Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 705 Are there really weapons of mass destruction?

Chapter 705 Are there really weapons of mass destruction?
In the afternoon of the next day, Qi Rui received a call. It was Brother Liu who was in a hurry to make an appointment. He guessed that it was Xu Baichuan's business and was about to go to the appointment. Nishio Shouzo sent someone to call him to the office.

"Sanwei, have you thought of a way to deal with Qi Rui?"

"Commander, to deal with Qi Rui still needs accurate information, I'm trying to find a way." Qi Rui said perfunctorily,

"Find a way as soon as possible, since I have this killing god, I haven't had a solid day!"

"Is there anything else the commander asked me to do?"

"I came here to tell you something!"

Although Mitsuo Yutoyo has done a great job in coming to the dispatch army, it is far from meeting Nishio Toshizo's expectations.

"I asked you to come to tell you that I have discussed with Harem Jun and General Tuqiao. If you think of a way to wipe out the God-killing Task Force, I will let you temporarily act as the brigade commander of the mixed brigade. This is a good opportunity for you to make a name for yourself, as long as you make a contribution, I can directly apply for promotion to major general! In this way, I can be regarded as worthy of your teacher, General Shi Yuan!"

Qi Rui hurriedly bowed and thanked: "Thank you Commander for cultivating, the subordinate will definitely think of a way, but please give me some more time, Commander!"

Hisao Nishio said impatiently: "Sanwei, I have given you too much time!"

"Commander! One month! One month at most, I will definitely think of a way!"

"That's what you said. I'll only give you one month. If you don't have any results after one month, then go back to the Kwantung Army!"


Qi Rui left Nishio Hisao's office and directly left the headquarters of the dispatched army. After making sure that no one was following him, he came to the place agreed by the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian.

"Sixth Brother, I've been waiting for a long time. I was just called by Nishio Toshizo to have a training session."

"Could it be that Mitsuo Yutoyo's work made him dissatisfied?" Zheng Yaoxian grinned after finishing speaking. Needless to say, if Xiao Jiu satisfies Nishio Shouzo, then the people of the country will be out of luck.

"Don't talk about that, I'll think of a way to deal with him, brother six, is it something about brother four that you came to me?" Qi Rui asked,

"Xiao Jiu, you are right to worry. The boss ordered the fourth brother to find out the snow plan of Mt. Fuji at any cost."

"Didn't everyone tell him that it was a trap or a trap?"

"Someone said this to the old man, saying that this plan can change the current situation of the battle, and we will be more passive by then. That's why the boss issued the above order."

"Brother Six, what do you think?"

"I think the same as you. The two devils, Matsumoto and Kumamoto, want to wipe out all the Shanghai action personnel, so they must have another trick."

"Brother Liu means that there is really a snow plan for Mt. Fuji, and the ultimate goal is to mobilize all the operatives in Shanghai and its surrounding areas to destroy it. Then the devils will come and do it!?" Qi Rui asked,

"That's what I infer, what do you mean?"

"If it's the same as what the sixth brother said, then it's really possible, so the fourth brother is going to get a proposal?"

"I think they will be able to get the plan, and then the content of the plan will be very terrifying, such as any weapons of mass destruction, if Shangfeng knows, he will order to destroy these weapons at all costs, then the fourth brother and the others If you don’t go, you have to go.”

"So that's the case. I thought the devils were stupid at first, but I didn't expect that their focus was on Chongqing, so now we have to convince Chongqing that this is a trap?" Qi Rui asked.

"Even if Chongqing knows that this is a trap, they will still ask the fourth brother to form a death squad to prove that this is indeed a trap. At that time, they will know that there are tigers in the mountain and go to the tiger mountain. They don't care how many people will sacrifice in vain." Zheng Yaoxian said.

Qi Rui thought that this matter would be over, but he didn't want the devil to work hard in Chongqing, and sighed: "It's still Sixth Brother who is thoughtful, I didn't think about it."

"You didn't expect it because you don't know the situation in Chongqing. What we should do now is the first thing we need to solve." Zheng Yaoxian said worriedly,

"A layman is calculating against an expert, and he wants to beat the master to death! This Matsumoto is interesting!" Qi Rui said, thinking of a solution in his mind. Now it seems that Chongqing should not think about it. There is only one way to come forward to ensure that Mao is not used, and that is to find a way from the devil.

"Xiao Jiu, you are now the head of the first section of the intelligence section, and you are also the rank of chief officer. Is there anything you can do?"

"Sixth brother, now we can only let the devils have problems inside! There must be a solution, let me think about it."

"I knew that only you could do this!" Zheng Yaoxian had the deepest relationship with Xu Baichuan, and he really didn't want anything to happen to Fourth Brother.

"Sixth brother, don't worry, I'll go back and do the sums."

"Xiao Jiu, can you go to Shanghai?"

"I'll find a way to get there, Sixth Brother, don't go there!"

"Xiao Jiu, I'd better go there, you can't use this identity to meet fourth and seventh sons, let me help you thread the needle!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Sixth brother, what should we do here in Nanjing?"

"I have taught Zhao Jianzhi and Song Xiao'an for so long, they should be on their own! Don't worry, there is no assassination in Nanjing, and the radio station is still silent, so it should be fine."

"Well, after I arrive in Shanghai, I will go to the Moulin Rouge Cafe at four o'clock in the afternoon every day, and we will meet there then."

"Okay! Then it's settled!"

Qi Rui returned to his residence and thought about it all night before he came up with a solution. He went to see Nishio Shouzo early the next morning and said, "Commander, I decided to go out in person in disguise. I will come back in 20 days. When the time comes I will definitely come up with a perfect battle plan!"

"Oh! Misao is finally getting serious! Then go, if you find an opportunity during this period, call me directly!"

"Hai! Thank you very much for the support and care of the commander! Thank you!" Mio Yutoyo said with a bow,
"Go, I'll wait for your good news!"

When Qi Rui returned to the intelligence class, he asked Komatsu Cangren, Jiu Nei Lianyang, and Yi Yuxian to take the team to Chizhou and Wuhu to stand by. He also made arrangements for the intelligence class, and then he pretended to leave Nanjing .

Qi Rui took the train to Wuhu first, and then went to Suzhou with another identity to go to Shanghai. Two days later, he arrived in Shanghai and met Sixth Brother again at the Moulin Rouge Cafe.

"Xiao Jiu! As you expected, the Black Rose Action Team got the snow plan for Mt. Fuji after paying a little price."

"What content?"

"The Japanese want to buy weapons of mass destruction from the Germans, saying that they are negotiating now, and they actually found a German officer named Hans, Xiao Jiu, you said that the little devil will not come really Let's go!" Zheng Yaoxian asked nervously,
(End of this chapter)

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