Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 704 Sanwei Youfeng Wants to Talk to Qi Rui

Chapter 704 Miyu Yutoyo Who Wants to Talk to Qi Rui

Zheng Yaoxian needed to stay in Shanghai for one night, while drinking and chatting with Wu Tianbao and Xu Baichuan, the one who talked the most was Xiaojiu Qirui.

In the Nanjing intelligence department, Mieko Sakai approached Yutoyo Mio and apologized: "Master Mio, I am very sorry for making you go to Shanghai for nothing. This gift is not a respect! Please accept it with a smile!"

Qi Rui watched Sakai put the gift on the table respectfully, and said, "Section Chief Sakai is really a Chinese hand, he speaks and acts like a Chinese!"

"I'm really ashamed to let you take a waste of time in your busy schedule." Mieko Sakai bowed again and apologized after finishing speaking.

"I can't blame you, because it was General Matsumoto's design, and they should keep it secret. Let's wish them success with this plan, so Section Chief Takeuchi may feel a lot easier."

"Master Mitsuo, will General Matsumoto's plan really succeed?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I've thought about it carefully along the way. This plan is full of loopholes. Just like Colonel Mio said, there are only five words to send an emissary from Japan to China. It doesn't make sense at all!"

"Maybe it's because it doesn't make sense that the Chinese people are more interested. I think this matter is not simple." Qi Rui said,
"Does Misao really think so?"

"I should have reminded Kumamoto Hao. Now that Xu Baichuan has been fooled, isn't the Black Rose Action Team already taken the bait? Maybe we are worrying too much."

Qi Rui had to maintain a skeptical attitude, so that he could prove his previous point of view to the dispatched army headquarters after the matter was over.

"But won't they be suspicious when they see that there are only five words in the document package?"

"The five words may be to highlight the importance of Mount Fuji's snow plan. We hope the Chinese will be fooled."

"Master Mitsuo, the Chinese are not as stupid as they imagined, they are a lot of smart people! Anyway, all I met were masters." Mieko Sakai said a little frustrated, because she never had any knowledge in the special advanced class or the intelligence class. It went well.

"All you met were masters? Then tell me who you met." Qi Rui looked at Mieko Sakai's battered look and asked happily,

"Jellyfish and Muyu, the killers of the Jellyfish Assassination Team, as well as Killing God, Fen Luocha, Zheng Yaoxian, Xu Baichuan, Wu Tianbao, Chen Gongshu, Qi Lianna, Ma Yunfei, Gao Han, etc., are all very strong, and some of them are very close to me. They are so close, but there is nothing we can do about them! Just like Qi Rui, the God of Killing, I used to be proud of having friends like him, Colonel Mio, I just said this to prove that the Chinese are not so stupid! They are even smarter than us There are many!"

Mio Yutoyo nodded lightly, and said earnestly: "I have heard of all the people you mentioned, and they all belong to the elite of the Chinese people. My teacher, General Ishihara, once taught me that the Chinese people have very Powerful cultural inheritance, they have been ahead of the world for thousands of years, but this era is behind. If we want to conquer such a country with rich cultural heritage, we must first eliminate these elites! But my teacher also said that China There are many such elites, and it is very difficult to eliminate them all, so we must learn to use them! Let them surrender."

"Master Mitsuo, that's what we've always done. Otherwise, how could there be Wang Jingwei, Chen Gongbo, and their new government?"

"In my eyes, these Chinese in the new government are not worthy of being called elites, but those you just mentioned are! We want to conquer people like them."

"But those people you mentioned cannot be conquered! They would rather die than submit. I have seen many such people." Sakai Mieko said more and more frustrated,
"Section Chief Sakai, you need to study carefully what I said. Once you understand it, you will know how to treat those Chinese elites."

"Listening to the words of Sanwei Dazuo really gave me a lot of insight, do you want to conquer the God of Killing Qi Rui?" Mieko Sakai felt that Sanwei Yufeng was dreaming.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely have a good talk with him!"

Mieko Sakai thought to herself: Talk to Qi Rui, I don’t know who has been brainwashed by who. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Yutoyo Mio was an idealist, because he actually wanted to conquer Qi Rui. Continue to communicate with him and say: "Master Mitsuo, thank you for your teaching! I'm going back to work!"

"Section Chief Sakai, if you have anything to do, just come to me. I also need your help in many places, because you know the Chinese people you mentioned better than me!"


Qi Rui called Komatsu Cangren, Jiunei Liyang, Yi Yuxian and others to him, and asked about the work of the past two days and information from various places. For him, these workflows are simply familiar.

Mingtai and Gu Xiaomeng made an appointment for dinner. During the meal, Gu Xiaomeng asked: "Why don't you come to the military aircraft to look for me these few days, and why don't you pick me up from get off work?"

"Oh! Sorry, I have something to do these days."

"What can you do?"

"I can't just sit around all day, so I asked my elder brother to help me find a job in the bank of the new government!"

"Oh! What job did you find?"

"Work as a clerk at Changxin Bank."

"Changxin Bank, yes, no wonder you are dressed so decently."

"I'm just a clothes hanger, I look good in anything."

"After your thick skin, do you talk to brother Jiu like that?"

"Brother Jiu's figure is much better than mine, I dare not speak like that in front of him."

"Assuming you are self-aware, what happened recently? Why does it feel like I've been forgotten?" Gu Xiaomeng felt that Comrade Miaodao hadn't contacted him for a long time.

"What should happen is happening all the time, our Ninth Brother has never been idle." Mingtai said,
"Any new tasks?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, brother Jiu should be in Nanjing now, but it's not convenient for him to see us right now." Mingtai said,
"Have you never seen Brother Jiu?"

"No, I just received his instruction to let me fall in love with you honestly!"

"Don't take it seriously, Brother Nine is only talking about tasks!" The old ghost Gu Xiaomeng doesn't like people like Mingtai, and besides, she doesn't have the heart to talk about love right now.
"Look, it scares you. I know this is a mission, but this love should have a result. Did you say Brother Nine will let us get married in a fake way?" Mingtai asked Gu Xiaomeng intentionally,

"It's better not! I think it's fine, besides, I'm very busy, and I don't have time to get married and play!"

Mingtai didn't say anything about Yu Manli. He didn't go to the military aircraft department these days because he was worried that Gu Xiaomeng would find out about his relationship with Yu Manli, so he asked Minglou to help him find a job.

(End of this chapter)

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