Chapter 695
Dai Qirui trusted him very much, because Qi Rui knew that the cooperation with the New Fourth Army could not be concealed, how could such a big movement be concealed, so he had already greeted Dai in advance.

So Dai is mentally prepared. Besides, the news has been spreading like crazy recently. He is the head of the secret service in the first place, so if he doesn't see any fraud in it, it's not a joke.

But if you want to say that the devil's trick has no effect at all, it is impossible, because it will definitely not affect Qi Rui if it is passed on, and Dai knows that the Communist Party is everywhere, maybe there is a Communist Party around Xiaojiu.

Thinking of this, Dai Zhan felt more and more uneasy, thought for a while and said: "Xiao Jiu is not in the team, we need to send someone to help him."

"Boss, Xiao Jiu handed over the management of the team to the fan Luosha Lingxue. I heard that she is still Xiao Jiu's woman. I'm afraid it won't be convincing to others."

Dai also knew this situation, and there was another point, that is, this team belonged to Xiao Jiu, and sending someone over might cause him to misunderstand something, so he thought for a while and said: "These are all Xiao Jiu recruited outside, I still don't Don't worry, Wu Tianbao will come back in a few days, he is Xiaojiu's seventh brother, so it is more suitable for him to go."

"The boss is considerate. Brother Seven should have no opinion when he goes to Xiaojiu. I'm afraid he will thank the boss."

"Then tell him to come to see me immediately when Lao Qi comes back, and I still have to ask him a few words in person."

Sanwei Yufeng seems to be very busy these days. With the assistance of Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng from the Military Aircraft Department of the puppet government, they captured spies from the Soviet Union, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Seven high-power radio stations were seized.

Hisao Nishio, who had just sent the Soviet ambassador away, called Yutoyo Mio and ordered: "Master Mio, we just signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, so hurry up and release him."

"Commander, I have had someone decipher the telegram they sent, have you read it?"

"I've seen it. Although almost all of them involve our military secrets, we can only pretend not to know, and don't let them know that their secret codes have been cracked by us. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, let them continue to send the report, we only need to know the content of the message."

"Sanwei, I really appreciate your work efficiency. The telegrams you sent me are also very important. I have already reported your credit. You should keep it up, but you must focus on the key points!"

Qi Rui understood the point of Hisao Nishio's statement, and replied: "Commander, I didn't intend to arrest them. I found out when I was investigating the radio stations of the Communist Party, the Central Command, and the Military Command. I have to investigate one by one. !"

"I don't mean to blame you, on the contrary, you are doing the right thing, especially the radio stations of the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, France and other countries should be focused on monitoring!"

"My subordinates will definitely continue to work hard to get hold of the underground radio stations around Nanjing, and destroy everything that needs to be destroyed!"

"Very good, I heard that the new government's Military Aircraft Department has helped you a lot?"

"Yes, there are two admirable telecommunications masters in the military aircraft department, and they are both women. Without their assistance this time, I would not have such high efficiency."

"Then make good use of them! You still have to give them the sweetness that should be given. Don't just know how to use them, but let them do things for us sincerely."


Qi Rui uncovered all the foreign spies hidden in Shanghai, Nanjing and other places, including the Yankees and British guys who had cooperated before. Qi Rui knew that the Japanese would not do anything to them, and doing so would only deepen the tension between Japan and their countries. contradiction.

It's the end of March now, and in December, the Yankees will be dragged into World War II by the little devils. At this time, the Americans have begun to control the sale of strategic materials to Japan. The bigger the conflict, the better. Qi Rui will be happy if the Pacific War starts as soon as possible.

All the important radio stations of the underground party and the military have been notified to be silent during this period, so it doesn't matter how Qi Rui struggles.

"Why did the radio station that was more active before this period of time suddenly have no movement?" Yufeng Mio asked Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng.

"How would we know!" Gu Xiaomeng still had the temperament of a young lady, and spoke very aggressively.

"Why do I feel that they seem to know that we are investigating the radio station." Mio Yutoyo looked at the two beauties suspiciously.

Gu Xiaomeng immediately turned his face and said: "Mr. Sanwei, don't look at us like that. You have to send someone to watch us when we go to the toilet. There is no reason for you to doubt us. If you doubt us, just don't let us continue. In order to help You and we haven't been home for a week!"

"I know it's not you, I'm here to express my thanks to you, this is a reward from the dispatched army headquarters!" Mio Yutoyo gave each of them a stack of banknotes.

Gu Xiaomeng took the money unceremoniously and said, "We deserve it! I just accept it!"

"Okay, today you can leave the military plane and go home to have a good rest! But when you come back, you will still be staring at those radio stations that have disappeared."

"Finally I can relax!" Gu Xiaomeng ran to the locker room after finishing speaking.
Li Ningyu smiled slightly, bowed slightly to Yufeng Mio and left.

Gu Xiaomeng has been wanting Mingtai to call the police for the past few days, but Sanwei Yufeng's people watch them too closely, and there is no chance at all. How did she know that Qi Rui was protecting her, and the purpose was to prevent her from passing on information.

When she saw Mingtai, she learned that the organization had already received the alarm. During this time, all the radio stations in various places were silent, and all orders were changed to broadcasting.

Broadcasting is one of the safest ways of transmitting information. Only by knowing the corresponding code book can one know the content. This code book is usually an ordinary book, and it is easy to translate.

"Who could it be? As far as I know, not many people know about Mio Yutoyo's actions." Gu Xiaomeng said strangely,

"It's probably Brother Nine!" Mingtai said,
"Ninth Brother! Did you find him?" Gu Xiaomeng knew that Ninth Brother was the team leader Miao Dao,

"No, now I only know that Brother Nine may have infiltrated the devil, but I don't know what department or position he is in."

Because the dead mailbox is rarely used during this time, Gu Xiaomeng asked: "Mingtai, did sister-in-law Jiu send someone to Nanjing?"

"Yes, and the one who came is a master. He is my downline now. If I have any information, I can give him directly." Mingtai said,
"He should be very reliable, right?"

"He was always by Brother Nine's side before, don't worry, he is absolutely reliable." Mingtai is now learning sword skills from Tan Lin,
According to Qi Rui's request, Fu Yingxue sent Tan Lin to Nanjing. He may have trouble staying in the team, because he believes in the Three People's Principles. If he is told that the team's surname is Communist, I really don't know what will happen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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