Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 670 The Emperor's Special Envoy

Chapter 670 The Emperor's Special Envoy
Qi Rui thought of a way to get close to Le Qianwen. He pretended to be a young man in his 20s and asked to see him as his brother.

Le Qianwen really knew Shan Leng, met Qi Rui immediately, and asked, "Are you Shan Leng's elder brother? Why haven't I heard from her!"

"I'm her cousin. When I heard that she was arrested, come and have a look."

When Le Qianwen heard something wrong, she immediately shouted: "Come on!"

"Wait a minute, I said it's Dan Leng's cousin just to see you." Qi Rui said hastily,
"You said she just wanted to see me! Why did she see me?"

"I want to inquire about Zeng Che and Li Rupeng. I heard that they were arrested by Mao Chuanxiuhe, so I rushed here."

"who are you?"

"Don't worry about who I am, I'm not an enemy anyway, I'm here this time to see if I can rescue them."

"Rescue them!? We want to too, but it's easier said than done!"

"So they're still alive?"

"It should still be alive, because if Mao Chuanxiuhe really killed them, he would make a big publicity." Le Qianwen said,

"That makes sense, so are they imprisoned in Paoju Prison?"

"No, we don't know exactly where it is. We have looked for both Jingshi Prison and Fort Prison, but they are not there."

"Where's the Gendarmerie Command?"


"No? Then where will they be locked up! Could it be a hospital, not that they were injured."

"We also looked for the hospital, but we didn't find any trace."

Qi Rui believed in the strength of the anti-tuan people, and continued to ask: "Is Mao Chuanxiuhe still in Beiping?"

"I don't know, because there is no news about him these days."

"Could it be that he went to Tianjin?" Zeng Che is the station manager of Tianjin Station, and the headquarters of the Anti-Regiment is also in Tianjin, and Tianjin is also a place that Mao Chuanxiuhe is very familiar with. His Yuanshan mansion is still active, and Shen Xilin is lurking. in his secret service.

"It's really possible, I'll send someone to investigate immediately." Le Qianwen wanted to make a call immediately after speaking, but suddenly remembered that there was a stranger in front of her, so she asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Zeng Che is my fifth brother. We are here to save people. Because fifth brother told me about you, we took the liberty to come to see you."

"Who are you in command of the Eight King Kongs?"

"I'm not in the Eight Great King Kongs. We are all called the fourth brother Xu Baichuan, the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, and the fifth brother Zeng Che."

"I can help you find Zeng Che, because they are our team leaders, and we really want to rescue them." If they were the spies of the devils, they would come directly to arrest them, and they would not be on Zeng Che and Li Rupeng at all. No matter how troublesome it is, the Anti-Tuan wants to save people, so Le Qianwen chooses to trust them.

And the reason for her to believe it is single-sided, because she has been away from Beijing and Tianjin for almost a year, and the Japanese do not know her real name. It seems that this person knows the Anti-Tuan very well, so it should be what Zeng Che said. Intimate, how could the head of the regiment talk to people casually, he didn't even say a word to Boss Dai of the military commander.

"Now I see that the devils are catching people who resist the regiment everywhere, so you must be very careful in what you do." Qi Rui said,
"I know, so many things have happened in the regiment recently, I suspect that there are traitors among us."

"There must be a traitor, I will find a way to help you find it." Qi Rui already roughly knew who it was and said,
"How can we contact you if we have news?"

"If you find anything, just post a notice outside the Tongrentang Pharmacy to accept Dangshen and Angelica, and I will come to see you."

"I know!" Le Qianwen was not the backbone of the anti-group earlier, but due to the relatively large losses of the anti-group during this period, she has gradually become the main figure.

Qi Rui came out and immediately went to the Military Command Beiping Station, and immediately used their radio station to send a telegram to Dai after revealing his identity. Zeng Che was Dai's favorite general, and he also heard Xu Baichuan report that Xiao Jiu went to Beiping to save people.

After receiving Qi Rui's telegram, Dai Shi called back immediately, and ordered Beiping Station and Tianjin Station to be under Qi Rui's command. At this time, Liu Wenxiu, the station manager of Beiping Station, did not know that the young man in front of him was Qi Rui, the God of Killing, until he received a telegram from his boss. Nine Brothers.

"Ninth Brother, it turned out to be you!"

"Where's Pei Jiesan?" Qi Rui asked with an ugly face.

"He has taken refuge in Mao Chuan Xiuhe, and now he is a devil's dog!" Liu Wenxiu gritted his teeth and said,

"Zeng Che and the others were betrayed by him?"

"Yes, otherwise Fifth Brother would never be ambushed."

"Have you found out where Wu Geguan is?" Qi Rui asked.

"It's very strange, I can't find any news."

"Is there any major event in Peking recently?"

"Ninth brother, two special envoys of the emperor came to Peiping recently, one is Gao Yuebao, the rank of Zhongzuo, and I heard that he is a Japanese nobleman, and the other is called Mashi Kanetsuro, who is also a nobleman."

"Emperor's special envoy?"

"Yes, because Tada Hayao suffered a great loss in the Hundred Regiments Battle on the Eight Routes, the devil's emperor sent these two people to condolence Xuanfu, and Tada Hayao was very courteous to them."

Qi Rui thought for a while and said, "I know this Gao Yuebao is a member of the Japan Love Horse Club. They like to ride horses very much, and they ride every day. You personally plan to kill them! Hurry up!"

"Yes! We also have this plan!" Liu Wenxiu said,

"It doesn't take many people to kill them two, two are enough! You can decide for yourself, if it doesn't work, tell me directly!" Qi Rui said,
"Don't worry, Brother Nine, we will definitely complete the task at Beiping Station!"

Why didn't Qi Rui carry out this assassination mission himself? That's because he knew that the most publicized assassination at Beiping Station was the killing of the emperor's special envoy Gao Yuebao. They haven't died yet, and there must have been changes on the devil's side.

The most important thing for Qi Rui now is to rescue Zeng Che and Li Rupeng, and the assassination of the emperor's special envoy just diverts Mochuan Hidekazu's attention.

Qi Rui would go to the entrance of Tongrentang Pharmacy every day, and on the third day, he finally saw a notice to accept Dangshen and Angelica, and this time he saw Le Qianwen in the office of the big pharmacy.

"We have news from the head of the regiment. He and Deputy Head Li are indeed in Tianjin, and they are in Pei Classan's hands!"

"Pei Jiesan is in Tianjin!?"


"Then let's go to Tianjin!" Pei Classan's mutiny caused serious losses to the Anti-Regiment and the Military Control Station. This person must be eliminated. This is also the task of eliminating rape given by Boss Dai.

"Need our help?"


When Qi Rui got the news, he immediately took Fu Yingxue and the others to Tianjin. Mao Chuanxiuhe secretly sent them to Tianjin, probably because he wanted to wipe out the backbone of the anti-group.

When he arrived in Tianjin, Qi Rui went directly to Shen Xilin and asked, "Do you know Pei Jiesan?"

"I know, just a few days after I came to the Maochuan mansion, the guy is so crazy." Shen Xilin said,

"Xilin! Find out where Zeng Che and Li Rupeng are being held by him right now."

"You mean these two are in his hands?"

"Is it convenient for you to check if you are here?"

"It's very convenient! I'll check it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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