Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 665? Blackberry is seriously injured

Chapter 665 Blackberry is Seriously Injured
Qi Rui proved to Yu Xiaowan that Fei Zhengpeng was the murderer of her father and also a shameful traitor. Since he was lured to Huangshan, he definitely did not intend to let him leave alive.

There was no need to cover up Qi Rui's killing. He just told Dai that he was a lurking communist. Boss Dai, who didn't rub the sand in his eyes, would never say anything.

Yu Xiaowan didn't see Fei Zhengpeng for the last time, because she didn't know how to face it. After all, this godfather loves her more than her own father these years.

"Xiao Wan, don't be too sad. If you want to go to Yan'an, I will send someone to take you there. I still hope that you can stay in the team. You have also seen that the team needs a doctor like you." Qi Rui said,
"Brother Qi, I want to go to Shanghai first."

"Xiao Wan, why are you so persistent." Qi Rui knew that she wanted to go to Shanghai to find Zhang Li and Chen Shan, but she was still unwilling.

"Brother Qi, I want to see Sister Li again, but I still want to ask why."

"She's on a mission now, and it will affect them if you go."

"But I may never feel at ease without seeing them and asking about it."

In the play, Yu Xiaowan went to Shanghai. It seems that this cannot be stopped. Qi Rui finally agreed with her to go, because if she does not go this time, it is really difficult to settle down. With her temper, maybe someday He sneaked off to Shanghai by himself.

On December 26th, Qi Rui took Yu Xiaowan to Shanghai. This time, with his help, the girl did not suffer. Zhou Haichao was secretly executed by Xu Baichuan long ago. This trouble has been eliminated in advance.

When Yu Xiaowan saw Zhang Li, she also knew that she and Chen Shan were married now. She wanted to tell her clearly in front of her to sever the relationship, but she didn't mean to say, "Who else will remember when someone is gone." But she didn't. Thinking that Zhang Li met the secret sign "Forty million compatriots will remember".

At this time, Yu Xiaowan finally understood that Zhang Li was her own. She followed Chen Shan to Shanghai for a mission. The two sisters reunited. Yu Xiaowan told Zhang Li about Fei Zhengpeng.

"Xiao Wan, you said that the Killing God Qi Rui has executed the traitor Fei Zhengpeng who killed your father?" Zhang Li was also surprised. She was surprised that the Killing God Qi Rui actually helped Yu Xiaowan. Could it be because he was a friend? , certainly not so simple.

"Yes, God of Killing Qi Rui asked Fei Zhengpeng to send supplies to lure him to Mount Huangshan for execution. I heard with my own ears that he admitted to killing my father. He is the traitor codenamed Camel."

"But why did Qi Rui help you?"

"Sister Li, he said that he knew my father and that my father was a good man." Qi Rui never said that he was a Communist, but Yu Xiaowan knew it in his heart but couldn't say so.

"Xiaowan, do you believe this reason?"

"Sister Li, I'm not stupid, I know who the God of Killing Qi Rui is, and I will stay in his team and fight devils with him in the future." Yu Xiaowan said,

"Have you decided?"

"I have already decided that there will be wounded in war, and I will help them!"

"Xiaowan, I support you."

"Sister Li, Qi Rui is here too, he's outside."

"Does he want to see me?"

"I said I have something to tell you, and I'll call him in."

Qi Rui came in alone, and Yu Xiaowan had already been taken away by Fu Yingxue.

Zhang Li saw Qi Rui who was still wearing makeup, and said, "Qi Rui, thank you for avenging Xiao Wan."

"Shouldn't you thank me for helping you execute the traitor." Qi Rui said,
"I do not understand what you are saying!"

Qi Rui changed the subject and asked, "Is Chen Shan okay in the Shang Mansion?"

"I have nothing to do all day long, because the curator Kohinata has not been here for a long time, saying that he is going to perform some secret mission."

"Who is in charge of the Shang Mansion now?"

"It's Yuichiro Adachi. I heard that he is Yui Araki's classmate, and he is Chen Xia who he personally trained."

"Chen Xia's eyes are already healed?"

"Well, Chen Xia has come back and is working for the Shang Mansion. Because of her extraordinary talent, Adachi Yuichiro has fully stimulated her potential. Now she is a talent for interception and poses a considerable threat to us. Killing God, you Is there any way?" Zhang Li asked anxiously,
"Has Chen Shan seen Chen Xia?"

"Adachi Yuichiro watched her very closely, so he didn't let Chen Shan see her at all."

"Is there any activity in the Shang Mansion recently?"

"The day after tomorrow, Adachi Yuichiro will celebrate Chen Xia in the Shang Mansion, because she detected the BlackBerry radio station earlier, causing Qi Lianna and the Shanghai station to be almost wiped out!"

"No wonder the fourth brother will come!"

"Qi Rui, Chen Xia is very threatening now, because she seems to have detected a secret radio station recently, and Yuichiro Adachi has been forcing her to look for it these days."

"I'll figure out a way, you watch Chen Shan and don't mess around!"

Qi Rui regretted that he didn't solve Chen Xia's matter sooner, but she was really powerless in Japan at that time, it's a pity that Qi Lianna is such a heroine.

After Qi Rui separated from Zhang Li, he went to find Xu Baichuan. Now he is acting as the stationmaster of the Military Command Shanghai Station, and he had already asked Sixth Brother for his address before coming here.

Seeing Qi Rui suddenly appear in front of him, Xu Baichuan was very happy, and asked, "Xiao Jiu, are you here to help me?"

"Fourth brother, don't use the radio these days!" Qi Rui quickly reminded,

"I heard that the devil has a very powerful interception expert. I haven't dared to use it recently."

"I'll take care of this person, and I'm just here to remind you."

"Xiao Jiu, did you come to Shanghai for this?"

"No, I only found out after I came here. It turns out that Qi Lianna died because of this."

"Qilianna is not dead, but she probably won't live long after being seriously injured."

"Oh!? Where is she?"

"In the small building where you lived before, Xiao Jiu, you came just in time. Aren't you good at medicine? Go and see her."

"I'll go right away!" For the anti-Japanese hero Qi Rui, he would always do his best to help.

Qi Rui took Yu Xiaowan and followed Xu Baichuan to the small building. Qi Lianna was already unconscious. Qi Rui checked her immediately. The injury was indeed serious. He and Yu Xiaowan immediately started to rescue her.

After more than two hours of rescue, Qi Lianna's life was saved by Qi Rui.

"Brother Qi, I didn't expect you to have such superb medical skills!" Yu Xiaowan thought that her medical skills were not bad, but she was just a primary school student in front of Qi Rui.

"When I have time, I will teach you well, and then we can save more anti-Japanese heroes!" Qi Rui said,
"Okay! I will study hard." At this time, Yu Xiaowan's eyes were bright, because she knew why she would live in the future.

"Xiao Wan, you will take care of Station Master Qi these two days, I have more important things to do." Qi Rui said,
Qi Rui came out and asked Xu Baichuan to take his people away, and asked Yu Manli to stay and help Yu Xiaowan take care of Qi Lianna. Next, he will find a way to rescue Chen Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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