Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 693 The Head of Information Section 1!

Chapter 693: Head of Intelligence Section [-]!
Qi Rui prepared a complete set of information for the three provinces of Su, and the signature and seal of the dispatched army commander Nishio Shouzao were all fake.

After reading it, Su Sansheng confirmed that the Japanese really wanted to eliminate the God-killing Task Force, and they would definitely fulfill their promise, so they were much more active before leaving.

"Susan, there is another purpose for me to ask you to go, and that is to discover the weaknesses of the members of the God-killing Action Group. Any shortcomings such as lust, greed for money, alcoholism, gambling, etc. must be recorded in detail. As for the God-killing task force Don’t send out the information if it’s not important, to ensure your own safety.” Qi Rui urged Imai Yuji from the Mei Agency, Takeuchi Yunko from the Special High School, and others.

Seeing that the Japanese valued him so much, Su Sansheng was also quite touched and said: "Yes! Don't worry, Colonel Mio, I will keep it in mind."

Qi Rui decided to stay in Shanghai for the time being, he walked around in casual clothes without anyone, he told Yi and Xianren that he just wanted to see the big Shanghai.

Qi Rui didn't look for Xu Baichuan this time, but used the contact code to contact Tang Ling who was staying in Shanghai to continue working. He didn't say he was Qi Rui, but sent a telegram to Shanli in front of him, telling Fu Yingxue what to do. How to deal with Su Sansheng.

If Su San saved it, he definitely couldn't kill him right away. This person should be used well. Wouldn't it be a pity to simply kill him.

Qi Rui had a thousand ways to kill him, but the happiest thing was to execute him himself, so the moment Su Sansheng left Shanghai, Qi Rui had already thought about how to kill him.

"Mr. Takeuchi, how is the current situation in Shanghai?" Mio Yutoyo asked.

"It's always been like that. During this period of time, the activities of the jellyfish assassination team have become more frequent. Some Chinese who have been loyal to our Great Japanese Empire have been assassinated by them one after another. I am leading people to track them down." Yunzi Takeuchi is actually in a state of desperation now, So far, she has no clue about the jellyfish assassination team.

"The Jellyfish Assassination Team, is that military commander's assassination team that is almost named after the God Killing Action Team?"

"Yes, in fact, I have always felt that the jellyfish assassination team is related to the God-killing action team, because the weapons they use are basically the same as those used by the God-killing action team, and they all use modified sniper rifles."

"I know about this. The person who modified the gun is not only a gun master, but also an expert in gunpowder!" Said Yufeng Mio.
"Gunpowder manufacturing expert?"

"Yes, because the bullets can't fly so far with ordinary propellant, they must have used higher quality propellant. If Section Chief Takeuchi can find this person, please remember not to kill him. We are big Japanese The empire also needs this person!" Sanwei Yufeng exhorted,

"Hayi! But we haven't found this person after searching for so long."

"Sometimes it takes luck to engage in espionage. I believe Section Chief Takeuchi will find clues."


"Sage! Come in!" Qi Rui said,
"Master Mitsuo, the headquarters is calling, please go back to Nanjing immediately, Commander Nishio said he has something important to see you."

"Oh! Then let's leave immediately!" Qi Rui said to Zhuuchi Yunzi after finishing speaking: "Master Zhuuchi, we will meet later!"

"Goodbye! Mitsuo Colonel!"

That night, Qi Rui rushed back to Nanjing, and when he arrived at the headquarters, Hisao Nishio told him, "Mitsuo! I have some bad news for you. General Ishihara has been enlisted in the reserve!"

"Ah!" Qi Rui knew that this was tantamount to exiling Ishihara Waner. In fact, this is good news for the Chinese, because Ishihara is the only strategist trained by the Japanese Army University. If this person is really in power, he must be Chinese disaster.

"Misao, General Ishihara asked me to tell you a sentence, that is, never return to the Kwantung Army, Hideki Tojo will not let you go." Nishio Hiszo said,
"Teacher!" Qi Rui cried sadly with tears in his eyes.

"Misao, you should stay in the dispatched army from now on. Is there any place you want to go?" Nishio Hisao asked,

"Commander, I learned in Shanghai these days that there are a lot of espionage activities rampant in Yan'an, Chongqing, and other countries. Especially my mission to eliminate Qi Rui has not been completed. Do I want to stay in the intelligence department?"

"Stay in the intelligence department!? That would be great! It really is the most suitable department for you!"

"Commander! I will do my best to serve the Empire of Japan!"

"Very good, I'll arrange it right away!" Hisao Nishio originally thought that Mitsuo Yutoyo would go to the army to lead troops, but it would be very suitable for him to be in charge of intelligence work.

Sanwei Yufeng was soon appointed by Nishio Hisao as the head of the first section of the dispatched army's intelligence section, responsible for all aspects of intelligence work, which Qi Rui never imagined in his dreams, and Nishio Hisao regarded Sanwei Yufeng so highly .

"Congratulations, Commander!" Komatsu Cangren and the others came over to congratulate.

"Your action team still has to play its due role!" Qi Rui said to Xiaosong Cangren after finishing speaking: "Xiaosong, you take a few people to Huangshan to watch the Killing God Task Force. Once there is a chance, we will It is still necessary to eliminate them as soon as possible, and also keep an eye on Su Sansheng, who may pass on information."


"Yi and the sage!"


"You are more familiar with Shanghai. You take a few people to the special high class to find Yunzi Takeuchi, and help her investigate the jellyfish assassination team and the gun master. Remember, the gun master, I want to live! As for the jellyfish assassination team, I hope you can Help the special high class to eliminate them!"


"Kinei Lianyang, you stay and help me with the rest of the team!"


The first thing Mio Yutoyo did after he came to the intelligence class was sorting out the archives here. As a result, he really knew some important information that he didn't know before.

Qi Rui, who was the class leader of the first class, suddenly found that it was not so convenient to see Brother Six again, but some information had to be passed on to him.

"Kinei Ryoyang!"


"Bring me a few people!"

Qi Rui brought Jiunei Lianyang and others to the military aircraft department of the puppet government. After showing his credentials, he said to the director Jin Shenghuo: "I want to see all the telegrams you intercepted within half a month!"

"Section Leader Mio, did something happen?"

"Baga! Don't talk nonsense! Do whatever you are asked to do!" Jiunei Lianyang yelled,
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll let them prepare."


"Yes!" Jin Shenghuo wiped his brow and trotted away,

Soon, Li Ningyu personally brought some files to Yufeng Mio.

After reading these telegrams, Mio Yutoyo asked: "Aren't you very good deciphering experts, why didn't you decipher it!?"

"Reporting Commander, we can't decipher all the telegrams. Besides, deciphering takes a long time to calculate. There are so many telegrams that we don't know which ones are valuable!"

(End of this chapter)

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