Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 692 Su San saves you a bitch!

Chapter 692 Su Sansheng, you bastard!

After finding Yunzi Zhuuchi in the first class of the Shanghai Special High School and explaining his purpose, Qi Rui asked: "Please tell me about Qi Rui in detail, Mr. Zhuuchi."

Looking at Mitsuo Yutoyo's eyes, Takeuchi Yunko understood that he had misunderstood that he had an affair with Qi Rui, and hurriedly said: "Master Sanwei, it's not that I won't help you, I swear that I don't know more than you do."

"What I want to know this time is not Qi Rui himself, but the people around him, such as Aoyama Masami, who is now Ling Xue from the Killing God Task Force, and Shifang Accelerator Song Jian, Uchiha Yu Tang Rui, Fei Sawa Yuta Tan Lin them."

Qi Rui came here just to see how much the devil really knew, and the information he could see was not very valuable.

"Master Mitsuo, the Lingxue I know really can't see any flaws. I always thought she was a gentle and courteous Japanese woman before, but I never thought that she is the powder Luosha who is so good at marksmanship next to the Killing God. Now Even thinking about it scares me."

"What about the other three?"

"Master Mitsuo, Song Jian and Tang Rui are the two twins in Tongbun Academy's twin project. Since Hisaichi Shunsuke is a student of Senior Konoe, President Shigeharu Matsumoto entrusted these two to him. Who would have thought that this would happen?" The two were bought by Qi Rui somehow, they are super killers trained by the empire for more than ten years! They are very powerful."

"I know this, but what's going on with Yuta Tozawa?"

"I don't know this person well. He appeared suddenly. He should be a Chinese. He is a member of the God-killing Action Team. Qi Rui came here to pretend to protect Ling Xue."

"Anything else?"

"I really don't know much about the rest."

"But I heard that you have a very good relationship with him!"

Takeuchi Yunzi was frightened and quickly bowed and explained: "Misao Mio, this Qi Rui is very good at acting. How did Mieko Sakai and I know that he is a murderer? It's not normal to have a good relationship with our own people."

"He must have obtained a lot of information from you!"

Takeuchi Yunko bowed again in fright and said: "Master Mio! No, we are the students of General Doi, we know our duties and discipline, we can't say what we shouldn't say."

"Mr. Takeuchi, don't be nervous. I'm not here to ask questions, but to ask you for help."

"That's all I know, I really don't know anything else."

"It doesn't matter, your answer is also within my expectations, please ask Mr. Takeuchi to take me to the Secret Service Headquarters to see if there are any Chinese who can help us."

"Master Mitsuo, recently someone came to the Secret Service Headquarters. This person is Su Sansheng. He was formerly Qi Lianna's subordinate and the deputy station chief of the Shanghai Navy Control Station. Now he has joined the Secret Service Headquarters. He is eager to make meritorious service. I think he is more suitable."

"Su Sansheng! Okay, let's go to him now to see if he's suitable." The damn thing finally appeared. He was the traitor who killed Li Xiaonan in the TV series. It turned out that Qi Lianna was the one who killed him. This time Just to kill him!

When they came to No. 76, they heard that Mitsuo Yutoyo was coming, so Wang Tianmu and Liang Zhongchun came out to greet him with all the people.

Qi Rui recognized Su Sansheng at a glance. He found that Feng Manna and Zhou Yuhao were also in the queue of the person in charge. It seemed that there was no one available for No. 76, and the two of them were also promoted to be directors.

"I didn't know that Sanwei Dazuo came here, please forgive me for being rude!" Wang Tianmu led the team and said apologetically,
"I'm rude to visit rashly, please forgive me, I have something to help, let's go to the conference room and talk about it." Qi Rui didn't have any emotions of his own, it was completely the hypocritical politeness of Yufeng Mio.

When he came to the conference room, Qi Rui listened to Yunzi Zhuuchi's introduction one by one, and then said: "The headquarters of the dispatched army has something to ask No. 76, which is top secret! Director Wang, Director Liang, should you discuss it first? Let's see who stays here."

"Top secret! Then we really need to discuss it."

Wang Tianmu and Liang Zhongchun whispered to each other for a while, and then they were going to expel the captain and all those below the captain, including Su Sansheng.

Sanwei Yufeng stopped and said: "I heard that you have a new person named Su Sansheng. He was the deputy station chief of the Shanghai Navy Control Station before?"

After hearing this, Su Sansheng stopped in his tracks, turned his head and respectfully stood at attention, and said, "Master Sanwei, I am exactly Su Sansheng!"

"You stay! Everyone else go out!" Qi Rui waved to Wang Tianmu and Liang Zhongchun after speaking,

A group of people on No. 76 left the conference room, Qi Rui asked Su Sansheng to sit down, and asked, "Susan, you should know the military agents very well, right?"

"I really understand it very well. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you."

"I have a task for you. I hope you can go to the God-killing Task Force in Huangshan. Because you are Chinese and you were a military agent before, Qi Rui shouldn't suspect you!"

Su Sansheng almost knelt on the ground when he heard his legs go limp, and hurriedly said: "Master Mitsuo! No way, I have recently arrested many military command agents, and I betrayed Blackberry Qi Lianna. Aren't you going to die?"

"That depends on what you say!"

"Master Sanwei, it's really not good. The surname Dai is a person who would rather kill by mistake than let him go, and the same is true for the killing god Qi Rui. If they know it's me, they will kill me alive!"

"Su Sansheng, your previous betrayal was entirely for the great cause of your party and country. This time I will give you an important piece of information. You take it to Huangshan and hand it over to Qi Rui. I think they will trust you, and the Military Command Bureau will also I will reward you heavily!" Qi Ruixin said that I will let you go no matter what.

"Ah! What information?"

"About the Sanwei Special Operations Team and the 20rd Division, the No.[-] [-]nd Division is targeting Huangshan Mountain, and the Spring Clearance Operation Plan for Jiuhuashan Mountain!"

"How could I get this? Qi Rui won't believe it."

"I will arrange it, and make sure there is no flaw!"

"Master Sanwei, you should find someone else, I really can't do it." Su Sansheng was so scared because he knew that Qi Rui was known as the God of Killing, if he knew that he was a traitor, he would really light himself up on the sky lantern.

"Baga! Su Sansheng, this is the headquarters of the dispatched army that wants to focus on cultivating you! As long as your mission is completed, you must be the director of the secret service headquarters after you come back. If you perform outstandingly, I promise to make you the director!"

"This..." Su Sansheng's mind was running fast, and it seemed that this Sanwei Yufeng didn't want to harm himself, let alone not going to see it now, so he had no choice but to agree: "Master Sanwei, I, Su Sansheng, are willing to serve the imperial army." Go through fire and water, I hope you will not break your promise!"

"Don't worry, I, Mitsuo Yutoyo, always keep my word!"

(End of this chapter)

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