Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 697 I Know You Have Someone You Like

Chapter 697 I Know You Have Someone You Like

Qi Rui finally got the news from Huangshan in the intelligence class. Su Sansheng is indeed a very meticulous person, and he investigates all the more important people in the team.

After listening to Komatsu Cangren's report during the long-distance call, Mio Yutoyo asked, "So Su Sansheng has gained Qi Rui's trust?"

"The information he brought seems to have played a role. Su Sansheng took the initiative to stay in the God-killing Task Force, and Qi Rui should have agreed."


"Section Chief, because he hasn't seen Qi Rui until now, but he can walk around in various camps at will, and no one cares about him."

"Have you been under surveillance?"

"He said no."

"Su Sansheng sent such important information, how could Qi Rui not see him? It seems that Qi Rui is probably not in the mountains. Xiao Song, tell Su Sansheng to make sure of this. If Qi Rui is really not in the mountains, ask him to send the killer When the detailed intelligence report of the dispatched regiment comes up, I will immediately apply to the headquarters to send troops into the mountains to wipe them out."

"Chairman, why do you have to go to clean up when Qi Rui is not around?"

"Qi Rui is the commander of the God-killing Task Force. Others may not have his skills. This may be an opportunity for us to eliminate the God-killing Task Force. As long as we wipe out all of them, only a few people from Killing God will be left. There are too many, if we can capture some people who Qi Rui valued alive, it is possible for us to coerce them to surrender."

"What if Qi Rui is suspicious?"

"That's why Su Sansheng was asked to investigate carefully. It is very important to make sure that Qi Rui is not in the mountains!"

"Hayi! I'm going to inform Su Sansheng right now!"

"Xiao Song, don't put all your hopes on a Chinese. You should also keep an eye on the movement of the God-killing Task Force and the surrounding New Fourth Army, especially the Fang Tianyi and Sun Facheng regiments."


Qi Rui was never idle in Nanjing. He would go to the military plane of the Wang puppet government almost every day, mainly to ask if he had found any new suspicious radio waves.

"Section Chief Sanwei, as you said, most of the underground radio stations in Shanghai and Nanjing have been silent during this period. It seems that they have indeed heard the wind and hid themselves." Li Ningyu said,

"Then who leaked the news, you and Gu Xiaomeng can't be the ones who leaked the secret, is it possible for Director Jin?" Sanwei Youfeng asked,

"We don't dare to talk nonsense about this. Director Jin does know something, but I don't think he is the leaker."


"He doesn't need it. Now the new government thinks highly of him."

"This is not a reason, you don't have to worry about this matter, go get busy!"

Sanwei Yufeng didn't go to Jin Shenghuo, but went to the person from the Intelligence Section who was on a mission outside, so he came outside Zheng Yaoxian's grocery store again.

"Is there anything suspicious?"

"Chairman, I didn't find any problems. They just open the door for business every day. The boss basically doesn't go out. One guy is in charge of delivering the goods, and the other is in charge of buying the goods!"

"Have you checked the delivery location and purchase channels?"

"Everything has been checked, and there is no problem."

"I'll go and have a look again. If there is no problem, everyone will withdraw."

Sanwei Yufeng entered the grocery store by himself this time, Zheng Yao first saw that it was Qi Rui, and hurriedly greeted him: "Boss, what do you need?"

"Did you ask about the capacitor I told you about last time?"

"Capacitor? Oh! You are the shop owner who came here a few days ago! I remembered, but at that time you just asked me if I had any, and didn't say I wanted it!"

"Since I asked, I definitely want it."

"Sorry, I didn't ask the guy to ask, because I have been in business for so many years, and only you asked me if I have this thing, and I have nowhere to buy it for you."

After speaking, Qi Rui walked to the backyard, and after making sure no one was there, he said in a low voice: "Brother Six, contact Shanli and ask Xueer to send Su Wenqian and Yu Manli over. You still have to work hard to find a house for them. Just call and give me the address."

"You need to go offline!" Zheng Yaoxian saw that Qi Rui was struggling to deliver the information and said,

"Tan Lin is in Nanjing. Now he is mainly in charge of intelligence on Mingtai, but I have people following me all day long, so it is very inconvenient to pass on information. It would be much more convenient if someone could appear in front of me often."

"Okay, I'll send a report to Shanli right away."

"Sixth brother, don't send the report for more than 2 minutes, because it will have to face the monitoring of two telecommunication experts."

"Speaking of which, I still want to ask you, can you fight for such a person in the Military Aircraft Department?"

"Does Sixth Brother want me to fight for it?"

"I heard that they are two beauties."

"If Sixth Brother has an idea, I can help you create opportunities."

"I have no idea!"

"Haha, I know Sixth Brother has someone he likes."

"How do you know I have someone I like?"

"Of course I know, but let me remind you, it's best not to let her work in the Central Committee, don't ask why, just do what I say." Cheng Zhener is Zheng Yaoxian's lover, her fate has seen kites Everyone knows that it is Sixth Brother's revolutionary partner, and Qi Rui doesn't want her to sacrifice.

Qi Rui was playing charades with himself. Zheng Yaoxian actually hated this way of communication, but this is discipline, and he couldn't help it, but he absolutely believed what Xiao Jiu said, and said, "I will try my best to stop it."

"Let's go, Sixth Brother!"

"Xiao Jiu, many people want to kill you now, you have to be careful."

"Well, I knew it would be like this, especially those foreigners, they should hate Yufeng Mio."

"Xiao Jiu, the boss asked me to tell you to be more careful."

"Well! As long as Chi Tiecheng and the others don't come to kill me, that's fine."

"Of course not!"

Sanwei Yufeng left the grocery store and removed all the plainclothes intelligence agents who were monitoring around him. Zheng Yaoxian finally let go of his heart. At this time, he had been thinking about Cheng Zhener's going to the Central Committee, and he had not received any news. How could Xiao Jiu know.

Fu Yingxue immediately called Su Wenqian and Yu Manli to her front when she received the telegram from her sixth brother, Zheng Yaoxian, and said: "Brother Ninth told you to go to Nanjing, you must remember! You should know what to do, right?"

"I know! Sister-in-law Jiu, don't worry, we will definitely cooperate with Brother Jiu."

"Wen Qian, you can go to Sixth Brother if you need anything."


"Wen Qian, go back and pack your luggage first, and I'll have a few words with Manli."

After Su Wenqian left, Fu Yingxue pulled Yu Manli by the hand and said, "Manli, I know you like Mingtai, and now he is in Nanjing..."

"Sister-in-law Jiu, I won't delay things because of feelings, I promise I won't go to Mingtai!" This was Yu Manli's secret, but Fu Yingxue made her a little nervous when she said it out.

"Manli, you are partners in life and death. Mingtai will sacrifice his life for you, but it will never be because of love. You have to understand this."

(End of this chapter)

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