Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 649 Zhou Weiguo·Li Yunlong·Qi Rui!

Chapter 649 Zhou Weiguo·Li Yunlong·Qi Rui!

Qi Rui was not in a hurry. What he was going to participate in was the most difficult anti-sweeping stage of the Hundred Regiments War. After October, the Japanese and puppet troops would mobilize a large number of troops to carry out retaliatory sweeps against the Japanese base areas.

Qi Rui took more than 100 riders, pulled six carts of supplies, and walked for nearly a month and a half before arriving at the destination, the station of the Zhou Weiguo Independence Regiment near Laiyuan County in Taihang Mountains. His team expanded to more than 300 people along the way. It was still the case that Qi Rui did not disclose the identity of the God of Death.

Qi Rui didn't accept everyone, the newcomers were basically some bandits along the way, not to say how powerful these bandits were, but not to accept them, keeping them would only continue to harm the local people.

The heinous bandits have been wiped out by Qi Rui's team, and the people who are included in the team are basically people who are desperate and forced to go to Liangshan, and they are educated along the way.

Qi Rui brought a team to Taihang Mountain. The organization knew that the superiors did not approve of him going to Taihang Mountain. They were also worried about Qi Rui's accident. But when they got the news, he was already on the way. sharp request.

According to Qi Rui's request, the organization told him the location of Zhou Weiguo's independent regiment. The two had worked together before, and Zhou Weiguo led his independent regiment to fight several beautiful battles in the Hundred Regiments Battle. The organization felt that Qi Rui It is also a strong alliance with him, and we should be able to fight a few beautiful anti-sweeping battles and beat the spirit of the devils.

"The organization announced that an important person is coming, I thought who it was, it turned out to be you!" Zhou Weiguo stepped forward to hug Qi Rui and said happily,
Of course Zhou Weiguo knew about Qi Rui, the God of Killing, but he never expected that this person who worked with him before was actually the God of Killing who was famous all over the world in the military command. What surprised him even more was that Qi Rui was actually his comrade.

Although this is top secret, for Qi Rui's safety, the organization can only tell Zhou Weiguo about it, so that he knows who he is cooperating with.

As soon as Qi Rui arrived, he looked at the number of Zhou Weiguo's independent regiment. It was already mid-October, and it seemed that the independent regiment had fought a lot of tough battles, and all the soldiers looked exhausted.

Seeing that there were only a few hundred people, Qi Rui asked, "Brother Zhou, are all your people here?"

"After several battles, there are still more than 1000 people left in my regiment of more than 700 people, and now I am almost running out of ammunition and food!"

"I knew you were struggling now, so I brought you ammunition and supplies, let the soldiers unload the truck!" Qi Rui waved his hands to distribute the weapons, ammunition and food.

"Brother Qi, I finally know who is the cutest person!" Zhou Weiguo was worrying about the ammunition, but Qi Rui actually sent it, including many good guns.

What Qi Rui brought to the Eighth Route Army were the guns and ammunition captured by the devils, but he didn't have the rich big eight grains and submachine guns for Zhou Weiguo.

"Brother Zhou, what's the situation with the devils nearby?" Qi Rui was eager to know the enemy's situation, because he has Chinese general knowledge skills, he knows the surrounding terrain very well, and this place is really suitable for ambushes.

"Laiyuan County has been occupied by devils, and the Japanese army's mixed second brigade is now stationed. The brigade is headed by Major General Midorikawa Junji, with a strength of about 5000 people."

"The Second Mixed Brigade is an old opponent of the Eighth Route Army!" Qi Rui said,
"Yes, it can be said that this Second Brigade has a great enmity with our Eighth Route Army. Midorikawa Junji was a subordinate of Abe Norihide before. He has always wanted to avenge Abe Norihide." Zhou Weiguo said,

Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, known as the flower of the famous Japanese general, was killed by a shell from the Eighth Route Army in Laiyuan last year. Qi Rui knew the mixed brigade of the Japanese army very well. They were the troops with the lowest combat effectiveness in the Japanese army.

"You guys take a good rest first, let's teach them a lesson together!"

"Brother Qi, although you didn't participate in the battle last time, the battle plan you designed was awesome and allowed us to win the battle. You must have come prepared this time, right?" Zhou Weiguo asked,
Qi Rui said modestly: "The brothers and sisters I brought are here to give you supplies. Of course, we are willing to help you fight the devils if possible, but there are not enough people. Are there any troops nearby?"

"Now it's anti-mopping up. I heard that there is Li Yunlong's independent group nearby." Zhou Weiguo said,

Li Yunlong!Qi Rui burst into ecstasy when he heard the name: "He also came here?"

"you recognize?"

"heard about it."

"I've just heard that Captain Li is very good at fighting. Although he doesn't know a few big characters, he has a lot of tricks and thieves!" Zhou Weiguo praised,
"Then we can work together, how many people does he have now?" Qi Rui asked,

"I don't know about this, but Brother Qi, it's best not to let him see all your supplies, otherwise he will definitely try to leave." Zhou Weiguo laughed,

"As long as you can fight the devils, the equipment is not a problem. The enemy will send it to us. Besides, there are our own supplies in these weapons and equipment, so he can't use them."

"Boss Qi, your weapons are so good, are they all equipped by Chongqing?" Zhou Weiguo asked,
"How is that possible, I bought these myself from Yankees."

"Tsk tsk, you are still awesome! It seems that we can have a good time this time!" Zhou Weiguo was drooling when he saw the equipment of Qi Rui's people, especially the more than 100 cavalry, each with a saber and most of the spears. Big eight grains, many soldiers still have a shell gun in their waists, and some have two.

"Do you know where Captain Li is stationed?" Qi Rui asked,

"In the mountains on the south side of Feihu Xing, which is about tens of miles away from us, I can't say the exact location right now."

"I'll contact him!" Li Yunlong's troops are capable of fighting, Qi Rui didn't expect to meet him here, so he immediately sent a report to ask the organization to help contact Li Yunlong.

An hour later, Qi Rui contacted Li Yunlong's department. Hearing that there were supplies here, Li Yunlong came with a monk on horseback.

After Li Yunlong and Monk Wei arrived, they saw that the devil's canned meat and wine had been prepared. He sat down without saying a word, with a smile on his face.

"I said I heard magpies calling this morning. So it's Te Niang's nobleman who came!" Li Yunlong laughed and looked at Zhou Weiguo and then at Qi Rui. He didn't know any of them, and asked: "Which one is Captain Zhou?"

Zhou Weiguo stretched out his right hand: "Head Li, hello, I'm Zhou Weiguo!"

"Captain Zhou! I have long heard that you are good at fighting, and today I finally saw a real person!" After finishing speaking, Long Yunlong asked impatiently, "Didn't it mean that you have supplies here? Is it true?"

Zhou Weiguo quickly shook his head and waved his hands and said, "I don't have any supplies!"

"Ms. Nat's telegram just said that you have supplies here and let me come over here! Just kidding me!" Li Yunlong turned his face when he heard it,
(End of this chapter)

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