Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 664 Fei Zhengpeng enters the urn

Chapter 664 Fei Zhengpeng enters the urn

The reason why Qi Rui took Yu Xiaowan away was because only Cheng Jinyun in the independent group knew some medical skills, but she was just a nurse, Yu Xiaowan was different, her medical skills were still very good.

The Independence Regiment is a combat force, and it is inevitable for soldiers to be injured. If there is a doctor like Yu Xiaowan in the team, it will greatly reduce sacrifices, and the team's health and epidemic prevention will also be guaranteed.

Now that the team has been established, it must have all internal organs. Doctors are a must. Yu Xiaowan is the most suitable candidate. With her to help Chen Jiaying, the team will not have to worry about the wounded Qi Rui in the future.

Chen Jiaying's mission in Chongqing has been completed, and she will be targeted by the devils if she stays. Qi Rui will take her and two comrades to leave together, and Qi Rui will leave those equipment to Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Brother Qi, as long as you can avenge me, I promise you anything." Yu Xiaowan said,

"Then you go back and prepare. I will leave Chongqing tomorrow, so you can go with me."

"Where's the enemy?"

"Your enemy, I will personally bring him before you, I assure you of this." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I'll go back and pack my things!"

"Remember, don't tell Fei Zhengpeng about your departure!"

"I see!"

Yu Xiaowan's mind was a little messed up now, and when he got home, he found that he had many problems. Isn't this Qi Rui an ace agent of the military command? He knew so well that he was the father of a Communist Party member, and he also knew that there was a suicide note hidden in the pen.

Could it be that he is the same person as his father, and Ouyang He, but no matter how you look at them, they don't look like each other. Ouyang's family is a famous family, and Ouyang He is a female official in the attendant's room.

The more Yu Xiaowan thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out. After the alcohol came up, she fell into a drowsy sleep. After dawn, two people drove to pick her up. When they got there, they found a mighty cavalry and five vehicles carrying supplies. truck.

Dai didn't come to see him off, the reception has already been held, and all the things he should do have been done, and now he expects Qi Rui to make another brilliant record.

The news of the killing god Qi Rui's appearance in Chongqing had already been sent back to the Mei Agency by the spy Xue Ying, and Imai Yuji reported the news to the intelligence department. Zao did not take any action against the convoy. First of all, he knew that a small group of troops went to sneak attack, which was courting death.

If the plane bombs, you need to send someone to know their exact location. It is okay to deal with others, but it may be futile to deal with Qi Rui, the God of Killing, because he will definitely take precautions if he makes such a big noise, maybe it is a trap, and finally decides to kill God plans.

Mio Yutoyo has been training his special forces for nearly three months, but the training effect of all the team members has not satisfied him. First of all, these people are selected from the army, and there are very few people who can speak Chinese, and they can also speak Chinese. People can't understand it, and the Japanese can't understand it.

Mitsuo Yutoyo reported to Nishio Shouzo, meaning that it is best to find some Chinese hands, so he mentioned the Black Dragon Association. He hoped to find some people from the Black Dragon Association who have force and can shoot, because these members of the Black Dragon Association Ronin has been in China for many years, and some Chinese are still very good.

Hisao Nishio agreed to his application, and this task was handed over to Komatsu Soren and Kuuchi Reo, nine-dan kendo masters brought by Shigeharu Matsumoto.

Komatsu Cangren was the first to find Yi Yuxian, because he had been with Shunsuke Kuike for a long time and knew him very well.

Yi Yuxian himself is a ronin of the Black Dragon Association. Now that he knows that almost all his former partners were killed by Shunsuke Kuike, he also wants to take revenge, so he carefully helped to find more than 20 people who are all above the sixth stage of the sword. Chinese ronin.

Mio Yutoyo personally trained these people, and at the same time, Kohinata Bailang had already selected more than 20 death row prisoners with the identity of Shang Xudong.

These death row prisoners can be said to have survived by stepping on the corpses of other death row prisoners. All of them are evil ghosts crawling out of hell. Yamato is best at turning people into ghosts, and Kohinata Shiro is no exception. .

Hiso Nishio already knew Shiro Kohinata's achievements, he was very satisfied and ordered him to start action.

Xiao Hinata Bailang also brought these people to the training camp of the puppet army to focus on training, in order to make the killing god Qi Rui look good.

On December [-], [-], Fei Zhengpeng came to Huangshan with some supplies, and Dai sent him to deliver them. In addition, he only agreed to this errand when he heard that Yu Xiaowan was in Huangshan.

When they arrived at Huangshan, Qi Rui thanked Fei Zhengpeng for bringing the supplies, and invited him to dinner alone. Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying were next door with Yu Xiaowan.

"Director Fei, you've worked hard!"

"It is my honor to pay someone to serve God of Death!"

"Director Fei, do you know why the boss asked you to come?" Qi Rui asked,


"Because I asked for it."

"It's because of Xiaowan, I know she's here with you, thank you!"

"Director Fei, do you still remember Zhuang Qiushui?"

Fei Zhengpeng was taken aback when he heard the name, and asked, "How do you know Xiaowan's mother's name!? Did she tell you?"

"I also know the story between you, Yu Shunnian and Zhuang Qiushui."

"Killing God, we don't seem to have any enmity, why are you investigating me?" Fei Zhengpeng suddenly felt that something was wrong and asked,

"Because the boss has always suspected that there is a lurking Communist Party within our military command, so he asked me to investigate secretly. As a result, I discovered your relationship with the Communist Party member Yu Shunnian during the investigation, and also found out that your Communist Party's code name is Camels! Am I right?"

Fei Zhengpeng thought that Qi Rui wanted to kill him because he had been a Communist Party member, so he quickly explained: "Killing God, I am no longer a Communist Party member! For this reason, I even killed Yu Shunnian! I am now loyal to the Party and the country." No two! Please let me explain to the boss personally!"

"You have no chance to meet the boss, because when the boss knows that you are the Communist Party code-named Camel, you will be dead!"

"Qi Rui, I really left the Communist Party a long time ago. Yu Shunnian is the Communist Party. For this reason, I killed him with my own hands. Qi Rui, since you know about me, Yu Shunnian and Zhuang Qiushui, We should be able to find out about these things."

"How would I know this? Back then we suspected that Yu Shunnian was a Communist Party member, but he was killed before it was confirmed. We are still investigating, that's why we found you!"

"Yu Shunnian was indeed a Communist, because I was worried that he would hurt me, so I killed him."

Yu Xiaowan heard it clearly from the next door. She already knew who Qi Rui was during this period of time. He told Fei Zhengpeng so in order to induce him to tell the truth and let him admit it to himself.

Now Yu Xiaowan understands everything, no wonder Qi Rui had to let him leave Chongqing, it turned out that the person who killed his father was his godfather!

(End of this chapter)

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