Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 615 Taking advantage of the ultimate identity

Chapter 615 Taking advantage of the ultimate identity
Qi Rui did it ruthlessly. This is the office of Kagesa Haruka at the headquarters of the dispatched army in Japan. He also has a position as the deputy commander of the dispatched army.

Qi Rui's four time bombs are specially made, although they are small in size, they are full of power. Qi Rui's timer is 10 minutes, and now there are only 24 minutes left to leave the meeting, and Qi Rui only has 5 minutes to evacuate .

Isn't Qi Rui afraid that Yingzuo Zhenzhao and the others will be late? He is not very worried about this, because the Japanese are still very punctual. If someone is late, Qi Rui can only choose to evacuate early.

One bomb under the table is enough to blow up the person in this meeting room, and he puts three bombs in other places, targeting the office on the upper floor of the office building, because above the meeting room is the office of the staff of the dispatched army, and there are at least two bombs every day. Thirty staff officers are busy.

Seeing that the time for the meeting was approaching, Shigeharu Matsumoto came first. He also brought two ronin wearing samurai hakamas. Although he didn't carry a sword, he could tell at a glance that they were two sword masters.

"President Matsumoto!" Qi Rui shouted full of admiration,
"Oh! Nakasa Hisaike, I heard that you have completed part of the plan?" Shigeharu Matsumoto asked with a smile on his face.
"Yes, all the preliminary work has been completed. I came back this time mainly to form an action team. Thanks to President Matsumoto for his support!" Qi Rui gave Matsumoto Shigeharu a deep bow after speaking.

"Come on! Let me introduce you." Shigeharu Matsumoto called the two ronin to him with a smile and said, "Jiuchi, they are Komatsu Soren and Kuuchi Reyo, both of whom are nine-dan kendo masters. I hope you can do more in the future." guide them."

"Hello, Chief Kuchi!" The two ronin bowed and shouted in unison.
"Hello, you should know how to use firearms, right?"

"Report to Chief Jiuchi, we have practiced marksmanship for a year, and both long and short spears are fine." The two replied in unison,
"Very good. I am sure that the person introduced by President Matsumoto is at ease. We will get to know each other well after the meeting." Qi Rui said,

The two ronin left the conference room under Matsumoto Shigeharu's order, and after waiting for more than ten minutes, Kagesa Haruaki, Imai Takeo, and three officers Qi Rui didn't know came in together.

"General!" Qi Rui stood up and greeted,
"Jiuchi! They are all officers of the dispatched army headquarters, and the people you want are already in place. They will take you to pick people after the meeting!" Kagezuo Zhenzhao said,
"Thank you, General! Thank you, officers!"

"Okay, let's have a meeting!"

"General! Senior officers, all of my plans are in front of you. I would like to ask the general and the senior officers to see if there is any problem."

All six people in the conference room, including Matsumoto Shigeharu, picked up the documents. In fact, Qi Rui prepared more than a dozen copies, because he also hoped that Kagesa Haruka would bring a few people from the intelligence department, but it seems that he did not want to let other intelligence Departments know their action groups.

Several officers just took a look, the door was pushed open, and Song Jian, who was wearing a Japanese captain's uniform, came in and whispered a few words to Qi Rui, then bowed and turned to leave.

Qi Rui said to Yingzuo Zhenzhao with a little surprise: "General, you should look at the plan first, I'll be back soon after I go out."

"Jiuchi, did something happen?" Ying Zuo asked,

"General, I'll tell you when I come back. It should be good news. I'll go and arrange it first." Qi Rui left the meeting room after finishing speaking.

Song Jian entered the meeting room according to the agreed time, just to give Qi Rui a reason to leave. After he came out, Qi Rui and Song Jian went downstairs quickly.

Song Jian looked around and asked in a low voice, "Brother, how long is it before the explosion?"

"Less than 5 minutes, let's go quickly." Qi Rui wrote several pages of plans, and Yingzuo Zhenzhao and the others would have to think about it for 10 minutes after reading it.
Qi Rui and Song Jian should not be too anxious, otherwise they will attract attention. They left the office building in 3 minutes at the normal speed, and it took exactly 4 minutes to drive away from the gate of the headquarters.

The moment their car drove out of the gate, there was a loud explosion sound, and the simultaneous explosion of four time bombs was powerful enough to blow off half a floor.

Qi Rui looked back, and saw that the fourth and fifth floors of the five-story Japanese headquarters had been bombed and collapsed, and the fourth floor was still on fire, and the entire headquarters was in chaos.

"Brother, it worked!" Song Jian exclaimed while driving.

"The operation this time is actually very simple, because I am the lieutenant officer of the devil, and I have a pass signed by Kagezuo Shakiaki, no one checks my backpack at all."

"Brother, from now on, your identity will be tantamount to revealing your identity to the devil, right?"

"That's for sure, so we need to act according to the plan, drive the car to the appointed place quickly, and we will change trains to the train station immediately. Before the devil reacted and closed the city, the train we took just left Nanjing Station."

When Qi Rui spoke, he had already started to put on makeup, because the devil should be able to realize that the bombing was caused by Toshisuke Kuike, and the city will be closed immediately to pursue it. It happens that a train will leave in 10 minutes. Rui had asked Tang Rui to buy the tickets and wait.

Song Jian drove the car to the agreed place and the two got off. Jing Yun, who was already waiting here, immediately got in the car and continued to drive. Qi Rui and Song Jian got into a car driven by Jiang Tong and rushed to the train station.

Hisao Nishio's office was on the fifth floor, but he had escaped the disaster because he hadn't come yet. When he heard the news and rushed to the headquarters, dozens of dead bodies had already been covered with white cloth on the ground in the yard.

"What's going on here?" Hisao Nishio asked the people beside him.

"Reporting to the commander, someone installed several time bombs in the conference room on the fourth floor. The violent explosion has caused the fourth and fifth floors to collapse, and a fire broke out, causing serious casualties."

"Who's in the conference room?"

"At that time, General Kagesa, Colonel Imai, Colonel Matsushita, Colonel Yokoi, Nakasa Oshita, and President Shigeharu Matsumoto were in the meeting room!"

"Are they all at the center of the explosion?"

"Yes, General, the entire conference room collapsed, and our people have not yet entered."

"Do you know who did it?"

"Commander! According to the reports of the two ronin, Lieutenant Toshisuke Kuike left the meeting room 1 minute after the meeting, and the meeting room exploded less than 5 minutes after they left."

"Shunsuke Kuike!? Close the city immediately, and catch him!"

The news of the closure of the city was sent out half an hour after the explosion. At this time, Qi Rui, Song Jian, and Tang Rui were already on the train bound for Suzhou, and Jing Yun had already left the car they were driving near Zhonghuamen. .

"Xiaojiu and the others left?" Zheng Yaoxian knew that Xiaojiu did it when he heard that the headquarters of the devil's dispatch army exploded, because it was impossible for others to do it.

"Let's go by train in disguise."

"It turns out that this is the good news he said! This Xiaojiu really took advantage of Shunsuke Kuike's identity to the extreme!" Zheng Yaoxian sighed,

(End of this chapter)

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