Chapter 631
This temporary camp has only two cavalry brigades with more than 600 devils, and the captain of the cavalry regiment is also here. He is the captain of the third cavalry regiment, Tetsuo Sato.

Because it is a temporary camp, the horses are usually scattered here, so there are no defensive facilities here. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the operation, each company also sent the strongest.

There was a little wind at night, but it was really cool by the river. Qi Rui gave Zhou Daliang and the others homemade incense, and asked them to light it upwind where the devils were resting. , using this will save your side unnecessary sacrifices.

Qi Rui can't guarantee that all the devils will fall asleep after smelling the fragrance, but as long as there is a part of it, it will save everyone a lot of effort.

Xiao Wu lay in ambush in the dark with his bow and arrow aiming at the devil soldiers at the front of the patrol team. Jing Yun led Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing to ambush the patrol team in advance.

After the five devils passed by in line, Jing Yun stood up and killed the last devil by covering his mouth and cutting his throat with a dagger. Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing also killed the last two devils in the same way.

After killing the three devils, Jing Yun and the others hardly made any noise. The two devils in front felt something was wrong and wanted to look back. Xiao Wu's two arrows had already sunk into their chests at the same time. The moment they fell to the ground, Jing Yun and Jiang Tong supported them and slowly put them on the ground.

Because the hand was moved at the blind spot of the sentry that Qi Rui had observed, the five devils were killed on patrol, and the other sentry did not notice. The other operators heard the secret signal and started to act. The target was only a dozen steps away, and almost all the targets were shot without making a sound.

Qi Rui, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Su Wenqian, Tan Lin, Fu Yingxue, Mingtai, and Yu Manli all surfaced, and it was useless for Su Wenqian to make a move. Qi Rui, Tan Lin, Song Jian, and Tang Rui were all four. Kill the four devil sentries with the crossbow.

Qi Rui and the others, who were wearing black night clothes, were not in a hurry to kill the devil, but quietly took away the devil's saber and guns and distributed them to other soldiers.

All the people who came put away their short knives and lightly unsheathed the devil's saber in their hands. Together with the hundred and ten special forces, the elites of Long Jingwei and Tang Fulian all surrounded the devil's camp.

Because it was summer, many devils were sleeping in the open air, and the river was cool, and most of them were drugged by Qi Rui, and they slept soundly.

Devils never dreamed that nearly 400 people held sabers in their hands and raised them high. The soldiers had just received special training, and it was not the first time for each of them to kill devils. Its throat was slit.

When the devils who were not drugged found out that their sabers were already in the hands of the enemy and their guns were missing, they could do nothing but scream.

Qi Rui, Tan Lin, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Fu Yingxue, and the Bloodfang Ghost Rider were all experts with sabers. Wherever they went, they had no weapons in their hands, and all the devils who were awakened were beheaded by their own sabers.

Because most of the devils are shirtless, they are very easy to identify at night. All the soldiers wield their sabers and kill the devils with the knife technique taught by Qi Rui. Many devils have been beheaded without knowing what happened.

What made Qi Rui very gratified was that the soldiers didn't kill devils indiscriminately, but cooperated with each other to cover each other, and brought out the three-three system very well.

The ghost cavalry without weapons in their hands were all beheaded in less than 10 minutes, and most of them had their throats slit in their sleep.

"Clean the battlefield immediately, and take away everything that can be taken away!" Qi Rui led people to check the devil's body, and made up for anyone who was still angry.

Under Qi Rui's order, even the devil's military uniform was taken away. Anyway, there are more than 200 horses left, just let them support them.

All rode on the Eastern war horses, Qi Rui and the others rushed back to the Huangshan camp overnight. This battle was as easy as it could be, and even the anti-Japanese drama did not dare to shoot like this.

"Brother, did you ask Captain Zhou to use Mixiang just now?" Zhu Xing asked with great interest.
"Yes, it's a kind of misty fragrance. Don't look at this little thing, it saves us a lot of energy!" Qi Rui said,
"That's right, many devils were slaughtered in their sleep, this medicine is really strong enough, it can be lost in the open air!" Tang Fu said,
"Tonight's wind is just right, use it upwind, and the devils in the downwind will fall asleep as long as they smell it." Qi Rui said,
"Brother, there are so many good things!"

The cavalrymen of the two squadrons were all killed, and it wasn't until dawn the next day that the devils drove to them to deliver supplies, only to find that there were corpses all over the place by the Baiyang River, and even their tents were taken away. , the vast majority of people died wearing only a loincloth.

Masataka Yamawaki, head of the Third Division, heard the report and immediately sent Liangmasa Matsuyama, head of the Sixth Regiment, to check it out. After that, he also took a boat from Anqing to Chizhou.

"Division commander, some of them were beheaded in their sleep, and it was found at the scene that they died without any weapons in their hands." Matsuyama Yoshimasa reported,
"Shouldn't there be quite a few people who attacked them?" Yamawaki Masataka asked.

"It seems that there are quite a few people, because there are traces of fighting at the scene, but because all the weapons were taken away in advance, they are no match for the attackers with bare hands. In the end, everyone including the captain of the cavalry regiment, Tetsuo Ito, was smashed!"

"How is it possible, how could so many people approach them without noticing!"

"This is not clear. The attackers took away all their belongings, including shoes and military uniforms. I am also very surprised that there is such a big movement. How come so many people were killed in their sleep? Could it be that they ate something. "

"They haven't had a drink?"


"What kind of armed force is that that can kill more than 600 people in our Great Japanese Empire so silently!"

"Division commander, could it be the God-killing Task Force? I heard that they seem to have arrived in the Huangshan area." Matsuyama Liangzheng said,
"Are you saying that this is the work of Qi Rui, the God of Killing?"

"After thinking about it, they are the only ones who have this ability." Matsuyama Yoshimasa said,
"You're right, hurry up and contact the head of the No.20 Second Division's Dohashi First Division, and tell him that the Killing God Task Force is near Chizhou!" Yamawaki Masataka ordered,

"Division Commander, do you want the No.20 Second Division to clear the God-killing Task Force?"

"Dohashi called me once before, and said that if there is any news about the God-killing Task Force, please let him know immediately. He said that he would personally lead the team to wipe out, Mr. Matsuyama, and you just need to cooperate with him when the time comes. General Tuqiao has also made very thorough preparations for the task force to wipe out the gods."

"Hayi! Then should we track them down?"

"That's definitely necessary. Immediately send reliable Chinese from Chizhou to track it down! If it is confirmed that the God-killing Task Force did it, we must find out their current location!"

(End of this chapter)

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