Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 643 Looking for a flower girl to work!

Chapter 643 Looking for a flower girl to work!
So many people looked at the people who came in, Qi Rui concluded that most of the nightclubs were plainclothes spies, but he did not leave, but said to Song Jian in Japanese: "Matsushima-kun, Fujita-kun really want to come Is it Nanjing?"

Song Jian is also a senior agent, and he also saw that this nightclub is in plain clothes, so he said with a smile: "He won't arrive tomorrow, but he will definitely arrive the day after tomorrow. Then we will welcome him together!"

"It's great! I can see him again at last! But why did you bring me here?" Qi Rui dared to ask this question and knew that Song Jian must know how to answer.

Song Jian reacted quickly and said: "Mr. Fujita said that he wants to taste the taste of Chinese flower girls. I heard that there are many beauties here, so I will take you to explore the way first."

"Oh! So that's how it is! Fujita-kun really enjoys it, so Matsushima-kun wants to try the flower girl here first?" Qi Rui asked with a smirk,
Song Jian also learned a lot from Qi Rui, and immediately laughed dissolutely: "Haha, don't Mr. Liuchuan want to try it? This is a rare and good opportunity."

Qi Rui put his arms around Song Jian's shoulders and looked at the women in the nightclub with a smile: "Oh! I was spotted by you, so I invite you today, let's try to see if the flower girls here suit our taste! Introduce the best girl to Fujita-kun!"

" must let Fujita-kun crawl back to the army!"

"Oh! Matsushima-kun is so bad!"

Qi Rui and Song Jian talked in fluent Japanese, and they also spoke obscene words that most Japanese soldiers would say. Qi Rui believed that some of these people could understand.

Obviously this is a well-arranged bureau, but the layout should be a stick. Using so many inexperienced plainclothes is the biggest mistake, unless the people who come in they have no intention of letting go.

After Qi Rui sat down with Song Jian, he beckoned to the waiter and said in very blunt Chinese: "We'll serve the wine first!" Then he extended his thumb and continued, "Come with us to find the best flower girl! Do you understand?"

"Understand! Understood! Give Taijun a bottle of good wine, and find two of the best girls here, right?" the waiter asked,
"Yo Xi, the best girl here is here, hurry up!"

"Yes! I'll go find it right away."

No one dared to provoke the Japanese, and all the plainclothes in the nightclub stopped staring at the two people, because they were all sure that the two who came were Japanese.

After a while, the waiter brought two gorgeous girls with heavy make-up, Qi Rui took a look at the waiter and slapped the waiter, cursing: "Baga, I want the best flower girl, I am not satisfied with them." Work! Get the best one, or I'll give it to you!"

"I'll change it for Taijun right away! Change it right away!" The waiter hurriedly took the two women away with his hands on his cheeks,

"Baga, we have to spend money to play here! How dare you find such a woman for us!" Qi Rui cursed and continued to drink.

The waiter learned to be good this time, and brought six girls at a time, and said, "Taijun, these are the best girls here, please let Taijun choose by himself."

Qi Rui looked up and saw a tall, curvy girl with a lewd smile on her face and said, "This flowery girl is great! Mr. Matsushima! Do you like it?"

Song Jian admired Qi Rui from the bottom of his heart, his acting skills were so good, he looked as if he couldn't help but act immediately, so he said with a smile: "It seems that Liu Chuan-jun likes it, you should enjoy this flower girl."

"Then I won't be polite!" Qi Rui smiled lewdly and looked the girl up and down.

Song Jian pointed to a tall girl and said, "I will do the work of this flower girl."

The waiter left the two girls behind and told them: "Serve the prince well!"

It was probably not the first time for the two girls to meet a Japanese, so they sat down and poured wine without being nervous at all.

Qi Rui looked around the nightclub and asked the girl: "Hey, where can the two of us go together?"

"Does the lord want to ask if there is a private room?" the girl asked.

"Yoxi, that's what it means!"

"There is a single room upstairs, but there is a rule in the nightclub that you have to pay before you can go up." The girl said for fear that the two devils would be playing for nothing.

"Pay first? Baga, how dare you worry that the Crown Prince won't be able to pay you!" Qi Rui said as he took out a few banknotes from his pocket and patted them on the table.
The girl glanced at the banknotes and said softly, "Taijun, the money is at most enough for us to drink with you."


"Taijun, it's enough if you give three more money." The girl said and gestured with her hands.

Qi Rui looked around and saw that many people were watching the fun, so he took out a few more dollars from his underwear pocket, patted them on the table, and asked, "Is this enough?"

Qi Rui was never short of money, he came here on purpose to get this effect, so that he would not be suspected, and he wanted to look like he had never seen the world for the first time.

"Taijun! That's enough!" The girl grabbed all the money on the table and said to another girl, "Xiaolan, take the two princes upstairs first, and I'll be there soon."

Qi Rui didn't see those officers in the lobby of the nightclub. They must have been arranged in a single room. Since they came, Qi Rui wanted to see if there was a chance. Don't look at the hall is full of plainclothes, in Qi Rui's eyes It's just some decoration, and if he has the opportunity, he will definitely make a move.

Qi Rui and Song Jian followed Xiaolan to the third floor, she pushed a room and said to Qi Rui: "Taijun, please come inside, Xiaohong will be here soon, you wait for a while, I will be next door, call me if you have something to do." I."

"Mr. Songdao, you must have fun!" Qi Rui said and entered the room.

There is no one in the corridor on the third floor, and this floor is very quiet. It seems that there is no time limit here, as long as the money is given, you can play as long as you want, or Xiaohong collected money for two people to stay overnight.

Qi Rui waited for Xiaohong to knock her out with a palm, then took off her clothes and put them on by himself. He didn't look for Xiaohong because she was curvy and long, but because she could barely put on her clothes because she was tall.

Putting on Xiaohong's clothes, Qi Rui put on simple makeup. He was handsome in the first place, and he is also a beauty when dressed as a woman, but he doesn't have the time and conditions to make up as Xiaohong.

Song Jian's mind is absolutely good, he knows exactly what Qi Rui wants to do, he also knocked Xiaolan out and changed into her clothes, then came to Qi Rui's room, and put on simple makeup.

"Brother, the person may be on the second floor. I took a look when we came up, and there were four people dressed as waiters in the corridor." Song Jian hid the gun and dagger under his skirt and said,
"I also heard the laughter of women and men on the second floor. It seems that these officers are indeed having fun, but they don't know what's going on in the room."

"Brother, are you sure which room it is? It's dark now, we can go through the window."

Qi Rui and Song Jian only brought pistols and daggers, which were hidden in their clothes. They could only kill these officers with a sneak attack. All open.

(End of this chapter)

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