Chapter 621
What's wrong with the little devil?After hearing this, Qi Rui hurriedly said: "We just encountered the devil infantry brigade of the second division, and we were prepared to launch an ambush. If we fight in a positional battle, we may not be able to take advantage of it. Besides, the most powerful devil is the plane. Cannon, so don't underestimate the enemy."

"Boss Qi, I saw the devil's war horse just now, it's really good!" Zhu Xing is not only good at martial arts, but also good at riding and shooting, and he likes horses the most.

"You're right. Although the devils are short and short, their war horses are really good. We will find a chance to grab some and bring them back. We must have such good war horses."

Qi Rui also had this idea a long time ago. Now the blood tooth ghosts are not riding them on war horses. The little devil cavalry are riding well-trained and real war horses.

At this time, the puppet army in front of the valley had already retreated. This time, the Shimu Battalion was hit hard again. Only 1000 people left in the team of more than 600 people could fight. The ambush in less than 5 minutes killed and injured nearly 300 of them. .

"Are you running again!?" Shi Mu just wanted to organize a counterattack, but there was no movement on the hillside.

"Captain Shimu, they ran away again!"

"How many people are there? There were more than 300 people before, and there were more than 400 people who ambushed us on the hillside. Didn't you say that the task force only had more than 500 people?" Shi Mu asked Meng Changshan.

"According to our intelligence task force, there are indeed only more than 500 people. Have we recruited people recently?"

"You said he was a new recruit, Baga, how is it possible, look at these soldiers who were shot and died."

Shi Mu inspected the corpses and observed carefully during the battle. He found that the enemy's marksmanship was very good, because most of them were directly hit by one shot or several shots (one was hit by several shots because of lack of combat experience, few Individuals shooting at an enemy simultaneously.)
"Their marksmanship seems to be really good." Meng Changshan said with the same feeling,
"It's not like, it's really good."

"Captain Shimu, should we still pursue?"

"What! Are you going to run away?"

"Don't dare! I didn't mean that."

"Then hurry up and chase after them! They escaped in embarrassment before, and they didn't have time to get the ammunition. This is a good opportunity to eliminate them! Hasn't the Hashimoto brigade already arrived, hurry up!" Shimu ordered.

Meng Changshan had no choice but to give the order to continue the chase, and Hashimoto's battalion and Wu Kuisheng's group greeted Ishiki Jiro and followed.

Ishiki Jiro left the army doctor and the lightly wounded to take care of the wounded. After making arrangements, he continued to chase with the rest of the troops.

Qi Rui and the others came to the second ambush point, where Li Xiaonan and more than 200 people were already waiting here.

Seeing that most of the more than 700 people who participated in the battle came back, all of them had triumphant smiles on their faces, Li Xiaonan said, "Brother Qi, it seems to be going well."

"The first battle took less than 3 minutes, and the second battle only took less than 5 minutes. Next, we should get serious." Qi Rui said,
"Brother Qi, the explosives have been planted according to your request!" Li Xiaonan said,

"Okay, it seems that the battle will be smoother than we expected." Qi Rui ordered: "All the ammunition is replenished and ready to fight."

At the second ambush point, everyone replenished the ammunition used in the previous battle. According to Qi Rui's request, everyone also received two MK1 grenades and hung them on their chests.

Yes, Qi Rui asked them to hang grenades on their chests like American soldiers. This has many advantages. The possibility of bullets hitting the grenade and detonating it is almost zero, because the position of the grenade is exactly where the heart and lungs are. It can also play a life-saving role in time, and it is also very convenient to use.

Now almost all the members of the task force are equipped with American equipment. This is one of Qi Rui's confidence to ambush five or six times the enemy's army with a team of thousands of people. With his familiarity with the terrain, Qi Rui can also avoid being caught by the enemy. bite.

"Little man, let the blaster listen to my order and detonate!"

"Yes! The blasting team is all ready!"

What Qi Rui used here was not a landmine, but a buried explosive that was detonated with a detonator, because it could kill the enemy more accurately.

"Brother Qi, the terrain here is suitable for ambushes at first glance, will the devils and puppet soldiers be fooled?" Zuo Zhi of the blood tooth ghost rider asked.
"They will definitely hesitate, which is exactly what we want." Qi Rui said,
"I don't understand. If they don't fall for the trick, aren't we ambushing for nothing?"

"If it's just the puppet army, it's very likely that they won't be fooled, but it's not necessarily true for the arrogant devils." Qi Rui said,
Even the little devils of the enemy army that are twice as large as our own will not be taken seriously. Seishiro Itagaki's 20 troops challenged the [-] Northeast Army, and half a division defeated more than [-] divisions of the National Army. This is an example for all Japanese troops.

The two regiments of Meng Changshan and Wu Kuisheng quickly caught up to the second ambush point. Seeing the terrain, the two did not dare to move forward. Koji Hashimoto immediately called them to him and asked, "Why did you stop?"

"Captain Hashimoto, the terrain ahead is very suitable for ambushes. Shall we send people to investigate first?" Meng Changshan asked.
Koji Hashimoto observed it with a telescope and found that it was indeed a valley that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. He asked, "Can we go around?"

"This is a group of mountains. If you go to other places, you don't know where you are going, and you don't know if you can catch up with the task force." Meng Changshan said,

"In that case, move on!" Hashimoto Koji ordered,

"Let's send a team to investigate, it's safer to do so."

Now the two regiments and one devil infantry brigade have all stopped at the mountain pass. Although they are in a column, the team is denser than when they were marching.

"Brother Qi, as you expected, they stopped!"

When laying out the battle plan, Qi Rui told Li Xiaonan that the devils and puppet soldiers would probably stop and watch here, so here Li Xiaonan planted two tons of explosives according to Qi Rui's instructions.

"Little man, order to detonate all the buried explosives!" Qi Rui ordered,

These explosives are also manufactured by Qi Rui's formula, and he also personally trained the blasting team to bury the explosives. Li Xiaonan sent a signal, and the team responsible for activating the detonator pressed the wired detonator at the same time.

More than 20 people pressed the detonators at the same time. The two tons of explosives prepared by Qi Rui for this battle were all detonated at the enemy's feet. The surrounding mountains trembled twice, and many puppet troops were blown into the air. A cloud of explosion smoke enveloped.

"Brother Qi, is it a good opportunity to charge and kill them at this time?" Zuo Zhi asked,

"Even if it's a desperate battle, it's not a good time to charge at this time. Although the explosion looks powerful, it can kill a small part of the enemy army, but because it is a column and the devils are behind, it will affect their combat effectiveness. It won't have much impact." Qi Rui said,
(End of this chapter)

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