Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 642 Sure enough, there is fraud!

Chapter 642 Sure enough, there is fraud!

This was the happiest meal the three brothers of the Ming family ate, because the two brothers were heroes lurking in the enemy camp as he thought, and Ming Tai, who had matured a lot, sincerely apologized to the two brothers .

Minglou knew that Mingtai would be brought to the Sunshine Avenue by the killing god, and that this poisonous scorpion would eventually become his comrade, and this was what made him happiest.

Mingcheng is also happy from the bottom of his heart, not only because there is no misunderstanding between the brothers, but also because Mingtai has finally embarked on the right path.

Qi Rui deliberately gave the three brothers a chance to get along, and when he came out, he went to find the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, gave him the list of participants, and asked, "Sixth brother, check the people on this list to see if there are any of you." People, if not all of them are our targets in this operation."

Zheng Yao looked at the list carefully, then telegraphed to Chongqing to verify that they were all traitors, and asked, "Xiao Jiu, what do you plan to do?"

"There is no plan at the moment. We need to find out the whereabouts of these people first, and then make plans."

"Xiao Jiu, do you want to do something on the [-]th?"

"Sixth brother, I came here just to ask you what you mean."

"Xiao Jiu, it's best to kill these traitors after they have been awarded honors and published in the newspaper, so that the people of the country will know why we want to kill them, so that they can serve as an example to other traitors." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Haha, this time I listen to Sixth Brother."

"What did you hear, let's discuss it together, so I said don't worry, we will wait until the commendation meeting is over, and I will start to investigate which troops these officers belong to, even if they leave Nanjing by chance, we will think There is a way to kill him." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"The Sixth Brother is still in charge. I'll wait for your news. Let's try not to let them leave Nanjing." Qi Rui said,
"You are really worthy of the title of Killing God. Devils and traitors should tremble in fright when they hear your name." Zheng Yaoxian said jokingly,

"Sixth brother, last time the devil officers such as Akira Kagezawa and Takeo Imai were killed, it would be better if there is a chance to kill a few more devil war criminals this time." Qi Rui said,
"War criminals?" Zheng Yaoxian asked incomprehensibly when he heard the word,
"Oh, Sixth Brother, in my eyes, the devils who invaded our country are all war criminals. As long as I have the opportunity, I will definitely kill them! Let the little devils know that this is the inherent territory of our Chinese people, and that violating this sacred land will definitely happen!" Get the punishment you deserve!" Qi Rui gritted his teeth and said,
"It makes sense for you to say that, and I agree!"

After listening to Zheng Yaoxian's suggestion, Qi Rui's No. 20 did not take any action today. Chu Mingguo and Minglou have already checked the information of these officers, and also learned that there will be a celebration dinner after the commendation meeting. It's a pity that the dinner was held in a closed room at the Presidential Palace, and Qi Rui couldn't enter with weapons.

Besides, there are guards guarding Wang's pseudo-presidential palace, and Qi Rui and the others have no chance, so we can only wait for them to come out.

"Xiao Jiu, tonight I will take the brothers from Nanjing Station to cooperate with you." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Does Brother Six have any action plan?"

"There is no specific plan. These pseudo-officers have all received a bonus. I hope they will find a place to have fun after eating, so we will have a chance." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Then wait for the opportunity according to Sixth Brother's intention, and I will prepare right away."

"Xiao Jiu, don't force it, because we have all the information on these people now, even if they return to the army, we can kill them!" Zheng Yaoxian knew that Qi Rui would not act recklessly, so he still told him,
"Don't worry, Brother Six, I will never force you to take risks."

When Qi Rui returned to his residence, everyone was eagerly waiting for the news. After explaining the general plan of action, Qi Rui asked the two to split up to deal with these traitors leaving the presidential palace. Of course, it would be best if they were together of.

"Remember, don't do it if you don't have a chance. Anyone who acts recklessly will be kicked out of the Special Forces immediately, and I will never take him out in the future!" Qi Rui warned,

At night, Zheng Yaoxian took Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi to ambush near the presidential palace, and only sent one person to investigate the situation as a cigarette peddler.

At around 07:30 in the evening, the dinner was over, and these military officers left the presidential palace together. According to the investigation of Minglou and Chu Mingguo, the recipients of the honors this time were basically school-level military officers. There is actually no big gain with the devils sweeping these days.

But the Wang puppet government boasted very loudly, saying that the soldiers and civilians in the base area were all afraid to see Wang Shi fleeing. They did not commend the senior generals, but selected some regimental and battalion commander-level officers from the team to build momentum.

It was precisely because of this that after leaving the presidential palace, these military officers were basically left alone. After receiving a bonus, they all wanted to spend it in high-end places.

"Boss, reliable news, this group of traitors went to Meideng Nightclub." Mingtai said to Qi Rui after receiving Mingcheng's news,
"I really think Nanjing is their comfort zone!"

"Brother, they don't have the slightest sense of prevention, so it must be a trap!" Song Jian said,
"It's the same as the previous sentence, make sure there is no danger before doing it, since it's a nightclub, let's do it this way!" There are four beauties in the team, and these traitors must be looking for women when they go to the nightclub, so let them take advantage of their luster this time.

Meideng Nightclub is not the best in Nanjing, but it also attracts a lot of people because of the beautiful women. On the surface, these officers come here just because of the reputation.

After Qi Rui and the others arrived, the first thing they did was to survey the surroundings. Song Jian's worry was not unreasonable. Be careful when sailing for thousands of years, and you must be sure of safety before doing anything.

Zheng Yaoxian also arrived with his people, and he cautiously only brought Song Xiaoan over. He found Qi Rui who had put on makeup and asked, "Xiao Jiu, what's the matter?"

"Brother Six is ​​also worried about fraud?" Qi Rui asked,

"I always feel that something is wrong. There are pictures of them in the newspaper today. They don't seem to be afraid of being assassinated at all." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"I didn't find anything wrong with the outside of this nightclub, and we haven't entered inside yet." Qi Rui said,
"I'll go in and have a look!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Brother Six, let me go in!" As long as he is a secret agent, he can't escape Qi Rui's eyes. Now he is a top-notch simulated portrait artist and micro-expression recognition management skills.

Zheng Yaoxian remembered that Qi Rui was No.1 in the previous assessment, and he must be stronger after years of training, so he urged: "If there is a situation, send a signal immediately."

"Well, you are waiting for me outside!"

Qi Rui took Song Jian into the nightclub, and after entering the door, he glanced at the people in the nightclub, and it seemed that the good guys were mostly spies, which was very obvious, because they all looked at him and him who had just entered the door. Song Jian.

There is indeed a fraud!

(End of this chapter)

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