Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 640 Brother 9?

Chapter 640 Brother Nine?

Let Gu Xiaomeng become Shashen's subordinate as much as she wants, she just wonders why Shashen trusts her so much, and what is certain is that he is really her comrade, and his rank is not low.

"The Wang puppet government signed a joint plan to suppress the communists with the Japanese army. Recently, they took the initiative to lead the Japanese army to carry out a large-scale raid on some of our base areas. We must show some color to the traitors of the Wang puppet army. My trip That’s the purpose of bringing people here.”

"Team leader, it's time for you to come. On August [-], senior officials of the Wang puppet government will hold an important meeting in the presidential palace. At that time, representatives from the Japanese side will also participate. This meeting is likely to come. They are all big figures from the Wang puppet government." Gu Xiaomeng said,

"August [-]th, time is a little tight!"

"Many officials working in other places have also returned to Nanjing this time. This is a good opportunity, but the risk is also great." Gu Xiaomeng said,
"It's very valuable for you to provide me with this information, which proves that I'm not mistaken! You don't need to worry about the next thing, your task is to continue to lurk at the military plane."

"Team leader, next..."

"Xiaomeng, keep in touch with your team members, but you must remember not to let them carry out any assassination actions. You are only responsible for collecting information, and leave the rest to us. Remember!"

"Yes! Then can't I tell them my identity as a member of the Miaodao team?"

"That's for sure, time is tight, come here first today, and I will teach you some unique contact methods and code words of the Miaodao group when I find a chance." Qi Rui said,
"I can take turns to rest these two days."

"Today is No. 18. We can't meet again until No. 20. You just stay at the military plane and don't go anywhere, lest you be suspected after an accident. I will find a chance to teach you after the incident."

"Team leader, did you already know my identity?" Gu Xiaomeng still asked curiously,
"I did pay attention to you a long time ago. You are a trustworthy comrade, Xiaomeng. If I didn't know you very well, I would not meet you in such an abrupt way. The main reason is that I am short on time. I hope you can understand. "Qi Rui said apologetically,

"I'm still in a daze, but it's my honor to join the Miaodao team, and I'm very happy to work with you!" Since knowing Shunsuke Kuchi is the god of death, Gu Xiaomeng admires him very much, and regrets that he is not his comrade , I didn't expect that he was not only his comrade, but also the chief.

"Xiaomeng, it's time for you to go back, leave at ease, someone will secretly protect you." Qi Rui said,
"Is it Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu?" Because there were several people around him who left with Shunsuke Kuchi, Gu Xiaomeng guessed that those who left should be his own people.

"That's right, they are all Chinese. Shifang Accelerator's name is Song Jian, and Uchiha Yu's name is Tang Rui."

"Then Zhuang Xiaoman and Aoyama Masami are also our comrades?"

"Yes, they are also members of the Miaodao team."

"Team leader! Thank you for trusting me!" Gu Xiaomeng already understood her mission at this moment,
"Come on, I still have a lot to teach you when things are done."

After Gu Xiaomeng left, Qi Rui immediately opened the map of Nanjing to study the action plan. This time, he could not use the method of blasting, because there were also Minglou and Chu Sange among the participants this time. Qi Rui knew his own people. There should be others who know.

Therefore, this assassination operation required precise assassination, and the Japanese military officers participating in the meeting did not need to think so much, as long as the conditions allowed, they directly sniped.

The most important thing now is the list of participants. With the list, the assassination targets can be screened out, and Qi Rui can identify who is the real traitor.

So this matter still needs to ask Ming Lou and Brother Chu for help. They should know the list of participants.

This time, Fu Yingxue, Su Wenqian, Tang Rui, Song Jian, Mingtai, Tan Lin, Yu Manli, Xue Min, and Leng Yue followed. Qi Rui first told everyone about the mission.

Weapons are not a problem. The weapons used by Jing Yun and the others are all stored in the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian's place. Now the important thing is the action plan, because the defense measures of such a conference must be very strict.

The next day, Qi Rui called Mingtai to him and said, "I've given you a task. Go to the headquarters of the Nanjing Secret Service Committee to find your elder brother Minglou, and ask him out."

"Team leader, are you going to kill him?" Mingtai asked before knowing Minglou's true identity.
"I'll kill him! You can just ask him out. If he's busy, you can ask him out for dinner at noon."

"Ninth brother, do you want to meet him in person?" Mingtai actually suspected that Minglou and Mingcheng were his own people, and now it seems that there are still many things that he doesn't know.

"That's right, you can do whatever you are asked to do!" If anyone could get the list of participants, Ming Lou was the most likely one, because he was the deputy director of the special committee.

When Minglou and Mingcheng arrived in Nanjing NO.17, he will know what he should know. This is a professional habit. Minglou, as the chief economic advisor of this conference, will also speak on economic issues. He is preparing a speech.

"Brother, the call is from Mingtai, he said he is in Nanjing now!" Mingcheng said in surprise when he received a call,
"In Nanjing? Didn't this kid go to Chongqing!" Minglou was also surprised that Mingtai was in Nanjing at this time. He didn't know that Mingtai was now a member of the God-killing Task Force.

"He said he wanted to invite us to dinner at noon, so you must go."

"The visitor is not kind! Ah Cheng, there must be something wrong with this kid." Ming Lou said,
"That's what I thought too, why don't I go and have a look first?"

"No, I'd better see him in person, in case there is something urgent."

Minglou and Mingcheng came to the restaurant that Mingtai mentioned at noon, and seeing a young man with an ugly face with him, they asked, "Mingtai, do you know how much Elder Sister is worried about you?"

"I know. I will apologize to her face to face when I have the chance. Now we have something important to tell you. I'll go out with brother Ah Cheng to watch."

"Your heads?"

"Brother Ah Cheng and I will go out first, let's chat." Mingtai said, pulling Mingcheng to the outside door of the private room.

Minglou looked at the person in front of him who was smiling at him, smiled friendly and said, "My younger brother is not sensible, and I don't know what he is doing all day long. It seems that you have taken good care of him, thank you."

"Hello Deputy Director Ming, don't come here without any problems!" Qi Rui said in his own voice,
Minglou immediately recognized the voice of Shunsuke Kuchi, because he had studied him secretly before, and suspected that Shunsuke Kuchi was the legendary Xiaojiu of the Military Control Bureau, but after reading the newspapers, he finally confirmed this.

"Ninth brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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