Chapter 628
Mieko Sakai also agreed to Qi Rui's appointment with Masanori Tanaka, because she couldn't do it if she didn't agree. She knew very well that she was already under house arrest by the killing god, because she would not let Yunzi Takeuchi see her.

"Qi Jun, I really admire you. According to Sakai Kurifan's investigation, we know that Song Jian and Tang Rui both grew up in Japan. Why do they really become your people now?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"Because the two of them are originally Chinese, Tongwen Academy took them away from their parents when they were very young. Do you think they should be grateful?"

"Qi Rui, although I also hate this war, but we are in a hostile relationship now, will you really let us go?" Mieko Sakai asked,
"As long as you do as I said, I promise to let you go, because we were friends before, at least Shunsuke Kuike regarded you as friends." Qi Ruiwei said regretfully, since she and Takeuchi Judging from Yunzi's performance, they are indeed worth using.

"With your words, I feel a lot better." Mieko Sakai knew that she had no chance in front of Qi Rui and the others, so she didn't think about resisting at all.

Qi Rui asked Tang Rui to watch Mieko Sakai, and made breakfast for them at dawn. After eating, at ten past nine, Qi Rui asked them to call the target person to the designated place respectively.

Afterwards, Song Jian and Tang Rui followed them to the designated places respectively. Qi Rui called to imitate Yoshimasa Fujita's voice and asked Bi Zhongliang to attend a meeting in the special high school. Only he didn't dare to ask for verification, even if it was verified that Yoshimasa Fujita was not in the special high school now. class.

At the designated location, Chi Tiecheng, Su Wenqian, and Fu Yingxue were the main snipers, while Song Mian, Mingtai, Tan Lin, and Yu Manli were ready to ambush.

The appointments were all at ten o'clock, and around 55:[-], Masanori Tanaka and Yoshimasa Fujita were killed in front of Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi, and Bi Zhongliang was killed on the way to the special high school.

Only then did Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi know that they were being used by Qi Rui, and they immediately reported the matter to the dispatched army and the intelligence department after they escaped.

special committee

"Brother, Tanaka Masanori, Fujita Yoshimasa and Bi Zhongliang were killed by the God-killing Action Group at almost the same time. This has been confirmed by Takeuchi Yunko and Sakai Mieko, because they were the ones who invited people to the designated place and said they were killed by Qi Rui Coercion, these two people have been controlled by the Japanese." Mingcheng reported,

"Killing God just won the battle at Tianmu Mountain and returned to Shanghai so quickly. He really couldn't stay idle, but Yoshimasa Fujita killed him well, because he has been secretly investigating us during this time." Ming Lou said,
"Brother, should we contact Shashen? Now the Japanese are hunting them all over the city like crazy."

"If he has something to do, he will come to us. Let's go to the secret service headquarters immediately. After all, a director died, so we should go to comfort him." Ming Lou guessed that Qi Rui would come back, but he didn't expect to come back so soon, and Another event with such a big impact was done, the code name Killing God is really not for nothing.

Killing God again, Nishio Shouzo immediately asked the Garrison No.17 Mixed Brigade to assist the military police to blockade the city to search and arrest, and posted photos of Qi Rui, Song Jian and Tang Rui to be wanted in the city.

Major General Kusuyama Hideyoshi, the head of the No.17 mixed brigade, personally commanded it, because he knew that as long as Qi Rui was caught, it would definitely be more credit than winning a battle.

All the intelligence departments were mobilized, and the Shang Mansion was no exception. Little Hinata Bailang arranged it himself, and kept busy until dark, and the phone in his office was never disconnected.

At 06:30, another call came in, Xiao Hinata Bailang picked up the phone impatiently: "I am Xiao Hinata!"

"Xiao Hinata-kun! Are you all right?"

"Kiuchi!" Xiao Hinata heard Qi Rui's voice and almost threw the phone away.

"Hahaha... It seems that Xiao Hinata-kun has not forgotten me as an old friend."

"Qi Rui, what do you want to do?" Xiao Hinata Bailang thought that Qi Rui was here to kill him, so he avoided the window nervously, he was afraid that he would also be killed by a sniper.

"Haha, we are all old friends. Besides, I owe credit to the establishment of your Shang Mansion. I just want to ask, do you want to die or live."

Xiao Hinata asked his cronies to find out where the call came from, and he asked delayingly: "Who wants to die if they can live, Qi Rui, what do you want to do?"

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you. No matter where you hide, I promise to kill you within a month! Do you dare to take a gamble?"

"Qi Rui! Don't bully people too much!"

"If you don't want to die, we can cooperate to do some business. Think about it carefully, and I'll call you later." Qi Rui finished talking and hung up the phone.

"Director, the call is from a public phone in the French Concession."

"French Concession!" Xiao Hinata Bailang knew that it was impossible to search and arrest the French Concession at present, but he believed that Sha Shen said that he could really kill himself within a month.

Four or ten minutes later, Xiao Hinata Bailang received a call from Qi Rui again: "Xiao Hinata-kun, have you thought it through?"

"What do you want to cooperate with me?"

"I know you like money, and I can satisfy you! And what I ask you to do will never harm the interests of Japan!"

"You mean to do business with me?"

"I know you very well, you are more suitable to be a businessman, and you can help me get what I need."

"It must be strategic materials!"

"Little Hinata, we know each other very well. The main purpose of your Shang Mansion is to contain the secret service headquarters. I have already helped you get rid of Bi Zhongliang. I will help you whoever you want to get rid of next!"

Kohinata thought for a while, and decided to agree temporarily, so that he might have a chance to get rid of this murderous god and make great contributions, and asked, "How can I contact you?"

"You don't need to contact me, I will send someone to contact you, Kohinata-kun! If you are dishonest, Fujita Yoshimasa and Tanaka Masaki are your role models, goodbye."

Qi Rui knew that Xiaohinata Bailang would definitely agree. He was an arms dealer himself, and he didn't care who the buyer of the weapon was for money.

Qi Rui found Tang Ling and told him a few things, one of which was to let him inform Chen Shan that Chen Xia's eyes would definitely be cured, and she would return to Shanghai soon, and then we would discuss how to save her.

No matter how strict the devil's investigation is, Qi Rui has a way to leave Shanghai. Chongqing and Yan'an have secret lines of communication. Besides, Lou is the inspector general of the General Administration of Customs, and Lu Mingcheng can arrange it.

Killing God Qi Rui killed two chief officers and a traitorous director of No. 76. This news was publicized by Boss Dai, and with the help of the underground party, the people made Qi Rui's legend even more evil. It was the true god who came down to punish the little devil.

This is exactly what Qi Rui needed, because more anti-Japanese fighters would join the independent regiment. Qi Rui's ability is not only to command small-scale operations, but also he believes that once the little devil knows where the team is, he will definitely return to the army. Will encircle and suppress.

(End of this chapter)

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