Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 620 Lingchi Tactics

Chapter 620 Lingchi Tactics
Devil No. 20 Division [-] came to China and hadn’t suffered a lot. They bullied the common people and thought that any Chinese army would be vulnerable. When they got to the place, they didn’t let the puppet army attack first, but a whole brigade dispatched directly to the camp. Prepare to sneak attack.

Qi Rui had been prepared for a long time, and still pretended to suddenly discover the enemy's situation. The camp was full of shouts of enemy attack, and Shi Mujiro ordered to charge immediately.

"Kill the chicken!"

Ishiki Jiro was very satisfied with this sudden attack, but he was about to rush to the gate of the camp, but he didn't want the gunshots on the opposite side to become more and more intensive, and it was a Thompson submachine gun. All those who ran in front were brought down. Just lost hundreds.

Seeing that the casualties in this charge were a bit heavy, Ishiki Jiro immediately ordered the mortar bombardment. Before he fired the mortar, he threw hundreds of MK1 grenades from the camp. Because it was condescending, almost all the grenades were in the group of devils. explode.

Seeing how fast the enemy reacted, Ishiki Jiro scolded: "Baga, no wonder they were able to wipe out a squadron. Their combat experience is indeed rich, and they react so quickly."

Qi Rui had to be like this, otherwise there would be heavy casualties on his own side, this time he just hoped that the devils would think that the camp was indeed under a surprise attack before they evacuated, otherwise if they saw that there was an ambush ahead, the arrangement would be for nothing.

"Captain Shimu, they stopped attacking!" Meng Changshan said,

"Commander Meng, this time your army is charging! Hurry up!" Shi Mu urged,

Meng Changshan ordered a battalion to charge, but he didn't hear a single gunshot when he rushed to the gate of the camp.

"Report, the task force has escaped!"

After hearing this, Shi Mu rushed into the camp with the army, and sure enough, he found that the camp had all the daily utensils, some quilts were still warm, and there were still a small amount of guns and ammunition that he didn't have time to take away. He seemed to be fleeing in a hurry.

"Captain Shimu, the task force has escaped!"

"Immediately pursue! Hurry up and pursue!" Ishiki Jitaro waved his saber and ordered,

At this time, Wu Kuisheng's regiment and Hashimoto's brigade also rushed over when they heard the gunshots. Seeing that there were only a few soldiers in the camp taking care of the wounded and the spoils of war, they followed suit.

Qi Rui will never fight head-on with the devils and the puppet army. The purpose of the devils entering the mountain this time is to wipe out the independent regiment of the New Fourth Army in the mountain. They will not leave until they complete their mission, so Qi Rui is not worried that they will not chase after them.

Qi Rui's tactic is to eat these devils and puppet soldiers one by one. This will not only reduce his own casualties, but also train his own team's interspersed coordination. This is his Ling Chi tactic.

Qi Rui wants to tell the soldiers through actual combat that they should never confront the devils head-on unless it is absolutely necessary, and let the soldiers fully understand what guerrilla warfare is. We just want to play tactics flexibly with the devils.

The intelligence task force obtained by the devils was several hundred people. From the gunshots, it was estimated that the number of the attack just now was about 300 people. This task force was still the national army unit that the headquarters had been looking for, so the two devils The brigade pursued without hesitation.

"Brother, the devil is coming up! But the puppet army is in front."

"Whether it is the puppet army or the Japanese army that should be eliminated, we must destroy it! We must make a name for ourselves in this battle! Because our team will be called the Killing God Task Force from now on!" Qi Rui said,
"Brother, hearing this name makes me pee!" Zhou Daliang laughed.

"Not this time, but one day they will pee when they hear this name!" Qi Rui said, waving his fist,

The blood tooth ghost riders and the people from Twelve Mountain Kings Village were all in ambush here, and Qi Rui found that some of them were nervous, so he shouted loudly: "Twelve Mountain Kings Village, brothers of Blood Tooth Ghost Knights! After the battle, you will know that the little devil is just like the rabbit you hunted, and you will be killed with a single shot! When the time comes, follow my orders and use your skills to beat me! The time has come to serve the country!"

"Don't worry Boss Qi, we've been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Long Jingwei echoed first,

"Brothers, count the number of devils you have killed! Let's see who kills the most!" Duan Jie shouted,
"Four masters, who can compare to you except Boss Qi!"

I was quite nervous at first, but after saying this, everyone relaxed a lot. Qi Rui saw the vanguard of the puppet army on the mountain road with the scope of the sniper rifle and ordered: "Everyone be quiet! The little devil and the puppet army are here!"

Qi Rui's second ambush point is a narrow valley, a mountain road winds through the bottom of the valley, more than 300 people who have fought before are running in front, the puppet soldiers and devils can see their backs from a distance, so in the Behind is the accelerated speed to catch up.

Qi Rui let a regiment of puppet troops pass by, and when the devils in the middle reached the bottom of the valley, he ordered full fire. Shoot the puppet army.

This is a valley. Although weeds are overgrown, there is no place to hide. There are many puppet soldiers, but they are in a column, and there are only a hundred people who can exchange fire with the more than 300 people in front. The army and the devils were stuck in the valley.

Qi Rui arranged [-] light and heavy machine guns. Twelve Wangzhai and Xueya Guiqi were a little nervous when they started shooting, but after two shots, they saw the devils fell to the ground one by one, and they all let go. His marksmanship has also been brought into play.

Qi Rui shot and killed several devil machine gunners in a row, but he did not kill Ishiki Jiro, because the devil team still needed him to command, and he was worried that the puppet army would withdraw because of killing him.

After killing for 5 minutes, Qi Rui ordered everyone to throw grenades, no need to aim at all, who wouldn't throw grenades where there are many devils.

After everyone threw two grenades, Qi Rui ordered to retreat. With the sound of the explosion, the Twelve Kings Village and the Bloodfang Ghost Rider left the position without any casualties, and they were still running excitedly.

"I seem to have killed four devils!"

"Why is it still like that?"

"I saw the devil I was aiming at fell to the ground, but I wasn't sure if he was dead or not."

"Just hit it! I should count two kills. I don't know if the thrown grenade can kill a few."

"Boss Qi, I killed six!" Duan Hou said happily,

"Good kill, a brigade of more than 1000 devils, after these two ambushes, it is estimated that two-thirds will be left!" Qi Rui estimated the remaining strength of the devils and the puppet army.

"Boss Qi, why don't you kill for a while with such a good terrain and opportunity?" Tang Fu asked,

"The devils and puppet soldiers behind are following more than 3000 people. If they look back and go around the hillside, we won't be able to run. Remember, we must fight with our own safety." Qi Rui said,
"That's right, we can't ignore the puppet army."

"As long as it is an enemy, we must take it seriously, because if you don't kill him on the battlefield, he will kill you."

"Boss Qi, it's okay to look at the little devil like this. Why did the national army lose so much land?" Long Jingwei asked,
(End of this chapter)

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