Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 653 The decision of the organization

Chapter 653 The decision of the organization

Li Yunlong led a battalion to attack the Japanese barracks head-on. Zhou Weiguo was very familiar with the situation in Laiyuan City. He led his regiment and Li Yunlong's battalion to surround the devil's camp through streets and alleys. surrounded by infantry.

With the previous morale and the newly captured weapons and ammunition, the soldiers launched a fierce attack on the Japanese camp, and the Japanese army was also fighting back and calling for support.

When Qi Rui and the others packed up the headquarters and rushed over, the two sides were still fighting fiercely, and the people from the Killing God Independent Group immediately went into battle. At this time, it is obvious that the marksmanship is good. As long as it is a devil that can be seen by them, Basically one shot at a time.

"This damn thing is the best way to save bullets!" Li Yunlong praised when he saw it,
"Are they members of the Killing God Task Force?" Zhao Gang asked, seeing the Killing God Qi Rui for the first time, and he was holding a sniper rifle to shoot devils one after another when he saw him from a distance.
"That's right, he is Qi Rui, the God of Killing in the legend. Judging from this battle, he is well-deserved of his reputation. There are not only one set of wars, but several sets of them! This battle was fought with great joy!" Li Yunlong said,

"He is courageous and resourceful, bold and careful, daring to think and act, and his subordinates are all elite soldiers, no wonder he was able to drive out so many earth-shattering events!" Zhao Gang said,
"Look at their weapons and cavalry, I'm so greedy!" Li Yunlong wished that his team would be equipped with the same weapons as the Killing God Corps, that guy was so energetic in fighting.

"Old Li, he brought us so many weapons and ammunition, are you still thinking about the guy in his hands?"

"I didn't just say that, and even if I got these weapons, what about the supplies?"

At this time, Qi Rui saw that all the devils were hiding in the house and behind the bunkers and did not dare to show their faces, so he ordered to charge.

More than 2000 people from the three regiments rushed into the devil's barracks. It took less than an hour for the battle to end. The Eighth Route Army won a complete victory this time, and almost wiped out the Japanese Second Mixed Brigade.

Qi Rui and the others didn't delay, because the devil's reinforcements would arrive soon. They took the loot and left Laiyuan City as quickly as possible, and returned to the Taihang Mountains. Zhou Weiguo asked: "Brother Qi, we received a telegram from our superiors, Order us to move to Niangziguan area, have you received any news?"

Qi Rui was taken aback when he heard this, he sent Zhou Weiguo's regiment to Niangziguan just after a battle, what does the organization mean, and said: "I'll contact the organization later to see if there is any arrangement for me."

"Brother Qi, why don't you come with me, we go to the Jincha area to fight devils." Li Yunlong said,

"Is Captain Li going back too?" Qi Rui asked,

"I also received an order from the superior to let our regiment go back to the original base immediately, saying that the army of devils has come here. It seems that we have beaten the devils!" Li Yunlong said.

Qi Rui immediately sent a telegram to the organization asking why the two regiments left just after winning a battle.

The organization responded quickly, and gave high praise and affirmation to this battle, but it would also attract a large number of devils. In order to preserve its strength, after discussion with the higher-ups, it was decided to let all the troops around Laiyuan evacuate the area , so as not to be surrounded and eaten by the army of devils.

In the organization's reply, they also hope that Qi Rui can evacuate the area as soon as possible, because it is a rare situation for the North China Dispatch Army to annihilate a mixed brigade, and it will definitely attract wild revenge from the devils.

After reading the telegram, Qi Rui knew that it was because the organization did not want him to stay in Taihang Mountain for a long time, or he was worried that something would happen to him here.

"Brother, do we want to transfer too?" Zhu Xing asked,

Qi Rui thought for a while and said, "Do you know why I brought you all the way here?"

"Isn't it just to beat devils?"

"There is another important task. There are not only the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains, but also the bandit armed forces of the Jiushan and Eighteen Villages. They are also the targets of the devils, and they are the secondary targets of the devils. Many of these bandits are also Heroes like you."

Before Qi Rui came here, he thought about forming a team in Taihang Mountains to cooperate with the intelligence work here. Although he can no longer be Shunsuke Kuchi, Qi Rui has been researching medicine recently. Tan Lin changed his mind after taking medicine. His appearance and voice inspired him a lot. His own make-up skills are very high, but they cannot stand the inspection after all.

Qi Rui researches medicines in this area when he has time. After this period of research, he has basically been able to prepare a medicine that can accurately change his appearance, that is, he can become whoever he wants, and has developed an antidote. With this drug, Qi Rui can lurk inside the devils again.

"Big Brother wants to take them in?" Duan Kun asked,

"We also want to form our own team in Taihang Mountain." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he said to Jing Yun: "Jing Yun, this task is entrusted to you."

"Brother, where are you going?" Jing Yun asked,

"I'm going to Tianjin and Beiping. If I want to survive here, I will definitely need supplies. We've come all the way, and the food we brought is almost bottomed out. Fortunately, we just robbed some devils to last you for a while. But seeing winter is approaching, and people chewing horses and feeding us, we are all hungry, and we know that without food, our ambitions will be in vain."

"Brother, you can go without worry, leave the mountain to us, and we will definitely form a team like Huangshan!" Duan Zhen said,
"Remember, you don't want the heinous ones, but the heroes who are really forced to go to Liangshan, just like you." Qi Rui said to the Blood Fang Ghost Rider and the people in the Twelve Mountain King Village,
Qi Rui originally wanted to fight two more battles, but when Laiyuan came here again, at least one division of devils, Zhou Weiguo and Li Yunlong's troops were transferred away, so how to fight with his [-] people can only be settled first, and then the organization looks I don't want to risk myself participating in such a battle.

Qi Rui understands that whether it is in the eyes of Chongqing or Yan'an, his strength is intelligence work, and they still hope to continue in this area instead of leading troops to fight.

Qi Rui has always been quick to do things, so he asked Jing Yun to lead the team deep into the Taihang Mountains on the same day. It was said that there were nine mountains and eighteen villages in the mountain. That was before the Anti-Japanese War. There are no more than five bandit villages that can still be preserved, but now Those who can survive basically have some strength.

Qi Rui believed that Jing Yun, Hua Wenmao, Duan Yu, Zuo Zhi and the others could subdue these bandits, and if the bandits here wanted to be traitors, they could also wipe them out.

Qi Rui only took Fu Yingxue, Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin to leave this time. Now the devils here are very strict and the target is too big.

Qi Rui, the city of Laiyuan County, got the documents and pass in Luchuan Chunzhi's office, and the four of them came to Tianjin smoothly as special agents, and they found Shen Xilin, the general manager of Donghua Yangxing.

(End of this chapter)

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