Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 669 Zeng Che was Arrested!

Chapter 669 Zeng Che was Arrested!

Qi Rui thought of some countermeasures and told all the commanders. In order to let everyone know the seriousness of the matter, Qi Rui also sneaked himself into the devil as an example to illustrate the danger.

Who in the team doesn't know that the boss is Qi Rui, the God of Killing, and also knows that he disguised himself as the devil Shunsuke Kuchi and lurked inside the devil, which caused a huge loss to the devil, and it is for this reason that the devil will try to eliminate the boss and team.

The devil's doing this is a kind of affirmation of the team. Qi Rui also uses this to cultivate the responsibility of the masters of all fighters, that is, being responsible for the team is being responsible for himself, so that everyone can take care of the team's affairs. Spies have infiltrated, and it is difficult for them to obtain some secrets.

Qi Rui also visited the site to inspect the fortifications built by each team, and they were indeed built according to his own requirements, which made him very satisfied. The fortifications will be put into use in two or three months, so that the devils don't have to be afraid of another division up.

After everything was arranged properly, Qi Rui returned to Shanghai. He first visited Qi Lianna. She had woken up two days ago, and from Yu Xiaowan's mouth, he also learned that it was Qi Rui, the God of Killing, who saved him.

"Killing God, I want to know what's going on!" The stronghold was taken away inexplicably, and Qi Lianna still doesn't know what happened.

"The one who attacked you was Adachi Yutaro from the Shang Mansion. He has been killed by my people. You should recover from your wounds and return to Chongqing as soon as you recover." Qi Rui said,
"The Shang mansion attacked us?"

"Yes, they hired an interception expert. It was your frequent reports that were intercepted by others."

"So that's the case, then this interception expert is really a master."

"I've already resolved this matter. You should take good care of your wounds and tell them what you need."

"Killing God, are Xue Min and the others following you now?"

"Yes, they are all in my team, and they didn't come this time."

"Hey, I'll join your team later, okay?"

"Welcome, but only if you recover as soon as possible."

Qi Rui called Yu Xiaowan aside and told her that Zhang Li, Chen Shan and Chen Xia had already gone to Yan'an, because the misunderstanding between the two sisters had been resolved, and Yu Xiaowan had become a smiling and cheerful girl again.

Yu Xiaowan was very glad that she was able to treat the anti-Japanese fighters. Qi Rui is the best example. A doctor with such superb medical skills has now become a super killer that makes devils frightened.

As soon as Qi Rui arrived in Shanghai, he received the news that the fourth brother Xu Baichuan was anxious to see him, so he immediately went to his office.

"Xiao Jiu! The big thing is not good, something happened to your fifth brother!" Xu Baichuan said anxiously when he saw Qi Rui,

After hearing this, Qi Rui secretly thought that something was wrong. It seemed that something happened to the anti-tuan, and he asked, "Fifth Brother Zeng! What happened to him?"

"Zeng Che led the anti-regiment to plan to assassinate the traitor Wang Kemin, the chairman of the North China Political Affairs Committee of the Wang Puppet Government, but was surrounded by Mao Chuanxiuhe and the military police and secret agents during the operation. After desperate resistance, Zeng Che and the deputy head of the regiment Li Rupeng were injured and arrested. Others All the team members died, this is the news from the Military Command Bureau, whether it is accurate or not has yet to be confirmed.”

"Fifth Brother was arrested!?"

"There is also Li Rupeng, the deputy head of the regiment. This time the ambush was led by Mao Chuanxiuhe himself, Xiao Jiu! I'm afraid your fifth brother will be cold this time!" Xu Baichuan said,

Qi Rui thought to himself, it turned out that Zeng Che had predicted that he was in danger before, so he entrusted his sister Zeng Qing to him, but since he was arrested, he should still have a chance, and said, "I'll go to Peiping to see if I can rescue them. !"

"It shouldn't be possible. Zeng Che and his members of the resistance group are the targets that the Japanese have been searching for. Generally, they will be solved soon after they are caught." Xu Baichuan said,

"That's not necessarily the case. Since they know that Fifth Brother is the leader of the anti-group, they will definitely not let him die easily." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, I know your character, but it will take a few days to get from Shanghai to Peiping at the fastest. I'm afraid you will be too late to arrive in Peiping. Besides, are you familiar with the situation in Peking?" Xu Baichuan asked worriedly.
"Even if it's too late to save Fifth Brother, Wang Kemin! Mao Chuanxiu and the others must die! I will use their blood to pay homage to the sacrificed brother!" Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, you should ask the boss what to do."

"What can the boss do? In order to save Fifth Brother's life, he should make him pretend to surrender, but according to Fifth Brother's temper, he can't do that. I must rush to Peiping immediately!" Qi Rui didn't have any tasks during this time, He originally wanted to sell some information to the Yankees and Britons to make some money, but he was not in the mood anymore when Zeng Che's accident happened.

After Qi Rui went back, he asked Yu Manli and Yu Xiaowan to stay in Shanghai to take care of Qi Lianna. He took Fu Yingxue, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Tan Lin, and Su Wenqian to Tianjin by ship, and then to Peiping.

When we arrived in Beiping, it was already January [-]th, and Zeng Che and Li Rupeng had been arrested for more than ten days. Qi Rui's eyes were darkened when he arrived in Beiping, because he had nothing to do with him here.

"Brother, I found out that many children from rich families have been arrested recently, and the devils have locked them all in the Paoju Prison at No. 21 Paoju Hutong in Beiping City. I heard that if you enter this prison vertically, you will basically come out horizontally." Song Song Jian said,
"Paoju Prison is now the prison of the Japanese North China Dispatch Army. Almost all the prisoners are anti-Japanese fighters. The defense is tight. It is difficult to save people!" Qi Rui knows that there are many celebrities who died in this prison.

"Brother, the question is whether the person we want to save is still alive." Tan Lin said,
"I'm trying to find someone to ask."

"Brother, do you still know anyone in Beiping?" Song Jian asked,

"Then we have to find a way to try." At this moment, Qi Rui thought of Jin Hai, the warden of Jingshi Prison. This man is a character in the TV drama New World. If he is the warden at this moment, maybe he can use him to investigate Paoju Prison The situation here, because they are all under the control of the Japanese, there should be contacts between the several prisons.

After inquiring, Qi Rui was very disappointed, because the warden’s name was not Jin Hai, Qi Rui was stumped at once, because he didn’t know how to save Zeng Che’s life, so he contacted the local military command and underground organizations, and it was useless to ask them to help with the investigation. fruit.

Finally, when Qi Rui passed the Tongrentang Pharmacy, he suddenly remembered that Le Qianwen, the eldest lady of Tongrentang, was a member of the anti-group, and maybe she knew something about Zeng Che.

Qi Rui didn't dare to go directly to find someone, so he inquired secretly first, and found that Le Qianwen was helping to collect money to rescue the arrested members of the anti-group, because they were all from rich families, and the Japanese might release them after getting the money Yes, most of them are some teenage high school students, killing all of them has a great impact, but it is conceivable that the money is indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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