Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 654 Rouge's Assassination

Chapter 654 Rouge's Assassination
Shen Xilin was also investigated by the devils some time ago, but because he and Zhuang Xiaoman were very strict in their work, and he was from the Maochuan Mansion, there was no problem on his side.

Seeing Qi Rui restored to his original appearance, Shen Xilin exclaimed: "Qi Rui!"

"Boss Shen, are you all right?"

"I'm looking forward to you guys! I'm dying of anxiety, and I've wanted to find you several times." Shen Xilin said,

"The incident happened suddenly, and I was forced to make a decision. I'm sorry to make you worry!" Qi Rui said apologetically,

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about you, but after I keep hearing about you, I'm relieved, where are you from?"

"He came from the Taihang Mountains."

"Taihang Mountain!? Have you participated in the anti-encirclement campaign?"

"It was a fight."

"The Second Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army was destroyed by you, right?" Shen Xilin was in the Maochuan Mansion. Even though the devils blocked the news, he was the first to know.

"It is indeed a joint effort with Zhou Weiguo and Li Yunlong's regiment. I came here to get some food and supplies for the team."

"Leave this to me, just tell me where to send it." Shen Xilin said,

"I will ask Zhuang Xiaoman to send you a sum of money. You can get as much as you can, but you must pay attention to safety."

"I don't need money, don't worry about safety issues. Last time I was asked to send opium to Shanghai, it inspired me a lot. Sometimes I have to use what should be used. This is also a helpless move." Shen Xilin said,

"People in our business often see their own people dying before their eyes. What are you talking about? Just take the money if you give it to you. This winter is coming soon. The soldiers in the mountains will definitely be very difficult, so we have to Do your best to help them."

"Then my own abilities may not be enough." Shen Xilin said,

"I came to you this time to introduce you to the Li Family Trading Company."

"The Li family! Is the boss the Li family from Li Dingchuan?"

"Yes, that's him."

"I didn't expect you to be related to the Li family. It would be great if I could get help from the Li family!" Shen Xilin was originally a businessman, and there was no businessman who would not want to do business with the Li family.

"I'll use your radio station to contact Li Dingchuan first, and then you will contact the Li family."

This time, Qi Rui sent a telegram to Zhuang Xiaoman first, asking her to go to Li Dingchuan to explain the situation. As before, Li Dingchuan strongly supported Qi Rui, the God of Killing, and personally ordered the shops in the Jinchaji area to secretly raise cotton. , cotton cloth, food, medicine and other materials.

Because the Li family is too conspicuous, in order to protect the Li family, Qi Rui asked Shen Xilin's Donghua foreign company to pick up the goods, and the Li family was not responsible for the transportation.

After Shen Xilin's affairs were settled, Qi Rui found his fifth elder brother Zeng Che. It has been November [-], and he is still alive. up.

This time Zeng Che became more enthusiastic about Qi Rui, because now that he knew many deeds of Qi Rui Xiaojiu, the God of Killing, he realized how great he is as the ninth younger brother.

After chatting with Zeng Che for a while, Qi Rui asked, "Fifth Brother, how is the Anti-Japanese Murdering Squad doing now?"

"After listening to your reminder, we let the members of the traitor killing group receive formal training one after another. Now their strength is much stronger than before, but because the devils and traitors are keeping a close eye on them, I didn't let them act during this time, you said I have transferred him to Xi'an as the deputy head of the regiment." Zeng Che said,
Zeng Che's death was due to the mutiny of the deputy head of the rape killing group. Qi Rui forgot the name of this person, but only told Zeng Che that the deputy head must be transferred away. The rape gang was also saved.

"Fifth brother, you still have to be careful here, I just came to see you, and I will leave when I'm done."

"Ninth brother, when will you go to Chongqing and do me a favor."

"Fifth Brother, it is as you order."

"Ninth Brother, if you return to Chongqing someday to help me deliver a letter, if possible, please help me take good care of her." Zeng Che's application was the same as Tuo Gu's,
"Fifth brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Ninth brother, don't think too much, it's just because the more mature you are, the more you think. People in our business are ready to die for the country anytime, anywhere. I'm just worried that I have given everything for the country and the people, but my only relative is still Suffer and suffer." Zeng Che said,
"Don't the boss know?"

"I don't know, I didn't tell anyone, because I was worried that she would be implicated by me." Zeng Che said,
"She's in Chongqing?"

"Yes, the little devil bombs her every now and then, I'm really worried about her."

"How long has it been since you contacted her?"

"I haven't contacted her since I came to Beijing and Tianjin, and I don't know how she is doing now."

"Fifth brother, I will send a report back immediately and ask my people to find her!" Qi Rui said,
"Thank you Ninth Brother! Because I've been thinking about it for a long time, and you are the only one who has the ability to take care of her. Please!" Zeng Che knew that Qi Rui had transferred all his business to Chongqing. She will never take better care of her than Qi Rui.

Qi Rui took the letter written by Zeng Che and left. When he returned to his residence, Fu Yingxue said to him, "Rui, Yan'an urgent call!"

"whats the matter?"

"Rouge played a role in Yan'an. She detected the enemy's activities inside us. Just last night, two people went to assassinate her. If Rouge hadn't been trained by you, she might have been killed." Fu Yingxue anxiously said,

"The organization asked us to go to Yan'an?"

"Yes, the chief has something more important to tell you."

"It seems very anxious."

"Rui! Our business here is over, so let's go back to Yan'an immediately."

"What about the people in the mountains? Have you left them alone?" Qi Rui still had a plan that hadn't been completed, so he was a little bit reluctant to go to Yan'an.

"Are you planning to take a few people away? We also have to pass through the Taihang Mountains when we go to Yan'an. If we can't, just go there. It shouldn't waste much time."

"Okay! Then go there, I just want to blow up the Niangziguan Bridge on the Zhengtai Line!" Qi Rui still has explosives, and before Leng Yue said that he would blow up the Devil's No. [-] Bridge, he was referring to this bridge , this time Qi Rui intends to blow it up, and cut off the devil's plundering line first.

"The materials and resources that the devils plundered around Shanxi were all transported by Zhengtai Railway, but even if it was blown up, they would quickly repair it."

"Fix it before blowing it up. In short, you can't make the little devil too comfortable."

The first and second stages of the Hundred Regiments War were to destroy the transportation lines of the devils, but some important transportation facilities were heavily guarded by the devils, so it was not so easy to blow them up. The devils could repair them in a few hours or even ten minutes by blowing up other road sections. But if the bridge is blown up, the devils will have to repair it for at least a few months.

(End of this chapter)

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