Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 637 The Prepared Matsuyama Good Government

Chapter 637 The Prepared Matsuyama Good Government
Mount Jiuhua is very close to Chizhou, and Fang Tianyi had long planned to attack the devil garrison, but he gave up because a devil regiment couldn't handle it. He didn't expect it to be an empty city now.
"Chief Qi, why don't you hurry up? As far as I know, Masataka Yamawaki, the commander of the third division, is in Chizhou now."

"It seems that you have also investigated Chizhou City. You are right. According to my inference, Yamawaki Masataka should not follow because Dohashi once commanded the battle. It would be great if he really stayed in Chizhou City."

However, Qi Rui didn't report any hope, because such a big incident happened in Anqing, Yamawaki Masataka must go back to deal with it, and Qi Rui attacked Chizhou mainly for the supplies of the devils and the radio station in the headquarters, because Qi Rui had to give everyone to the team. Special operations teams are equipped with radios.

"Chief Qi, you still dare to think and do it!" Fang Tianyi admired,
"The main reason is that time is tight this time. If I were given half a year to build the fortifications, I would dare to fight with them even if they come to a division! Let's avoid their edge this time!"

In the mountains, there are many terrains that are inaccessible to one man and ten thousand men. If we build indestructible fortifications, Qi Rui will also fight in positional warfare in the future. The main reason is that now he has learned the specialization of military engineering.

Qi Rui ordered the whole army to march away from Huangshan Mountain at night. He was rich with a lot of horses, and there was nothing he could not take with him.

On the second day after Qi Rui and the others left, the No.20 Second Division of Tuqiao was ready to go, and Masao Asada was among them. He killed more than two squadrons, and this time he also wanted to avenge his shame.

"Division Commander, Commander Matsuyama Yoshimasa of the Third Division and his regiment have arrived!"

"Is there only one regiment from the third division?"

"Yes, they were stationed in Chizhou City before."

"After all, it is a Type A Division, with the assistance of the Third Division. I hope we can succeed this time. Have you found the guide?" Tuqiao asked once,

"I have found three guides, the head of the division, we have to go into the mountain quickly, I am worried that Qi Rui will run away again when he hears the wind." Sakai Kurihan said,
"You're right, Qi Rui will never compete with us face to face, pass the order, and the troops set off! Enter the mountain as quickly as possible!"

Qi Rui's independent regiment had just left for less than a day, when the No.20 Second Division's Asada Regiment, Ono Regiment's and the Third Division's Songshan Regiment entered Huangshan Mountain, and under the guidance of the guide, they found Qi Rui and the others in the evening. The camp, the result is that there is no one.

"Baga, they ran away again!" Tuqiao said angrily once again,

"Division Commander, the horseshoe marks on the ground are obvious, should we follow their footprints?" Sakai Kurihan asked,

"Catch it!" Dohashi would be reprimanded by Hisao Nishio if he returned the same way once.
After chasing after ten o'clock in the evening, Yoshitaka Matsuyama received a telegram saying that Chizhou City was attacked by the Killing God Task Force. Fortunately, the head of Masataka Yamawaki had left Chizhou and returned to Anqing.

"Master Matsuyama, what happened?" Dohashi asked once,

"General Tuqiao, we probably won't be able to catch up with the Killing God Task Force! Because just an hour ago, they rushed into Chizhou City and attacked the headquarters and arsenal. I heard that the New Fourth Army participated in the attack. , They snatched everything they could!"

It was no surprise that Chizhou City was attacked by Matsuyama Yoshizawa. He didn't have much supplies left in the city, because he was originally opposed to this encirclement and suppression operation. Now that the Killing God Task Force has horses to travel, how can it be so difficult to wipe them out? easy.

Because even if he found them, according to Qi Rui's unexpected behavior style, he would not fight desperately with the army. How could those two legs catch up with four legs? The division took action, and Masataka Yamawaki had no choice but to obey.

"Baga, he really came from intelligence work, and his information is too accurate! Could it be that there are people from him inside us!" Tuqiao said once,
"That's not necessarily the case. If there are people in Chizhou City who can get the news of our dispatch of troops, this can only prove that Qi Rui's action is quick and responsive. He can identify our weakest place and attack us at a glance. This person is really scary. No wonder the headquarters is so determined to eliminate him." Matsuyama Yoshimasa said,
"The head of the division, and he is very familiar with the surrounding geographical environment, which we are very disadvantaged." Asada Masao said,
"That's right, we are like blind people here, we really can't use our strength, Matsuyama Commander, you'd better bring your alliance back to Chizhou City!"

"Okay, why don't you go to Chizhou with us, General Tuqiao, because the current God-killing Task Force is likely to be in Jiuhua Mountain." Songshan Liangzheng has discovered that the Killing God Task Force is based on Jiuhua Mountain, Taiping Lake and Huangshan Mountain Relying on these two mountains and one lake to deal with oneself.

"Then go to Chizhou City."

Qi Rui and the others rode horses really fast. After arriving at Mount Jiuhua today, he explained the action plan to Fang Tianyi, and asked Zhou Daliang, Tang Fu, and Long Jingwei to follow the Fang Tianyi regiment. He brought the Jingyun special warfare team and himself His team mixed into Chizhou.

After reuniting with Ma Yunfei, Mingtai, Xue Min, and Duan Wei, they realized that Chizhou City is indeed an empty city, so they informed Fang Tianyi to attack inside the city at night.

Two special operations teams killed more than a dozen devils and puppet soldiers guarding the city gate at night, opened the city gate and two regiments entered the city, but they did not grab anything, and Qi Rui only got four radio stations.

Jiuhua mountain

"Chief Qi, why does it feel like the little devil is prepared this time?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"Indeed, it seems that Matsuyama Yoshizawa is not an idiot. He should have thought that we would attack Chizhou City."

"Then why didn't he stay in ambush for us?"

"If he really stays, we won't attack Chizhou City!"

"It's true, we really can't eat a single bite of an alliance!" Fang Tianyi said,

"Captain Fang, the devils have been tormented by us recently, and they soon knew that we were in Jiuhua Mountain, but now is not the time to fight them desperately, so I suggest that we move ahead of time, so as not to bring disaster to the monastery in the mountain." Qi Rui said,
There are hundreds of temples in Jiuhua Mountain, Qi Rui doesn't want to cause trouble with them, so he still plans to transfer that team.

"Then where are we going?" Fang Tianyi asked,
"Go back to Huangshan. The devil should return immediately when he heard that Chizhou was attacked."

"Then what if they turn around and give chase?"

"Then let's go to the mountains around Huizhou. It's a dream for the little devil to catch up with us." Qi Rui said,
"I listen to the commander! I just want to learn more from you!"

"I'm not going back because I have other things to do!"

"Ah!? Head Qi, where are you going?" Fang Tianyi also wanted to ask,
"I can't say that, I'm sorry, Captain Fang!" Qi Rui wanted to take people to Nanjing, and this time he wouldn't bring so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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