Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 629 The Third Cavalry Wing

Chapter 629 The Third Cavalry Regiment
Three days later, at the Broken Bridge at West Lake in Hangzhou, Qi Rui asked Fu Yingxue and Yu Manli to go find Xue Min, and they left Hangzhou for Huangshan together after they got connected.

"Aren't you from the jellyfish assassination team?" Ouyang Lan met Su Wenqian, and made the explosives with him, and completed the task of blowing up the bridge.

"Hi, Miss Ouyang, my name is Su Wenqian. I was indeed a member of the jellyfish assassination team before, but I am a free man. The God of Killing is my ninth brother and my master. I plan to follow the ninth brother to kill devils together in the future." Su Wenqian Those who followed Qi Rui never closed their mouths, and everyone laughed when they saw it.

"Why are you called Big Brother Qi and Ninth Brother?" Tong Lingling asked,
"Because he is the ninth brother of Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth brother, so naturally he is our ninth brother."

"Zheng Yaoxian! Are you talking about the Sixth Brother Juntong?" Xue Min asked,

"It seems that Sixth Brother is really famous, everyone knows him." Su Wenqian said,

"The Eight Great King Kongs and the Little Nine!" Leng Yue also knew the Eight Great King Kongs and said,

Qi Rui heard the explanation and said: "I and the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian will be married later, and the other King Kong will naturally recognize me."

"Then we'll be called Brother Nine from now on."


"Ninth brother, where are we going?" Liu Ruyan asked,
"Go to our own team. After you get there, you still need to receive some systematic training, and then you can perform some tasks." Qi Rui said,
Xue Min's team is quite special. Xue Min is a bomb disposal expert, Ouyang Lan is a blasting expert, and Leng Yue is a sniper. If they are paired with machine gunners, assaulters, and scouts, they can carry out various blasting tasks.

"Great, we knew it was right to follow Brother Nine!"

The missions followed by Shashen are all difficult and influential tasks. The members of Xue Min's team have no objection. These girls are also willing to fight devils with capable people. This is not only fun, but also safe and guaranteed, because Xue Min is Being able to revive such a serious injury, Qi Rui, the God of Killing, not only has a strong ability to kill enemies, but also has a superb ability to save people.

Five days later, Qi Rui and others arrived at Huangshan Mountain. It took less than a month for the task force to set up a camp in Huangshan Mountain. During this period, Qi Rui personally served as an instructor to train the team and teach Soldiers shoot.

During this period, Jing Yun's team also returned to the team. Qi Rui sent a telegram to ask the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, and it was indeed he who asked Jing Yun and the others to come back.

He said that in Nanjing there are Zhao Jianzhi, Song Xiaoan, and agents from the Nanjing station, and the focus here is not on assassination, but on intelligence gathering. If there is an assassination mission, the jellyfish assassination team will come.

"Brother, we have investigated all the nearby towns. The devil's heavy troops are in Anqing, Chizhou and Tongling and other towns along the river. To the south is the border of Huizhou, and there are mountains everywhere. It is indeed suitable for guerrilla warfare against devils." Song Jian, Tang Rui and the others are mainly responsible for the investigation and report back.

"Is there a ghost cavalry regiment stationed in Chizhou?" Qi Rui asked when he was Shunsuke Kuchi in Shanghai.

"There is indeed a ghost cavalry stationed near Wanluo Mountain just outside Chizhou City, with more than 600 horses." Tang Rui said,
"More than 600 war horses. This is the number of horses in the two devil cavalry brigades. Do you know their numbers?"

"Brother, they seem to belong to the Devil's Third Division." Song Jian said,
"The third division belongs to the No.11 army. This division should have a cavalry regiment. What you are talking about should be part of the third cavalry regiment! Take me to see it for myself tomorrow!" Qi Rui deliberately said Looking for the Devil Cavalry Regiment, the place he was looking for in the mountains took into account the entry and exit of horses.

Because the marching speed of the horse team has increased a lot, which greatly improves the combat efficiency, Qi Rui has this idea because half of the team can ride horses, and their equestrian skills are also very good.

"Brother, I heard that you are going to investigate the devil cavalry camp?" Tang Fu and Long Jingwei ran to ask, now the people in Twelve Mountain Wangzhai and Blood Fang Ghost Cavalry are calling Brother Qi Rui, but let the people in the company call them Company commander, stop calling big brother.

Qi Rui will use various methods to fight against devils in the future, especially spy wars and special operations. There are many capable people in Twelve Mountain King Village and Bloodfang Ghost Riders, and Qi Rui has already asked them to form special operations by themselves. For the team, he has also brought the training guide himself.

"That's right. There is a troop of ghost cavalry stationed near Wanluo Mountain. The investigation revealed that there are more than 600 oriental war horses. I will go to investigate again myself to see if it is possible to snatch all the horses back. Didn't I promise to give them back?" You play devil's oriental horse." Qi Rui said,
"Are there only more than 600 devils?" Tang Fu asked, wishing he could fight devils every day.
"That's not necessarily the case. We'll discuss it after I finish the investigation." Qi Rui said,
"Brother, we will let you go directly, if we have a chance, we will do it directly." Tang Fu said,
"No, you are all the baby bumps of our task force. I always told you before, knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible in every battle. We must know them in advance when we fight devils. We must never take the lives of our brothers as a joke. You must remember Hold on, because you are company commanders, and your decisions are directly related to the life and death of more than 200 brothers!"

What Qi Rui said made sense, Tang Fu and Long Jingwei were very convinced, and these days they have learned from Qi Rui to command and fight, so they nodded quickly and said: "Brother, we remember! They are all our good friends." Brother, I will never want or dare to mess with their lives!"

"In this way, each of your two companies will send two people to follow me. Those with strength and observation skills must be strong. I have taught you to investigate before. Let whoever learns the best go." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, let's let Duan Zhe and Zuo Zhi go, you know these two guys better." Tang Fu said,
"Even when we let Hua Wenmao go with Zhu Junnan, their big brother often praised them for their strength." Long Jingwei said quickly,

"Okay! The people you picked are really good, Zuo Zhi and Hua Wenmao are also expected to be commanders, this person is a good choice!" Qi Rui praised,

Because he is more optimistic about the four people they mentioned, especially Zuo Zhi and Hua Wenmao, both of them have some culture, no matter what Qi Rui says, they can understand a little bit, and the two are also very eager to learn. I also know how to ask.

Qi Rui led Song Jian, Tang Rui, Jiang Tong, Jiang Xing, Duan Yi, Zuo Zhi, Hua Wenmao and Zhu Junnan on horseback to Wanluo Mountain in the south of Chizhou City.

The third division is an elite division of the devil class A, and it is also one of the few divisions that still retains the formation of the cavalry regiment.

Qi Rui is determined to win more than 600 war horses. Now there are more than 300 horses in the team, all of which are brought from Xiangxi. The power can be fully displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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