Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 641 Must Kill Several Puppet Army Senior Officers

Chapter 641 Must Kill Several Puppet Army Senior Officers
Minglou heard Qi Rui's voice, and Mingtai called himself, so he immediately confirmed that the person in front of him was Shashen, and softly shouted: "Ninth brother!"

Qi Rui stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "It seems that Deputy Director Ming already guessed that it was me, but I can't afford to call me Brother Nine, so I'd better call me Qi Rui."

Minglou held Qi Rui's hand and said, "Killing God didn't want to hide it from me, did he, otherwise Zhuang Xiaoman wouldn't have contacted me."

"Since we are old acquaintances, let's not talk nonsense. I want the list of participants for this conference. It would be great if you can help me mark the damn target people."

"Ninth brother, the defense work of this conference is very tight, and it is a bit difficult to do it on the day of the conference." Ming Lou said,
"On the day of the meeting, the deterrent effect is strong enough, especially the generals of the puppet army. I must kill a few. Now it is the national united front. It is really abominable for them to bring devils to suppress the Communist Party." Qi Rui said,
"Then you should also pay attention to your own safety. You are a great national hero now, and the devil really wants something to happen to you." Minglou asked.

"Don't worry, the basic principle of my actions is the safety of all operators. I'm not being emotional, because killing devils and killing traitors is our mission." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I really know the list of participants. This conference is mainly divided into three parts. The first is the suppression of the Communist Party, the second is the economy, and the third is to strengthen cooperation in various fields. The final part of this conference is actually the commendation conference. , before the closing ceremony, Wang Jingwei will personally award the officers with military exploits, and I happen to have a list of these officers." Ming Lou said,
"How many people know this list?"

"The guards, the Intelligence Department, the Military Aircraft Department, the Secret Committee, and the Secret Service Headquarters basically know about it, because this time the security work is done by these departments."

"You should also pay attention to your own safety."

"After I go back, I will check their whereabouts. In fact, it doesn't have to be on the day of the meeting. Even if it is other time to kill these officers who will be honored, it will be a huge blow to the Wang puppet government." Minglou persuaded,
"You are right, then we will find an opportunity to kill all these honored officers! This will also prevent you from being suspected."

"That's true, because such a big event will definitely be in the newspapers."

"Just do as you say!" This is a lot easier for Qi Rui, because as long as they get rid of them a few days before and after the conference, the expected goal can be achieved.

"Qi Rui, you, Third Brother Chu, and I are close friends, so I'll ask you to call you Ninth Brother!"


"Ninth Brother, how is Mingtai doing?"

"Speaking of him, you have to thank me very much. I have disciplined him a lot during this time. Didn't you find that he has become more polite recently, and he is not as crazy as before." Qi Rui laughed,
"So you've noticed him a long time ago!"

"I knew him before the poisonous bee's death plan, because I have been to the training base and met Mingtai and Yu Manli, a pair of life and death partners, and I have a good impression of them. As Shunsuke Kuchi, I helped him turn the dead into the living, so now that he has done a great job and returned to be the director, he gave me Mingtai and Yu Manli."

"At that time, I wondered who changed the poisonous bee, and sure enough! You still have a way. It seems that the lunatic knew your identity a long time ago, and admired you even more! Well, I am relieved that Mingtai can follow you !"

"Don't worry, Mingtai is much more mature than before, and he and Yu Manli are by my side, and his ability to act has also improved a lot. There will be no mistakes in the future."

"That's great, my eldest sister has been thinking about him."

"By the way, I also helped Mingtai find his biological father, who is Uncle Li, the leader of the Shanghai underground team, but I haven't told him yet. You will tell him when you have a chance later." Qi Rui knew Mingjing and Minglou. He has been looking for Mingtai's father.

"Uncle Li is his father! It's really good! It's right for Mingtai to follow you!" It is obvious that Qi Rui is his comrade. It all makes sense.

"This is our contact code, let Ah Cheng inform Mingtai if there is a situation." Qi Rui got up to leave after speaking.
Minglou heard that the waiter outside had already served the food and said, "Let's go after eating!"

"Let Mingtai accompany you to eat, I'll leave first if I have something to do! Let's have a good chat later when we find a chance."

After Qi Rui left, Mingcheng walked in quickly and asked, "Brother, who is who?"

"You know him, he is Qi Rui, the God of Killing."

"Really! Did he come to Nanjing for any big action?"

"Ask Mingtai about this." Minglou happily poured a glass of wine and took a sip.
Mingtai had already closed the door and sat down, Mingcheng slapped him on the shoulder and said, "When will you follow the god of death, you brat!"

"It turns out that you are all your own people! You didn't tell me." Mingtai finally confirmed that the two brothers were not traitors and complained.

"Don't talk about these useless things, tell us how you followed the killing god." Mingcheng asked anxiously,
"Wang Tianfeng gave us to him. At that time, I didn't know that he was the God of Killing. At that time, I wondered why this person was so powerful. He was able to organize the Communist guerrillas and military secret agents together."

"How many people are in your team now?" Minglou asked.

"There are about a thousand people, and the boss is very powerful. He recruited a group of particularly powerful bandits in Xiangxi. Last time, he took these bandits to kill the two cavalry brigades of the devils and robbed more than 600 horses."

"How did the bombing of Hankou Airport and Anqing Airport be done? We heard the news and felt that this was an impossible task!" Mingcheng asked enthusiastically, and Minglou sipped his wine and squinted his eyes to listen.

"We went to Anqing first, but the boss investigated for a few days and found that there was no chance, so he took us to Hankou. We didn't know what he was going to do at first, but later we found out that he wanted to sneak into Hankou Airport to snatch their bombers. The bombing of Anqing Airport was originally thought to be impossible, but the opportunity came on the day of Qixi Festival."

Mingtai recounted what happened before and after, and finally said with regret: "It's a pity that I'm too tall to pretend to be a woman or a devil. I didn't participate in this operation, but I participated in the attack on Chizhou later. It's a pity that the Songshan United The team went to Huangshan, and Chizhou City became an empty city, we just robbed a few radio stations and some supplies from the devils."

"Then you came to Nanjing?"

"Yes, this time I heard from the boss that he wanted to engage in high-ranking government officials. I was worried that you were among them!"

"How is it possible, even if we are traitors, you really shot at us!"

"That's not necessarily true. It's possible that I will kill my relatives righteously. Now I know why the boss cares about me so much. It turns out that he already knew that you are his own."

(End of this chapter)

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