Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 671 I want to avenge them!

Chapter 671 I want to avenge them!
Shen Xilin also has a position in the Secret Service Committee, and has a good relationship with the director Pan Zhicheng on the surface. Now Pan You's two capable officers are Zhang Jinhui and Pei Classan.

Both of these people were sent to him by Hidekazu Mokawa. In fact, the Secret Service Committee was directly under the command of the North China Secret Service, that is, the Mochuan Secret Service.

In order to inquire about the news, Shen Xilin hosted a banquet at Xilemen in Tianjin, and specially invited Pei Jiesan, who was in the limelight, Qi Rui also disguised himself as an unremarkable businessman to see if there was a chance to kidnap Pei Jiesan.

It is not difficult for Qi Rui and the others to kill Pei Jiesan, but in order to save Zeng Che and Li Rupeng, they must first know their whereabouts, so this Pei Jiesan must be alive for the time being.

"Boss, this person is very careful!" Seeing more than a dozen bodyguards around Pei Jiesan, all of them were armed with weapons, and they were very vigilant. Anyone who tried to move forward would be blocked by them.

"Being a thief is guilty, and I'm worried about being retaliated against. If you don't have a chance, follow them and see where they go." Qi Rui instructed Song Jian and Tang Rui,

There was always no chance at the reception, Shen Xilin wanted to find out about the situation, but this Pei Jiesan was very careful and didn't mention anything about the things he was responsible for.

After the reception was over, Shen Xilin asked Qi Rui: "Do you want me to handle this matter?"

"No, your identity must not be exposed. This matter is still up to us. I have sent people to follow them to see if there is any gain. Xilin, you just investigate whether there is a place where people are secretly detained within the Secret Service Committee. In addition, I Just to remind you, Zeng Che and Li Rupeng may have injuries."

"I see, I'll check the hospital as well." Shen Xilin is a very capable person, and he especially hoped to help Comrade Miaodao, so he went to find Pan Zhengnian with a dividend the next day.

On the third day after Qi Rui arrived in Tianjin, an assassination incident that shocked the whole country happened in Beiping. The emperor's special envoy Zhongzuo Takazuki was shot dead, and Zhongsajo Kanetsuro was seriously injured. , because according to eyewitnesses, the killer had pockmarks on his face.

Qi Rui knew that the pockmark they were talking about was actually Ma defeating the enemy, and his deputy called him Lao Ma, which made the devil think that the killer was a pockmark.

"Brother, it seems that Beiping Station is also okay. They really killed the emperor's special envoy."

"This Gao Yue retains the title of Baron Noble. Even if Liu Wenxiu and the others can't kill them, we will kill them, because this person is the commander of the germ warfare experiment against China, and he is one of the five-member team directing the germ warfare against China. , it is not a pity for this person to commit crimes and die ten thousand times.”

"Such a hateful guy, I told him that I would torture him to death!" Song Jian said,
"No, our focus is on Pei Jiesan. He used to be the station chief of Tianjin Station. This person is familiar with the way of military command agents. Even if Zeng Che and Li Rupeng cannot be found, this person must be eliminated." Qi Rui knew that it was this. Liu Wenxiu was captured by Pei Classan, and then Liu couldn't help but tortured and rebelled.

In fact, many people are like this. They are definitely not people who are afraid of death, but they can't bear the torture. Liu Wenxiu is like this. In order to prevent such things from happening, Pei Classan must die.

Three days later, Shen Xilin regretfully notified Qi Rui, Zeng Che, Li Rupeng, and a little hero named Ding Yuchen who were secretly executed by Mao Chuanxiuhe half a month ago.

"Qi Rui, they are steadfast and unyielding! They are true heroes." Shen Xilin said,

What Qi Rui was most worried about was this result. He asked puzzledly, "Why didn't the Japanese report this?"

"I asked Pan Zhengnian, and he said that this was the order of Mo Chuan Hidekazu. The purpose was to let the people who resisted the regiment continue their activities. If he is killed, he will probably flee from Beijing and Tianjin, because Pei Jiesan assured Mao Chuanxiuhe that he has seen many members of the anti-group, and he will definitely wipe out the anti-group, this Pei-level-san really deserves to die."

"Xilin, don't worry about the next thing, I will find a way to kill Pei Jiesan to prevent future troubles!" Qi Rui said,
"Right now, Pei Classan has a gang of people who are catching the anti-regiment. It's not like there's no chance to kill him. Miao Dao, I can help."

"Xilin, Beijing and Tianjin will be counting on you in the future, so let us come. Do you still have the weapons you kept before?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, they are well preserved."

"Okay, I'll arrange the assassination right away. It's better for Pei Jiesan and his subordinates to die." Qi Rui hates the traitors the most, because their betrayal and betrayal will bring us huge losses. In this way, the anti-group was almost wiped out because of this person.

Qi Rui asked Fu Yingxue to wait in Tianjin with someone, and he went to Beiping to find Le Qianwen, and said to her: "Pei Classan, the station chief of the Military Command Tianjin Station, took refuge in the Japanese, and Zeng Che, Li Rupeng, and Ding Yuchen have already Died for the country, now this Pei Classan is leading people to arrest the members of the Anti-Regiment in Tianjin, you should immediately notify all members of the Anti-Resistance Regiment who can be notified to evacuate immediately, this is an order!"

"What did you say, Captain Zeng has already been killed by them?" Le Qianwen asked with tears streaming down her cheeks,

"Yes, the news is absolutely true, Miss Le, you are also in danger now."

"Because I seldom participated in actions before, I will go to Shanghai after finishing the business at hand. I have already arranged this." Le Qianwen said,

"Is there anyone you want to go to when you go to Shanghai?" Qi Rui asked,

"Let's go there first, my family's business is over there."

"That's good, Miss Le, we have to get rid of Pei Jiesan, so I would like to ask you for a favor."

"As long as I can get rid of this person, I will do anything!"

"You don't need to take risks, you just need to tell me the addresses and hiding places of some important members of Tianjin, and I will take someone to ambush Pei Classan in advance." Qi Rui said,
"This..." Le Qianwen herself could choose to believe this person, but she definitely couldn't let her reveal information about other members.

"You can send someone to notify the anti-group people to leave first, I just need the address." Qi Rui only knew Le Qianwen in Beijing and Tianjin, so he could only ask her.

"Then can you tell me who you are?"

"My name is Qi Rui. Zeng Che is my fifth brother. He, Li Rupeng, and Ding Yuchen all died because of Pei Classan's betrayal. I must avenge them."

Qi Rui doesn't remember everything. Before, he thought it was the deputy head of the anti-regiment who betrayed Zeng Che, but now it seems that he was wrong. He didn't even know that the head of the Tianjin Station was not Zeng Che, but Pei level three.

"Are you Brother Nine?" Le Qianwen stopped crying immediately when she heard the name.
"You know me?"

"Head Zeng often tells us about your deeds. It turns out that you are Qi Rui, the God of Killing, our Ninth Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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