Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 696 The Embarrassed Old 7 Wu Tianbao

Chapter 696 The Embarrassed Seventh Wu Tianbao

Mio Yutoyo is bold and careful, and the accuracy rate of arresting spies from various countries has reached 100%. After investigation and verification, they are all senior spies sent to the Far East by various countries, which made him famous in the intelligence department of the dispatched army.

At the same time, all countries are paying close attention to the head of the intelligence section of the Japan Dispatch Army, because this person can be caught every time, making it impossible for the spies who are caught to admit their identities. Because they are protected by negotiations with other countries, these spies are not life-threatening. .

But what troubles the spies of various countries is that their actions will be greatly restricted in the future, their identities will be exposed, and their every move will be under the surveillance of the Japanese.

In less than a month, Mitsuo Yutoyo's name appeared in front of Boss Dai many times, all hoping to get rid of him, including the old man's order.

"This person is also a huge threat to us, let the jellyfish assassination team get rid of him."

The fact that Sanwei Yufeng is Xiaojiu is a top secret, only Zheng Yaoxian and Dai know about it, and Dai said lightly: "It's up to Lao Liu whether to get rid of it or not, because he knows the situation in Nanjing better."

"However, the Americans would very much like us to get rid of him."

"Why don't they go by themselves? I really thought that the devils could kill them just by saying they would kill them. If that was the case, I would have gone and killed their Nishio Shouzo, Sonobe Kaichiro, and Okamura Neiji a long time ago! "

"Yes, then I will inform Sixth Brother."

"I don't need you, I will contact Lao Liu personally, has Lao Qi arrived at Huangshan?"

"Should arrive today."

"I see!"

Dai was the only person left in the office, and he covered his mouth to laugh, because he was indeed Xiao Jiu, this trick was amazing, and now the Yankees have begun to take some action against the Japanese, which is something the principal dreams of.

"I'm afraid the whole world can't find many spies like Xiaojiu! It's the trump card of our military control bureau!" Dai Xing happily hummed a ditty, because Xiaojiu's new information that the sixth has already After sending someone to send it back, Xiao Jiu made another remarkable achievement.

Wu Tianbao bit the bullet and came to the God-killing Task Force. This is Xiao Jiu's team. Although he is his ninth younger brother, he has never met each other. The boss actually asked him to take over the team. what!If he really did this, how could he still have the face to see the ninth brother in the future.

But this was an order from Shangfeng, and Wu Tianbao could not disobey it, so he immediately explained the reason for coming here after arriving at Huangshan, hoping that Ling Xue and others would not take it seriously.

"Brothers and sisters, you can do whatever you want, and just pretend that I don't exist. If I want to report to Shangfeng, every word will go through your consent! I'm here to deal with errands, and the boss actually has no other intentions, just worried about my ninth brother. Not here, let the Communist Party take advantage of the loophole."

After listening to Wu Tianbao's explanation, Ling Xue secretly laughed. Dai You's decision was expected by the organization a long time ago, because the Japanese release the news that Qi Rui is a communist party, and it is impossible for the Military Control Bureau to have no reaction at all.

"Brother Seven, you are too alien to us, but I still want to tell you about the situation in the mountains, because it is related to the survival of the team."

"Brothers and sisters, tell me."

"It's like this, Brother Seven, Brother Nine has been in the mountains all the time!" Fu Yingxue didn't want to drive Wu Tianbao away directly, he could quickly see the problem here, this is the seventh of the Eight King Kong, and they are all old secret agents up.

"Ah! So I might ruin Xiao Jiu's affairs?" If he took over the God-killing Task Force now, it would expose that Xiao Jiu was not in the mountains. Wu Tianbao knew the serious consequences of this matter.

"Seventh brother, take a look at this." Fu Yingxue showed Wu Tianbao how to deal with Qi Rui's plan to use Su Sansheng.

After reading it, Wu Tianbao asked: "Su Sansheng has been here for so many days, doesn't he know that Xiao Jiu is not in the mountains?"

"He should already be suspicious by now, because he hasn't seen Brother Ninth since he came here for more than 20 days, and he secretly asked a lot."

"Then why keep him?"

"Brother Jiu didn't write it very clearly. I hope I can use him to cheat the devil once, that is, let him pass on the information."

"Sisters and sisters, how about this? I'm here to seek refuge with God of Death. I don't care about anything in the team. I'll spend some time here and give my boss an explanation before leaving. Don't tell anyone else about my real identity."

Wu Tianbao is also a person who values ​​love and justice, and Xiao Jiu has saved his life for him, how could he come to tear down Xiao Jiu's platform, let alone delay Xiao Jiu's affairs.

What Fu Yingxue wanted was his attitude, and said apologetically, "Brother Seven, please forgive me, everything will be fine when Brother Nine comes back."

"Xiao Jiu said when will he come back?"

"I really didn't say that."

"By the way, Su Sansheng might know me, so what should I do." Wu Tianbao thought for a while and said, "Sister and sister, how about it, I'll go to Nanjing to stay with my sixth brother for a while."

"Brother Seven, the boss asked you to come, will you be blamed if you are not here?"

"Don't worry about this brother and sister, I'll report to the boss right away!" Wu Tianbao drafted a telegram in front of Ling Xue, and asked her to send it to Boss Dai in Chongqing, saying that the team has arrived at Huangshan and there is no problem.

Afterwards, Wu Tianbao left in a hurry after having a meal in Huangshan. He didn't understand the meaning of the word "relieving a heavy burden" until he got out of Huangshan.

During this period of time, Su Sansheng has been close to Tang Fu, Duan Yu, Zhu Xing, Long Jingwei, Hua Wenmao and others. This kid can also say that there is no one who does not talk about the world, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and there is no him. I don't understand.

Because the boss has been admonishing him for a long time, they are very careful with the newcomers Tang Fu and Long Jingwei, especially the sister-in-law secretly reminded him to be careful, so on the surface they are very polite to him, but in fact they are all very polite. Very wary of him.

Tang Fu and Long Jingwei's group knew that if this kid was allowed to move about, it must be the boss's arrangement and design.

Su Sansheng is free on the surface, but secretly monitored by two masters, Song Jian and Tang Rui, all his little tricks are in the eyes of the two, including the information he put in the dead mailbox.

Both Song Jian and Tang Rui read and understood the content before putting the information back into the dead mailbox. They would not change a single word of the information sent by Su Sansheng.

"Sister-in-law, this Su Sansheng seems to be very interested in Tang Fu and Long Jingwei, and almost everything he conveys is about them, such as their temperament, hobbies and so on."

"It seems that the little devil is trying to trick these people!" After Fu Yingxue finished speaking, she said to Tang Rui: "Keep watching the dead mailbox, your elder brother may send back information at any time."

"Sister-in-law, if it doesn't work, I'll stay in Chizhou and wait for news."

"Okay, take two scuds and go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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