Chapter 630

Wanluo Mountain is less than ten kilometers south of Chizhou City. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. The little devil is very good at picking places, and this place is indeed suitable for raising horses.

"Brother, there are only more than 600 devil cavalry here! They are quite courageous." Since the last time he won the battle and killed more than a dozen devils, he is still a little proud now.
"Aren't there less than 600 devil cavalry? It is less than [-] miles away from Chizhou City. Once they are attacked, the devils from Chizhou City will come to support them soon." Qi Rui said,
Dozens of devils were bathing their war horses in the Baiyang River, and most of the horses on the bank were not tied up. Many devils gathered in the shade with their shirts off, and some devil cavalry were fully armed and vigilant.

"Brother, I have investigated all the surrounding area. There are only more than 600 devil cavalry here. Do you want to do it?" Song Jian asked,
"Song Jian, how many devils are stationed in Chizhou City?"

"The sixth regiment of the third division is stationed. The commander of the regiment is Yoshimasa Matsuyama. There are not many puppet troops in the city, only less than one company."

"Zuo Zhi, what would you do if you snatched these horses before the Devils came?" Qi Rui asked.

Zuo Zhi thought for a while and said, "Brother, you told us about the tactic of besieging the spot and fighting for reinforcements. Let's divide our troops into two groups, grab horses on the one hand, and stop the reinforcements from the devils on the other, okay?"

"This operation is only our own team, and at least one brigade will come as reinforcements from the devils. Do you still think this tactic is feasible?" Qi Rui asked,

"Brother, then we can only fight quickly and eliminate the devils before their reinforcements come." Zuo Zhi said,
"Wen Mao, what do you think?" Qi Rui also planned to focus on training Zuo Zhi and Hua Wenmao and asked,
"Brother, it may be very difficult for us to get rid of so many horses without alerting the devils. Another important point is that the harnesses of these horses have been removed. If it is the same at night, we will only take the horses away. It would take a lot of effort to equip the harness, so I think it’s best to get the matching harness and even the saber together.” Hua Wenmao said,

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Brother, I plan to investigate and check the situation at night, because it is difficult for us to succeed during the day, so we can only act at night." Hua Wenmao said,

"Well, what Hua Wenmao said is very good, and Zuo Zhi's idea is also good. His main purpose is to annihilate the enemy, and our operation this time is just to snatch horses. Of course, it is best to kill these devil cavalrymen! So Let's talk about it later in the evening." Qi Rui agreed with Hua Wenmao's idea,
"Brother, haven't you been teaching us special operations all this time? It shouldn't be a problem for all members of our special operations team to attack these 600 devil cavalry at night, right?" Duan Jie asked.
"We want a quick battle and take away all the devil's cavalry equipment. We really want to attack at night, so Wen Mao is right. We also need to investigate the devil's vigilance at night. I hope these devils can come here again. Stay for two days."

Because it was a temporary camp, Qi Rui was worried that the devils would leave at any time, so he said to Tang Rui: "Send the report immediately! Let Company Commander Long and Company Commander Tang select people who can ride horses, and let Fu Yingxue bring all the special operations teams over. Leave all the riders behind and don't come."

"Get there soon?"

"According to the calculation of the distance, they will arrive here tomorrow afternoon in a hurry. Tell Fu Yingxue that they can arrive before dark tomorrow, and don't come on horseback."

After Fu Yingxue received the telegram to confirm, she immediately asked the team to prepare. She did not take anyone who could not ride a horse. After eating and resting for a while, she set off. She did not dare to delay the [-]-kilometer journey.

It was cool at night, everyone continued on their way without rest, and at noon the next day, they arrived at the designated place to meet Qi Rui and others.

"Company Commander Long, Company Commander Tang quickly take people to have a good rest, we will act at night." Qi Rui said seeing how tired they were all,

"Brother, are we going to ride the devil's war horse back?" Tang Fu asked,

"Isn't that why you are not allowed to ride horses!"

"Great! Our blood tooth ghost riders can live together with a good horse!" The current rifles used by the blood tooth ghost riders are all big eights, and paired with a good horse is indeed like a tiger with wings.

"With the devil's saber, isn't it even more powerful?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"I haven't seen what a saber looks like, is it the same as a devil commanding a sword?"

"After seeing it, you will definitely like it. The saber is known as the king of cavalry weapons."

"Really, that's great, we happen to practice sword skills every day, brother, don't you let us practice because you know we can use it?" Tang Fu asked,

"It will definitely be useful for you to train, and I also hope that when you encounter devil cavalry in the future, your strength will crush them."

"Brother, don't worry, I will let my brothers train as long as I have time now. These little devils are really hateful. We want to kill them in our dreams!"

During this period of time, Li Xiaonan would spend some time every day telling the soldiers about the evil deeds of the devils. In addition, she was telling the real events with her heart, and most of the time what the soldiers listened to was filled with righteous indignation.

"Then hurry up and recharge your batteries, there are more than 600 devils waiting for us to kill tonight!" Qi Rui said,
Long Jingwei and Tang Fu took their own people to find a cool place to rest, and Fu Yingxue arranged for a special operations team to come over and ask, "Have you done the investigation?"

"Xue'er, you should also go to rest quickly, so that you can have the energy to kill the enemy at night, don't worry, I have everything planned!" Qi Rui persuaded,
Fu Yingxue obediently went to rest, and she was indeed exhausted after running more than 100 kilometers.

After dark, Qi Rui made everyone have dinner, explained the action plan to everyone, and assigned tasks to each team.

Everyone understood their combat mission, and Qi Rui ordered to start action.

Qi Rui's team launched from the upper reaches of the Baiyang River, and several of them swam to the devil's camp by water. Zhou Daliang, Long Jingwei, and Tang Fu led the special operations team to deal with the surrounding sentinels with strong crossbows.

The Jingyun squad is in charge of the patrol team. The devil patrol team changes every two hours at night. There are only five devils patrolling.

Qi Rui also marked the location, and Duan Zhe, Zuo Zhi, Hua Wenmao, and Zhu Junnan also returned to the team, and they all knew the position of the sentinel.

The Jingyun team will kill the patrol at one of the three blind spots Qi Rui mentioned. This is very easy for the Jingyun team, because there is a sharpshooter Xiao Wu in his team. He is not only a sharpshooter but also a sharpshooter.

The four devils standing guard by the river are also easy to handle. Song Jian and Tang Rui have strong crossbows, and Su Wenqian has a slingshot. He uses the steel balls given by Qi Rui to shoot the devil sentries with the same effect as bullets.

During the day, Qi Rui saw a major officer. The devil cavalry regiment is different from the infantry regiment. The cavalry regiment has 400 soldiers. A cavalry brigade consists of two cavalry squadrons and two machine gun squadrons. Each cavalry squadron has 144 soldiers. People, 134 horses.

(End of this chapter)

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