Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 650 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 650 Heroes See the Same Thing

Zhou Weiguo smiled, pointed at Qi Rui and said, "Don't worry, Captain Li, I don't have supplies, but he does!"

After hearing this, Li Yunlong immediately smiled, stretched out his hands and asked, "Excuse me?"

Qi Rui shook hands with Li Yunlong and said, "Don't be so polite, Captain Li, my name is Qi Rui."

"Qi Rui? Why does the name sound so familiar?" Li Yunlong's smile disappeared and he stared at Qi Rui carefully. Monk Wei took out a newspaper from his pocket, and there was a report on the deeds of Qi Rui who killed the god. Qi Rui's photo.

Monk Wei also looked at it in comparison, Li Yunlong snatched it away and was sure it was the person in the photo, then he asked in surprise as if seeing a ghost: "Are you the killer Qi Rui!?"

"Why is Captain Li so surprised?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"No, aren't you active in Nanjing and Shanghai? Why are you here?"

"Because I heard that you guys had a lot of fun killing devils, and you also came to join in the fun, and brought you some supplies by the way. Am I giving charcoal in a timely manner?" Qi Rui asked,

"Forget it! You are our great savior! We have fought dozens of battles, large and small, for more than a month, and the supplies can't keep up. Now we have more than 2000 people in the regiment, and there are less than [-] bullets left. , Lian Te mother is still playing a fart!" Li Yunlong said,

"Don't worry, Commander Li, there will definitely be battles! I've heard that Commander Zhou is very good at fighting battles. I'm lucky to see Sansheng today, let's go!" Qi Rui raised his glass and said,
Zhou Weiguo raised his glass and said with a smile: "I can't compare with brother Qi. You just killed several devil generals, and you can't count the rank and file officers. Dingshan Lake, Tianmu Mountain, and Chizhou have wiped out thousands of devils. And it was won at a very small price, these records are beyond my reach!"

"That's right! That's right! I've carefully studied your tactics. Don't tell me, it's really good. I think you brought a team of cavalry outside, right? It's exciting to see each one of them!" Li Yunlong also sincerely said in admiration.

"Don't flatter me like that. I just took advantage of the devil's arrogance. Let's discuss how to beat the devil." Qi Rui said,
"Now you have to fight if you don't want to, and the devils will come to you by themselves, but because of the shortage of ammunition, we can only hide now!" Li Yunlong said,

"Leader Li, let your regiment come over, let's deal with the devils together, I'll take care of the ammunition here."

"That's a good relationship! Just saying this to you, we have to have a good drink!" After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he raised his head and drank a glass.
"Monk, what are you doing standing up, come sit down and eat together."

"Brother Killing God, do you know me?"

"You are Monk Wei with the strongest force under Captain Li. Of course I have heard of it."

"Brother Qi tells you to sit down!" Li Yunlong said and stuffed a piece of canned meat into his mouth.

Zhou Weiguo asked: "Brother Qi, do you already have a way to kill devils?"

"I have some ideas and plan to discuss them with you."

"Tell me!" Li Yunlong said,

Qi Rui said his thoughts again, and Zhou Weiguo laughed: "This is a complete battle plan!"

"Killing the God is killing the God. This battle plan is good! I have thought about this method before, but I didn't do it like you." Li Yunlong said,

"If the two commanders think it's okay, then we will prepare according to this battle plan?"

"Get ready, I guarantee that the Devil's Second Mixed Brigade will be fooled!" Zhou Weiguo said,

"Fuck them!" After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth, and it was obvious that he hadn't eaten much recently.

The monk was not too polite, he threw away his cheeks and ate it, making Song Jian, Tang Rui, Zhu Xing, Cao Meng and others starving.

After drinking and eating, Qi Rui personally took Li Yunlong and Wei Monk to look at the two carts of supplies left for them. Seeing that there were more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns in it, he couldn't help smiling from ear to ear.

"Brother Qi, these are all the little devils you captured before!?" Li Yunlong asked while fiddling with these guns,
"That's right, because of the long distance, it's inconvenient to carry a lot of things, and there are also weapons captured during the extermination of bandits on the way." Qi Rui said,
"They're all good guys, don't you want this?" Monk Wei asked seeing that there were more than 20 saboteurs.

"These were captured by the bandits. The people I brought all had their own weapons. I gave some to Commander Zhou. These belong to your regiment!"

"With these guys, brother Qi, just look at it!" Li Yunlong was so happy that he didn't know what to say. He immediately used Zhou Weiguo's radio station to tell political commissar Zhao Gang to bring the team over overnight.

Qi Rui still needs to study the battle plan carefully. He took Xue Min, Ouyang Lan, Su Wenqian and others to investigate Feihu Xing, because this time Qi Rui was going to ambush the devils here.

Flying Fox Xing stands on two steep cliffs, with a narrow line, winding for more than a hundred miles. As long as Midorikawa Junji and his second mixed brigade are brought here, there are only more than 5000 people in this brigade, and not all of them may come. Even if they all come over, Qi Rui is sure to annihilate them.

"Ninth brother, this is the cliff! Only two horses can pass through the narrowest place!" Ouyang Lan said,

"Brother, this is really a good place to lay an ambush!" Song Jian also said,

Qi Rui wouldn't come if it wasn't a good place for an ambush. After he determined the location, he assigned tasks to Xue Min and Ouyang Lan, and asked Zhu Xing to lead a team to cooperate.

Qi Rui returned to the camp, Zhou Weiguo and Li Yunlong were waiting for him.

"Brother Qi, what are you doing?" Li Yunlong asked,
"I'm going to see the terrain."

"Have you confirmed the battle plan?"

"It's basically confirmed, let me explain the battle plan to you in detail."

Qi Rui explained the complete battle plan to the two of them in detail, and then asked: "Commander Zhou, Commander Li, do you have any ideas?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with this plan. What do you think, Commander Li?"

"I don't think there is any problem, now it's just to see how many devils come!" Li Yunlong said,

"No matter how many people come, we will fight like this, and I am confident that more than half of the incoming enemy troops will be wiped out!" Qi Rui said very confidently,

"Brother Qi is so confident, we absolutely believe it too! We will fully implement this plan!"

"Don't worry, let Commissar Zhao Gang take a look after he arrives."

"Don't worry about him. Youdao means that heroes see the same thing. I'll just make a decision about the war!" Li Yunlong said,

Li Yunlong is exactly the same as in the TV series. Qi Rui was worried about what he thought before, but now seeing him so sure of his battle plan, he felt a lot more at ease.

Zhou Weiguo had already fully understood his combat intention, and he seemed to have some doubts, probably because he didn't have the nerve to ask in front of Li Yunlong.

(End of this chapter)

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