Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 700 Personally Interrogate the Three Provinces of Su

Chapter 700 Personally Interrogate Su Sansheng

The devil is very familiar with the path of retreat, and Kinto Inoue scolded Komatsu Soren while running, complaining that his information was wrong.

Komatsu Cangren was very puzzled, after so many days of investigation, he had never seen the New Fourth Army around, why suddenly two regiments appeared in Huangshan today.

"Captain Inoue, why do I feel that our battle plan has been leaked!" Komatsu Cangren said,
"Leaking is also your business, there can be no problem on our side!"

"Captain Inoue, I didn't say it was your problem, I will definitely let Section Chief Mio investigate carefully when I go back!"

"Baga, fortunately I reacted quickly, otherwise we might all stay in Huangshan!" Inoue Kinto also had some experience in fighting the God-killing Task Force, and turned around and ran away when he saw something bad. The loss is even greater, and no one laughs at the failure anyway.

Even though the little devil has short legs, he ran really fast. Fang Tianyi and Sun Facheng didn't dare to chase after him. It's not a loss if you go up, because the devils didn't fight back much, and there were no casualties on our side.

"If Boss Qi is here, wouldn't these devils be able to escape?" Duan Hou asked,

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the strategy formulated by Boss Qi. No one thought that the devil would learn to be smart this time, and he would turn around and run away when he saw something bad." Tang Fu said,
"Then why not block their escape route?" Su Yun asked,

"The siege must be quelled. If the devils of this alliance really fight with us, how much do you think we will have to pay if we wipe them all out? Because Boss Qi is not around, he designed this tactic specially. The purpose of this is Let the devils dare not enter the mountain easily in the future." Tang Fu said,
Fu Yingxue has been waiting for reports from all parties. She wants to be sure that the Devils have really escaped from Huangshan. This battle did not achieve Qi Rui's combat effect, and she did not expect the Devils to escape so quickly.

"Sister-in-law, the devils are really afraid of us now, and they don't dare to exchange fire with our team, for fear that we will bite them." Song Jian said,
"It's probably because I didn't explain the battle plan very clearly. Sun Facheng's regiment and Fang Tianyi's regiment appeared too early. If the devil's troops were allowed to go deeper, their casualties would definitely be greater." Fu Yingxue was already summarizing her command Insufficient control of time.

"Sister-in-law, don't say that. Didn't we all follow the big brother's battle plan? The big brother probably doesn't want us to suffer too much loss."

Fu Yingxue was still a little regretful, she only wiped out hundreds of devils by making such a big commotion, she believed that if Qi Rui was there, at least half of the devils in this alliance would have been wiped out, but the devils have already escaped, so it is meaningless to say these things, so she asked the business : "Did Su Sansheng escape?"

"He ran away as soon as the battle started." Song Jian, who had been staring at Su Sansheng, said,

"Well, I don't think he dared to come back."

"Why didn't my elder brother kill him here?" Song Jian asked,

"I don't know what your elder brother thinks, maybe this person is still valuable."

Su Sansheng was worried that he would be accidentally injured. When he heard that the Japanese army entered the mountain, he fled away. He didn't know how the battle was going. He was still waiting to go back to receive the award, but he didn't want to be tied up as soon as he arrived in Chizhou.

"Master Komatsu, what are you arresting me for?"

"Ba Ga, you cunning fellow, how dare you betray the imperial army!"

"Where is this talking, when did I betray the imperial army!"

"You said Qi Rui was not in the mountains, so why did he appear again in this battle?" Komatsu Cangren said,
"How is it possible! I haven't seen him for such a long time, why did he come back as soon as the war started? It's impossible!"

"Don't you know where so many New Fourth Army came from?" Komatsu Cangren asked,

"The New Fourth Army! How is that possible? I've never seen any New Fourth Army!" At this moment, Su Sansheng felt bad, and realized that he had to take the blame for these Japanese.
"Su Sansheng! Your conscience is greatly broken! If you have anything to say, you'd better go back and talk to Section Chief Sanwei!" Komatsu Cangren asked his subordinates to bring Su Sansheng to the boat. What should be explained has already been explained to the third division It's over, and now he just wants to go back and report to Section Chief Sanwei to accept the crime.

Qi Rui has already received the news that Huangshan was defeated again, and he is being scolded in the office of Nishio Shouzo.

"Is this the information collected by your subordinates! Mio Yutoyo!"

"Hayi! This subordinate is negligent! This subordinate is willing to accept any punishment!"

"Baga! What's the use of saying this now? What's going on!?"

"I was shocked after reading the battle report. Komatsu Cangren's investigation should be fine, but the New Fourth Army suddenly appeared in Huangshan and ambushed in advance. This must be because the battle plan has been leaked. There is another possibility , that is, Qi Rui has been in the mountains all along, and he knew that Su Sansheng had a problem, so he personally watched him." Mio Yufeng said,
"Why don't you say that Su Sansheng has problems!" Nishio Shou said angrily,

Qi Rui wanted to make Hisao Nishio think this way, so he quickly bowed and confessed: "It was me who employed people improperly! Commander! I am willing to accept punishment!"

"Fortunately, the loss this time is not very big, otherwise you will be blamed for this time!" Sanwei Yufeng was promoted by Nishio Hisao himself. He has always been in Nanjing. He also heard about the things on Huangshan. Determined that there is something wrong with Su Sansheng, he intends to make Sanwei clear or reduce the guilt.

"Commander, Su Sansheng will be brought back soon, and I will personally interrogate him!"

"Three tails!"


"We still can't trust the Chinese too much. They have a saying that people who are not my race must have different hearts! This sentence is also suitable for us."

"Hayi! This subordinate remembers it!"

Qi Rui returned to the office dejectedly, he needed to show a very frustrated look and sulking.

"Section Head, Captain Komatsu is back!" Yi and Xianren reported,
"Bring Su Sansheng directly to the interrogation room, I will interrogate myself!"


When Qi Rui came to the interrogation room, Su Sansheng's little face tied to the cross stake was already pale with fright, and when he saw Yufeng Sanwei, he begged: "Master Sanwei, it's really not me, I did everything according to your order." I have never met Qi Rui before, really, if I tell half a lie, I will kill my whole family! I will cut off my children and grandchildren!"

Sanwei Yufeng smiled coldly and said, "Susan! I feel that what you said is the truth!"

"Osamu Mitsuo! I'm telling the truth!"

"But even if you are telling the truth, our Great Japanese Empire has lost hundreds of warriors because of you!"

"It's all because Qi Rui is too cunning, he probably never trusted me!"

(End of this chapter)

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