Chapter 672
Zeng Che did always tell Qi Rui's deeds to the members of the anti-group, and he was proud of having such a ninth brother. He hoped that all the members could become the same characters as Qi Rui.

So Le Qianwen was a little surprised to hear that Ninth Brother Qi Rui was in front of her, and because the God of Death was too legendary, she couldn't believe it.

"Miss Le, time is running out, can you tell me the address now?" Qi Rui asked,
"How do you prove that you are our ninth brother?" Le Qianwen asked,
"Have you seen my picture?"

"I've seen it. The leader also told us that you are a master of make-up and disguise."

Qi Rui returned to his original form and asked, "Do you believe me now?"

Le Qianwen was very curious and reached out to touch Qi Rui's cheek, because she felt that Qi Rui's face didn't seem to be made of meat. She was sure that this was indeed the handsome face of Qi Rui, the God of Killing, so she said with certainty : "I believe it!"

Le Qianwen immediately informed the names and hiding places of several key members of the Tianjin Anti-Tianjin Regiment, and said, "Ninth Brother, if you go directly to them, you won't be able to find them."

"I know, they are protected, I just need to know their hiding place, if only they can cooperate with me." Qi Rui said,
Le Qianwen also learned a lot from Zeng Che, and knowing Qi Rui's purpose, she asked, "Does Ninth Brother want Pei Classan to get some wind and lead someone there? Are you leading someone to ambush him?"

"Yes, this will save us a lot of trouble."

"Ninth brother, then I will go to Tianjin with you, I can find them, and then go to Shanghai from Tianjin, anyway, I have to evacuate." Le Qianwen worried that Qi Rui would disagree and explained,

"Are you yourself?"

"Yes, myself."

"It's too dangerous for you to go to Shanghai by yourself. If you go to Tianjin to help us, then just go to Shanghai with us."

"Okay! Brother Jiu, do you know where Shan Leng is?"

"I do know, do you want to see her and Leng Qiao?"

"Leng Qiao is with Shan Leng?" Shan Leng and Leng Qiao were both members of the anti-regiment before, but they were sent away by Zeng Che because their identities were exposed. No one in the anti-regiment except Zeng Che knew where they were.

"Yes, they have undergone professional training for a while and are currently together."

"Can I go find them?"

"Then I have to ask their opinions, and if they say yes, I will send you to see them." Qi Rui said,
"They will definitely meet me!"

"I think so too."

Le Qianwen went to Tianjin with Qi Rui after arranging everything. After arriving, she took Qi Rui to find a few key members of the Tianjin Anti-Regiment. They were all hiding in the homes of rich people in the French Concession.

"Qianwen, can he really kill Pei Jiesan?" Zhu Youqiao, the backbone of the anti-group who killed the traitor Cheng Xigeng in the Daguang Cinema, asked.

"If Pei Junsan knows your hiding place, he will definitely bring people over. Then he will lead people to ambush him. Don't doubt his ability. They are as powerful as the regiment leader." Le Qianwen didn't tell these people Ninth Brother Qi Rui followed, not because she didn't want to tell, but because Qi Rui refused.

"That's not easy. Let's let out some wind on purpose."

"You can release some wind, but you must not be a bait. I ask you to leave Tianjin immediately after releasing the wind." Qi Rui said,
"We also want to leave, but now the investigation is very strict, we can't leave at all."

"I can help you!"

"That's great!"

With the help of Le Qianwen, Qi Rui successfully met several main figures of the Tianjin Anti-Regiment. With the secret help of Shen Xilin, Qi Rui asked them to leave Tianjin by boat in makeup. , Liu Youzheng, Feng Yuanxiu and others' whereabouts information.

Pei Jiesan is now being reused by Mao Chuanxiuhe, which is crazy. Besides, he knows that the Anti-Tuan is not a very professional killer, and he has taught some of them. Didn't take them seriously.

When he heard about Zhu Youqiao and the others, he didn't even think about leading a team to arrest them, but Qi Rui had already set up a trap to wait for them.

What Qi Rui wants to kill is not Pei Jiesan alone, but to kill him and his subordinates, because Pei Jiesan and his cronies should have some information on the members of the anti-group, so why not kill him And his people are all killed to avoid future troubles.

Pei Jiesan led a team into a courtyard, and his people quickly scattered inside and out to search professionally. When they rummaged through boxes and cabinets, they triggered the booby trap mechanism arranged by Qi Rui. The explosion of a booby trap is not enough, so follow closely The booby trap detonated the explosives buried in the courtyard, and there were continuous explosions in the courtyard. Pei Jiesan couldn't see it and ran out of the courtyard with his head in his arms.

And outside are Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue, Song Jian, Tang Rui, Tan Lin and others. They raised their guns and shot people who escaped from the courtyard. One shot at a time.

Qi Rui met Pei Jiesan at the reception held by Shen Xilin. In order to avoid accidents, he personally shot Pei Jiesan in the head, and then led the people to quickly evacuate.

"Brother, I didn't expect it to be so easy to kill him!" Song Jian thought it would take some effort,

"The main people Mao Chuanxiuhe gave him were to hunt down military agents and anti-group members. He was the stationmaster of Tianjin Station before, and almost all the military people were arrested by him. The rest are these anti-group members who are protected. Especially those who want to For backbones like Zhu Youqiao and Feng Yuanxiu, the success of this operation is thanks to Ms. Le, if we don't have the addresses of the members of the anti-group, we will not be so easy."

"Finally we got rid of these scum." Le Qianwen also came, saw the power of the God-killing action team, and heaved a sigh of relief for weeding out a threatening traitor.

"Mokawa Hidekazu must die too, but this person has been hiding in the secret service all day long. It is very difficult for us to kill him. Rui, should we stay and look for a chance to kill him?" Fu Yingxue said,

"Mo Chuan Hidekazu has always been the commander behind the scenes, and he rarely participates in some public activities. After all, he is an old spy and has a high awareness of preventing assassinations. It is really not easy for us to kill him, so let him play for a few more days. Let's go back to Shanghai."

Qi Rui thought about sending Le Qianwen to a safe place as soon as possible, and he was still worried about the devil's plan to kill God.

The fifth elder brother Zeng Che still died, Qi Rui was very sad, and when he returned to Shanghai, he asked Xu Baichuan to inform Chongqing that the traitor Pei Classan had been executed.

Boss Dai already knew that Zeng Che died for his country. He received the news on the day that Pei Jie died, and he knew that it must have been done by Xiao Jiu's people. He confirmed this by telegram.

"Ninth brother, the boss has done you a big favor again." Xu Baichuan said after reading the call back,

"Unfortunately, Fifth Brother will never come back again!" Qi Rui said sadly,

"Ninth brother, our heads are pinned to our trouser belts all day long, and we might lose them someday. Don't be too sad, we have already prepared for it." Xu Baichuan persuaded,

(End of this chapter)

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