Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 666 Designing to Save Chen Xia

Chapter 666 Designing to Save Chen Xia

Xiao Hinata Bailang is carrying out a secret mission, Qi Rui speculates that it should be a relatively important plan, otherwise he would not be allowed to let go of the affairs of the Shang Mansion, and infers that he is probably in another place, the most likely place is Nanjing.

Qi Rui thought of a way, so he called Minglou first to make an appointment, because maybe he knew what little Hinata Bailang was doing.

Killing God Qi Rui made an appointment, Minglou immediately put down his work and went to the appointment, Qi Rui greeted him a few words and then directly asked Xiao Hinata about Bailang.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Hinata Bailang is really in the puppet army training camp in Nanjing. He used the identity of Shang Xudong to find some recidivists in various prisons. These prisoners are basically murderers. He gathered these people in We did a secret training together, I don’t know the specifics, I know this because he asked the puppet government for funding, I’m not an economic consultant, I raised some money for him from Shanghai.”

"Train some serious criminals, it seems that they have some plans!"

"There must be some kind of plan, and it has something to do with the headquarters of the dispatched army, but the new government may not know the specifics, or even no one knows." Minglou said,
"Have you checked?"

"Well, nothing was found."

"Leave it to me, since he is in Nanjing, then I will go to Nanjing." Qi Rui said,
"You want to find him?"

"No, I still have important things to do here. Do you know that an interception expert has come to the Shang residence?"

"It seems that there is such a person. I heard that Qi Lianna's stronghold was taken away as soon as he came. The station chief Qi and her subordinates were almost wiped out."

"Qilianna is out of danger, but she still needs some medicines to recover. Is there any way for you to get some anti-inflammatory medicine?" Qi Rui asked,
"I'll figure out a way. I can't get too much. The amount used by one person should be fine."

Qi Rui wrote him a phone number and said: "If you get it, let Ah Cheng call this number, and someone will come to pick it up. I'll go to Nanjing right now, and I'll talk about it when I come back."

Qi Rui called Fu Yingxue and asked her to make a plan. When he was in Yue Minglou, Qi Rui had already arranged everything, and then took the fastest train to Nanjing.

After arriving in Nanjing, he immediately found Zheng Yaoxian, because the public phone at that time could not make long distance calls, so he had to find a phone that could make long distance calls.

Zheng Yao first listened to the general idea, and asked, "You want to call the Shang Mansion as Xiao Hinata Bailang?"

"Yes! Let's just say that there is an urgent business here in Nanjing and Yutaro Adachi needs to bring Chen Xia. If everything goes well, I will send someone to kidnap Chen Xia on the way."

"Are you all ready?"

"Everything is ready, but I'm just worried about accidents. I'm just praying that Shiro Kohinata didn't contact Shang Mansion during this time. This Yutaro Adachi is obedient enough to bring Chen Xia over by train immediately. During this period, he also I will not call Hinata again to confirm anything."

"According to what you said, it can be inferred that Xiao Hinata is carrying out a secret mission, so he should not be able to call casually. Your plan is feasible, but is there any problem with Chen Xia?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Chen Xia has no problem. This girl is very smart. Her eyes were cured by the Japanese. As long as she understands that she is being used by the devil, she should cooperate. In addition, I have asked Song Jian to go to Chen Shan to get a token. I believe that Chen Xia saw Chen Shan. Shan or Old Chen will trust us."

"That's good, I'll take you to call!"

Zheng Yaoxian took Qi Rui to a temporary contact point at Nanjing Railway Station. The phone here had applied for long-distance service, and Qi Rui used the voice of Xiao Hinata Bailang to call the Shang Mansion's phone. Discard immediately.

"Section Chief Adachi! Is there anything going on in the mansion?" Qi Rui imitated Kohinata Shiro's voice and asked,

"Curator! There is nothing very important in the museum, are you not done yet?"

"It will take some time, how is Chen Xia doing recently?"

"Everything is going well. Chen Xia discovered another secret radio station. It is speculated that it may belong to the Communist Party, but this radio station has not been working for the past two days, so we have been waiting."

"Adachi, bring Chen Xia to Nanjing immediately, and I will send someone to pick you up at the train station. There is a very important matter here that needs your assistance! If it can be done, I may be able to return to the mansion soon!"

"Curator, do you want us to go right now?"

"Yes, take the earliest train to Nanjing, the sooner the better! This is related to the future of our Shang Mansion! Section Chief Adachi! Please!"

"Hay! I'm leaving right away!"

"Adachi! Don't tell anyone that you are coming to Nanjing."


Adachi Yutaro was sure of Kohinata Shiro's voice, and it was a long-distance trip from Nanjing, so he didn't doubt the phone call at all, and immediately sent someone to buy a train ticket, and then rushed to the train station with Chen Xia and two subordinates .

Fu Yingxue led Song Jian, Tang Rui, Tan Lin, and Mingtai to split up. Tang Rui was in charge of monitoring the Shang Mansion to make sure Adachi Yutaro and Chen Xia had left. Mingtai waited for news at the train station to buy train tickets. The token was obtained there, and Tan Lin drove two cars with Chen Shan and Zhang Li to pick him up at the agreed place in Kunshan.

Fu Yingxue, Song Jian, Tang Rui, and Mingtai boarded the train separately, and took a carriage with Adachi Yutaro and Chen Xia.

When the train was about to arrive in Kunshan, when Chen Xia was going to the bathroom, Fu Yingxue gave the order to attack. Song Jian and Tang Rui knocked out the two secret agents following Chen Xia. Fu Yingxue pulled Chen Xia and whispered, "Chen Xia, your brother Chen Shan Let us rescue you, come with us!"

When Chen Xia's eyes recovered, the first thing she wanted to do was to see her brother, but Adachi Yutaro kept coaxing her that as long as she found the location of the radio station, he would let her see him. After so long, he finally got news of his brother, so he hurriedly asked: "My brother Chen Shan Where?"

Fu Yingxue stuffed the token into her hand and urged: "He is waiting for you in a car now, hurry up, or you will alarm the devils and you will never see your brother and old man Chen!!"

After Fu Yingxue finished speaking, she dragged Chen Xia to the junction of the carriages and jumped off the train. Song Jian, Tang Rui and Mingtai took cover behind them, and they quickly left the train track and went into the woods.

Yutaro Adachi was anxious when he found out that Chen Xia had been kidnapped. He immediately pulled out his gun and jumped out of the car to chase after him, but was shot and killed by Mingtai and Tang Rui.

The Japanese military police on the train stopped the train when they heard the movement, and immediately contacted the surrounding troops. Fu Yingxue and others had already escorted Chen Xia to find the car driven by Chen Shan and Tan Lin, and several people quickly got into the two cars.

Song Jian, Tang Rui, Mingtai and Tan Lin drove back to Shanghai in a car, while Chen Shan and Zhang left the car and headed towards Suzhou.

Chen Xia felt at ease when she saw her brother Chen Shan. Fu Yingxue said to Chen Shan, "We have arranged for your father to be sent to Suzhou. You and Zhang Li can't go back to Shanghai. Take your sister and father to Chongqing."

(End of this chapter)

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