Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 701 Snow on Mount Fuji

Chapter 701 Snow on Mount Fuji

Qi Rui stepped forward and grabbed Su Sansheng's hair, and said angrily: "So, this is your problem, why are you still suspected when we gave you such important information! Why can't you find out that someone is staring at you! You are also a senior agent trained by the military command, the deputy station chief of the Shanghai station, now you tell me that you don’t know anything, you have been cheated! You think I will believe it!”

Su Sansheng cried: "Master Sanwei! Colonel Sanwei! I really didn't lie!"

"Punishment! I want to see how many kinds of punishments he can survive here before he is willing to tell the truth." Qi Rui remembered how he tortured Li Xiaonan in the TV series,

Those who followed Sanwei Yufeng were all samurai, and this group of people had practiced before, including Yi and Xianren, who took turns to fight. In the end, Su Sansheng didn't even have the strength to howl, and there was no good place on his body.

Qi Rui saw that he would not survive seven days due to his criminal injuries, so he wrote a confession himself, and then asked Komatsu Cangren to press Su Sansheng's fingerprints.

Seeing that the person was dying, Jiunei Lianyang said, "Section Chief, you can kill him directly!"

"Then just kill him, such a person will be brutally killed! Otherwise, I'm sorry for those imperial warriors!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he said to Yi and Xianren: "Go get two dry towels and stuff them directly into his stomach, I will let him die in excruciating pain!"


Is it cruel? In the book, Li Xiaonan was tortured to death by Su Sansheng in this way. Although the little gay man in this world did not die, this scum could die in such pain. This is his own method.

Su Sansheng was tortured to death, Qi Rui went to Nishio Hisao with a confession, saying that he had provided false information, which led to the failure of this battle plan, and Nishio Shouzao had to believe it, because someone had to take the blame for this matter , Su Sansheng is the best candidate.

The God-killing Task Force is always a matter, and Hisao Nishio asked: "Mitsuo, if you lead the troops, can you destroy the God-killing Task Force?"

"Commander, I'm not sure either. This Qi Rui is really scheming. We still can't figure out his ways. What makes me wonder why is the New Fourth Army cooperating with him so tacitly! Could it be that he really has something to do with the Communist Party?" relation?"

"What a bastard. The Military Control Bureau has not responded to this matter at all, and it is the continued support that should be supported. I guess the Communist Party wants to win over Qi Rui."

"Qi Rui is the ace agent of the military command, so the surname Dai will not believe it."

"Then what to do, this Qi Rui is like a knife stuck in our thighs, although it is not fatal, it will still hurt our muscles and bones, I asked you to come here to pull out this thorn, Sanwei, you have to work hard ah!"

"Hayi! I will definitely think of a way when I go back!"

When Qi Rui returned to the first intelligence class, Mieko Sakai, the head of the eighth class, was waiting for him. Seeing him come back, he hurriedly saluted and said respectfully, "Hello Misao! I am Mieko Sakai from the eighth class!"

"So it's Mr. Sakai, what's the matter with you here?"

"I got news that the military command agents are secretly planning an assassination operation, but their specific target is still unclear. According to our analysis, Section Chief Mio may be one of their main targets." Mieko Sakai said with her head lowered.
"Then let them come! Military commanders are not just good at assassination, they have never stopped!"

"Master Mio, just last night, our secret courier was killed in Shanghai, and the document package he brought was taken away. Section Chief Takeuchi has asked for help from the Intelligence Division."

"Do you know who did it?"

"There are four of them in total, and they left the mark of the black rose."

"The jellyfish assassination team hasn't caught it yet, here's another black rose!"

"Master Mitsuo, I am worried that the assassination plan will focus on this black rose, so I have to report to you immediately."

"How much do you know about this black rose?"

"I only know the code name, which is known from the unique mark she left behind, and I don't know anything else."

"Section Chief Sakai, do you want me to go to Shanghai?" Qi Rui asked,

"If you are willing to go, I will go with you!"

"Then what if the killer comes to Nanjing?"

"This one……"

When Mieko Sakai mentioned Black Rose, Qi Rui thought of Li Zihan. She was very prominent in Wang Tianfeng's training camp back then. Her code name was Black Rose. This matter is not that simple, so I still plan to go to Shanghai and shout : "Xiaosong Cangren, Jiunei Lianyang! Yi and the sage!"


"The three of you bring people to assist the special high school, the gendarmerie, and the intelligence departments to conduct strict investigations. I will go to Shanghai with Section Chief Sakai."

"Chairman, don't you need someone to follow?"

"No, there is Mr. Sakai."

Qi Rui took the train to Shanghai with Mieko Sakai on the same day. When they arrived here, they went directly to the special high school. Yunzi Takeuchi took them to see the corpse and described the investigation situation in detail.

"Section Chief Takeuchi, what happened to the jellyfish assassination team?" Mio Yutoyo asked,
"I'm ashamed to report to Commander, I still haven't found anything until now!"

"You are familiar with the jellyfish assassination team, did they do this?"

"No, the jellyfish assassination team has always been killed by one shot, and has never wasted a bullet. It is obvious that this Black Rose's technique is different, and some of them use darts."

"Then has the jellyfish assassination team taken any action recently?"

"Yes, they found snipers with modified guns not only in Shanghai, but also in Hebei," said Yunzi Takeuchi.
"The one who uses the modified gun must be a member of the jellyfish assassination team?"

"Experts think so so far, because the firearms and bullets they use are Springfield guns except for the [-]-type. The modified bullets are obviously made by one person."

The snipers who appeared in Hebei must not be the jellyfish assassination team. Qi Rui knew that it must be Jing Yun and Xiao Wu. He said in a complimenting tone: "It seems that Section Chief Takeuchi has done a lot of homework!"

"This is the responsibility of the subordinates, but I'm ashamed, we only know so much, and we don't even know what they look like for such a long time."

"It's no wonder that the people killed by them have never seen them. They are really difficult people!"

"Master Mitsuo, Section Chief Kumamoto of the Dispatched Army's Shanghai Intelligence Division has already been involved in this case, and this matter has even alerted the Shanghai Police Department."

"Mr. Kumamoto?"

"Master Mitsuo, it's Hiroshi Kumamoto. Since the case involves a secret messenger, the Shanghai Intelligence Section has already intervened."

"Do you know what was stolen?"

"I heard from Mr. Kumamoto that it's five words! The snow on Mt. Fuji."

"Is there only five words?" Qi Rui asked puzzled,
"Yes, Hiroshi Kumamoto said that there are only these five words!"

"What trick is this doing? As for sending a secret letter in a briefcase with five words, making a phone call, sending a telegram, can't you memorize it in your head? Are there five words with special meaning? These five words Is there any mystery about the word?" Qi Rui asked puzzledly,

"I'm also very surprised about this. I heard Mr. Kumamoto say that there are only five words 'snow on Mt. Fuji'!"

"Tell Hiroshi Kumamoto to meet me! I want to know what the hell is going on."

(End of this chapter)

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