintegrate their campaign."

"Xiao Jiu! I really want to fight with you!"

"That can't be done, Sixth Brother, you don't want to change your army by yourself. It's a waste of talent to go to the front line to fight."

"What you said, you are not the same person."

"I'm the one who moves my mouth, so don't worry, brother six, I will definitely pay attention to safety."

"Xiao Jiu, you must protect yourself no matter what, because a genius like you is needed on the hidden front." Zheng Yaoxian still thinks that Qi Rui should continue his intelligence work,
Qi Rui naturally knew better than Brother Six what to do next, and said, "Brother Six, I will be back soon, I know where I am most needed."

Qi Rui had already made preparations when he left Shanghai, because the assassination plan had already been designed at that time, and it was very easy for him to realize this plan.

Three days later, Qi Rui came to the conference room designated by Yingzuo Zhenzhao ahead of time with his bag on his back. He first placed the prepared documents on the conference table one by one. When there was no one, he put the four time bombs he brought on hidden corners of the meeting room and under the meeting table.

(End of this chapter)

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