Chapter 698

Fu Yingxue has a delicate mind, and Qi Rui once talked too much about Manli, and this time he appointed her to go to Nanjing, worrying that she would do bad things if she knew about the relationship between Mingtai and Gu Xiaomeng.

"Sister Xue'er, I know this better than anyone else. As long as I can silently watch him well in the corner, I will be satisfied. I really didn't expect anything." Yu Manli still couldn't forget the past, even Even with Zhuang Xiaoman for a while.

"Manli, Mingtai is only suitable to be a comrade-in-arms and a brother. This time Brother Nine asked you to go to Nanjing by name. I think there must be his deep meaning. I just want to tell you that no matter what you see or hear, don't be affected. .”

"Sister Xueer, I promise! And I swear that I will put the overall situation first, and I will never delay the business because of the children's affair. Please rest assured about this." Yu Manli knew what Ling Xue was worried about.
"Obey Brother Ninth's arrangement, and Su Wenqian and Su Wenqian are not allowed to act without orders." Fu Yingxue finally urged,

Fu Yingxue couldn't understand why Qi Rui didn't let Song Jian and Tang Rui go to Nanjing to help him, but after thinking about it carefully, Su Wenqian and Yu Manli were also very capable and experienced in underground activities.

Three days later, Qi Rui received a call from Zheng Yaoxian, and said a few ordinary words to him in coded language, which implied an address.

At night, Qi Rui took a few people past Su Wenqian and Yu Manli's small courtyard on the grounds of tracking down the military agents. He didn't want to see these two, but informed them of their future contact information and code words.

Su Wenqian's hearing is very good. There was movement in the courtyard. He observed the courtyard first from behind the curtain. The courtyard door was closed. There was an envelope on the ground. He went out to pick it up. He didn't look at the courtyard door to see who was outside. , because if the other party wants to see me, they just knock on the door or come in. It is definitely inconvenient to do so.

After reading the letter, Su Wenqian said to Manli: "Brother Ninth asked us to pretend to be husband and wife, and he will find a way to arrange jobs for us in the puppet government, and let us only recognize the contact code in the future."

"Ninth brother is letting us break into Wang's puppet government!"

"Let's wait for brother Jiu to make arrangements. We will do whatever he asks us to do."

"Good! I obey orders."

Three days later, Su Wenqian received a package containing a new identity and a letter of introduction, and asked them to take the letter of introduction to Chu Mingguo, a member of the Military Commission.

Su Wenqian and Yu Manli dressed up and came to the office building of the Wang puppet government. The person who came to pick them up was a beautiful woman. If Qi Rui saw her, he would definitely recognize her. She is the ace agent named Suzaku in the TV series Red Arrow. Song Pingping.

Chu Mingguo has a younger brother, Chu Mingfan, the ace agent of the military command, code-named Qinglong. Dai sent Qinglong and Suzaku to help Chu Mingguo. Now these two are with Chu Mingguo in Wang Puppet Military Committee. They are just Chu Ming The entourage of the country does not hold any position.

"Come with me!"

Su Wenqian and Yu Manli followed Song Pingping to Chu Mingguo's office, and after Song Pingping left, Chu Mingguo asked, "Have you two been trained as secret agents?"

"Yes!" Su Wenqian and Yu Manli answered according to the instructions given to them,

"Since you are willing to work for the new government and you have received special agent training, then go to the Secret Committee and the Military Aircraft Department."

"Follow the commander's arrangement!"

"This is the employment letter I wrote to you, take it to find the person in charge! Remember, don't do anything you shouldn't do!" After Chu Mingguo finished speaking, he gave them the prepared employment letter, and asked Song Pingping send them away.

After they left, Chu Mingfan came in and asked, "Brother, who are they?"

"A friend asked me to arrange it. They helped me before, so it's inappropriate for me not to help."

"Brother, don't you know who they are?"

"Love whoever."

"Then if something happens to them in the future, it won't do us any good."

"Even if they have an accident, it has nothing to do with us, don't worry!" These two people were arranged by the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, and it is impossible for Chu Mingguo not to help with this favor.

"Brother, Zang Zhuo, the deputy chief of training, asked me to tell you that he will discuss the training of recruits with Huang Dawei later, and he told him that he hopes you can give more opinions."

"Huang Dawei is the commander-in-chief of the First Army, can he listen to me?"

"Deputy Chief Zang hopes that you can offer some constructive suggestions. The main purpose is to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. This is also Chairman Wang's request."

In the Wang Puppet Military Committee, Chu Mingfan must speak according to the circumstances. He and Song Pingping have a secret mission, which is to assassinate Wang Jingwei, but they have no chance for such a long time, and it is very difficult for them to die together.

"Okay, then I'll give them some advice later."

When Chu Mingfan came out of the office, he saw Song Pingping who was sending someone back, and she asked in a mysterious low voice, "These two seem to be masters of action, are they ours?"

"Have you tried?" Chu Mingfan asked,
"I tried that woman, she reacted very quickly, and she has good skills!"

"It must be one of our own, otherwise my brother wouldn't have helped me."

"The boss is urging us again, asking us to complete the assassination at any cost."

"No, what if we force my brother!"

"What about poisoning?" Song Pingping is a master at using poison, and she can think of a safer way to use poison.

"Let's discuss this in the long run, I will never implicate my brother!"

"Your brother is the third child of the Eight Great King Kong, can you let him think of a way?"

"Okay, I'll ask later."

Chu Mingfan and Song Pingping are absolutely loyal to Chongqing. If they were not afraid of implicating Chu Mingguo, who is now a member of the Military Commission, he would really use extreme methods to assassinate him, but now everyone knows that he is Chu Mingguo's younger brother. If something happened to him, his elder brother Chu Mingguo would definitely be involved, which Chu Mingfan could not accept.

Su Wenqian went to the Secret Service with the letter of employment, and Yu Manli took the letter of employment to Jin Shenghuo of the Military Aircraft Department. Because it was introduced by Chu Mingguo, Jin Shenghuo immediately made arrangements for her to work as a dispatcher in the telecommunications department. That is Li Ningyu's subordinates.

Qi Rui brings a few people to the Military Aircraft Department every day like going to work. He is very satisfied when he sees that Yu Manli is wearing Wang's pseudo-military uniform and has started to work. This time, the third brother helped a lot. Rui already knew from Zheng Yaoxian that Chu Mingguo was the third brother.

Su Wenqian and Yu Manli were not so happy after successfully entering the Wang puppet government, because this is not what they like to do.

"Why didn't Brother Nine come to see us! He arranged for us to enter the two departments of the Wang Puppet Government, did he want us to help him collect information?" Yu Manli asked Su Wenqian,

"There should be a special mission. I won't know until I meet Brother Nine."

"When are we going to do it?"

"I do not know either."

(End of this chapter)

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