Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 638 Gu Xiaomeng!I am coming!

Chapter 638 Gu Xiaomeng!I am coming!
Tuqiao brought the No.20 Second Division back to Chizhou City with Matsuyama Liangzheng. The city gate was wide open and there was no guard, and the people were busy with their livelihoods as if nothing had happened.

More than 20 corpses were found in the rest room of the city gate, which was expected by Yoshizawa Matsuyama. When they arrived at the headquarters, all the office supplies and radio stations that could be taken away were taken away, and the warehouse was completely clean.

"Baga, I would have ambushed them in Chizhou City if I knew it earlier!" Tuqiao said once,
Matsuyama Liangzheng sighed and said: "This Qi Rui is very cunning, there must be his informant in the city, he knows every move of ours, so we won't be fooled if we ambush here."

"Is there anything Matsuyama can do?" Dohashi once asked and found that Matsuyama Yoshisa had some brains.

"Didn't you say they are in Mount Jiuhua now?"

"I said that when we were in Huangshan, they should have been in Jiuhuashan. Now I can guarantee that they have left and probably returned to Huangshan. Their guerrilla tactics." Matsuyama Yoshimasa said,
"So we have nothing to do with Qi Rui?"

"There is no way at the moment, because we will definitely miss out if we go to Huangshan now."

"Is there a solution once and for all?"

"I found that this Qi Rui couldn't stay idle, and he was elusive. He killed Tanaka Masanori and Fujita Yoshimasa in Shanghai before, and returned to Chizhou to snatch our cavalry regiment after a few days. After that, he didn't stop at all. They went to bomb Hankou and Anqing airports, although they didn’t take advantage of the attack on Chizhou City, but it can be seen that this person is very flexible, if they don’t want to fight us head-on, we really have nothing to do with him.” Matsuyama Liangzheng said,
"Master Matsuyama is right. This Qi Rui is quite cunning. He knows that he can't take advantage of us head-on. He is also an agent of the military command. The intelligence personnel of the entire military command bureau are serving him. That is to say, we He is very clear about every move, I think we still have to think of some other ways." Asada Masao said,
"Is there any good solution for Mr. Asada?"

"Division commander, Captain Sakai is not here, expand his advance team, let him lead the team to find out the rules of the Qi Rui Task Force, it is futile for us to do so." Asada Masao said,
"It seems that this is the only way to do it now. I decided to go to Nanjing to meet Commander Nishio and explain the details." Dohashi must explain the situation to Nishio Shouzo in detail at one time, otherwise the whole division will be exhausted if he speaks.

"General Dohashi, if that's the case, I'll send someone to Mount Jiuhua to investigate the situation and see if they have really left." Sakai Kurihan said,
"Captain Sakai, I will ask you to advance to the team next!"

"We'll do our best."

Sakai Kurifan also felt very difficult in the face of the Killing God Task Force, because he felt that the army was being teased by Qi Rui like monkeys. The advancing team went around Jiuhua Mountain in three days, and finally found out that there was a The cavalry and infantry detachments had left three days ago.

Matsuyama Liangzheng's deduction is not wrong at all, Qi Rui has left with his people, and the New Fourth Army team that the people mentioned must be the one that cooperated with Qi Rui in the Tianmu Mountain.

After hearing the report, Asada Masao was sure that it was the independent team of his old rival Fang Tianyi, but he did not expect that these two teams would unite.

Once, Tuqiao took a boat to Nanjing to meet with Xiwei Shouzao to make a report, and Qi Rui brought his special operations team to Nanjing. He met the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian alone.

"Xiao Jiu! I want to hang out with you. Are you going to make a big noise this time?" Zheng Yaoxian knew all about Qi Rui's achievements these days, and he even helped promote it.

"Sixth Brother, the Jianguo Army of the Wang puppet government is very arrogant recently, and even took the initiative to attack the base areas of the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army. I want to warn them." What to say to Sixth Brother Qi Rui,
"Are you trying to kill Wang Puppet and a few high-ranking officials to warn you?"

"Yes, some traitors must die, because they are more hateful than devils! I am here this time to kill a few hardcore traitors."

"Okay, I support you! I'll help you find any information you need." Zheng Yaoxian agreed with both hands, he knew that Qi Rui must have brought his masters here.

"Haha, Sixth Brother, it seems that the Wang puppet government has its own people."

"That's for sure, and it's not an outsider, it's your third brother Chu Mingguo."

"Third brother Chu? I haven't seen him before. I heard that the third brother is in Beiping, but I asked the fifth brother if he is not there." Qi Rui said,
"That's just what your elder brother said at the time. In fact, we didn't know where the third brother was before. He just came back from abroad a few days ago, and now he is holding a relatively important position in the Wang puppet government."

"Could it be that no one in the Wang puppet government knows the identity of Third Brother Chu?"

"No, Brother Chu's identity was very secretive when he was in the Lixing Society, and he used a pseudonym."

"Sixth brother, the ones I want to kill this time must be director-level at least, committee members and generals are even better. I must let the traitors of the Wang puppet government know how good I am at killing gods."

"Okay, wait for my news, I'll ask Third Brother Chu to check it out."

"It's hard work, Sixth Brother!"

Qi Rui came to Nanjing not simply looking for Sixth Brother, because Qi Rui also wanted to have his own informant in the Wang puppet government, so he immediately thought of Gu Xiaomeng, code-named Old Ghost, she is a communist fighter with firm beliefs, and she still has skills. A senior agent with a brain, if he wants to protect her from accidents in the future, he must first establish a relationship with her.

"Brother, you let me watch Gu Xiaomeng of the Military Aircraft Department these two days. I found that she likes to play very much. Every day after get off work, she would go to the Nanjing Military Club of the Wang Puppet Government to play." Song Jian said,
Qi Rui knew that she was not going to play, but to collect information, because basically the people who went to the military club were officials from the Wang puppet government, and some devil officers often went to socialize.

"Do you go every day?"

"I went with her for the past two days, and that beautiful woman named Li Ningyu also went there once." Song Jian said,
"Okay, let's go tonight!"

"Brother, is there anything special about this Gu Xiaomeng?"

"Both she and that Li Ningyu are excellent deciphering experts, and their abilities were shown when they were in the Jiuchi mansion."

"Brother, aren't they real traitors?"

"I hope they're not." Qi Rui smiled after speaking, because they definitely weren't,
At night, Qi Rui disguised himself as a lieutenant officer of the Jianguo Army. This rank is everywhere in Nanjing and would not attract people's attention. When he came to the military club, Gu Xiaomeng, who was like an elf, was drinking red wine. Anyone in the club.

(End of this chapter)

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