Chapter 707
At the time when Qi Rui and Zheng Yao first came, there were not many customers in the cake shop, Song Mian asked Leng Qiao and Shan Leng to watch from below, and he also went upstairs.

After everyone was seated, Chi Tiecheng asked, "Brother Six, Brother Ninth, what made you two come to Shanghai together?"

"Assassinate Noo Matsumoto, the commander of the garrison, and Hiroshi Kumamoto, the head of the Shanghai intelligence department, if you can kill that Akagi Osaka from the International Settlement! In short, kill everyone who can be killed!" Qi Rui said directly,
"Okay! When will we do it?"

"I came here to let you prepare, and you will hear the letter in three days!"

"Okay! Ninth brother, my jellyfish assassination team is all snipers now, and their skills are not bad. Team up with two and make sure to complete the task!"

"Don't brag! It's great if you can finish killing Noo Matsumoto and Hiroshi Kumamoto. I'll let Ma Yunfei and He Jian kill the others. Besides, your sister-in-law Jiu will also bring a master." Qi Rui said,
Chi Tiecheng blinked his small eyes and said in surprise when he heard the battle: "My God! Brother Jiu, it seems that Shanghai is going to be lively this time!"

"If the devils want to make fun, we will make them happy!"

At this time Song Mian said: "Ninth Brother, we are all worried about you when you disappeared suddenly."

"I disappeared suddenly because I had important things to do. If I tell your sister-in-law Jiu and the others, I won't be able to leave. Even if I can leave, they will definitely follow me. I'm sorry!" Qi Rui explained,

"We understand, Brother Nine, if you have any work in the future, just leave it to us, our jellyfish assassination team will always be your brother!" Song Mian said,
"Brother Jiu, how is Wen Qian?" Chi Tiecheng asked,
"He is very good, he has matured a lot than before, and now he has entered the enemy camp."

"Tsk tsk, it's still Ninth Brother who can train people, and Wen Qian, who would blush at a little girl, has now entered the enemy camp! I admire it! Ninth Brother."

"Accounting that you only admire the ninth brother, my sixth brother has become a dumper!" Zheng Yaoxian said with a sullen face and pretended to be angry.

"Haha, Sixth Brother, you and Ninth Brother are the gods in our hearts! This time you two showed up at the same time, I knew something big was going to happen." Chi Tiecheng laughed while putting his arms around Zheng Yaoxian,
"Well, this time we are going to make a big fuss in Shanghai! Let the devils know that their schemes are futile in front of us Chinese!" Zheng Yaoxian said,
"What's going on, Sixth Brother, Ninth Brother, did something serious happen?" Song Mian asked,

Chi Tiecheng was smarter than Song Mian, and asked, "Sixth Brother, Ninth Brother, does it have something to do with someone killing the devil's secret messenger two days ago?"

"Well, it is indeed related to this matter!"

"Did Brother Jiu send someone to do it? I heard that the one who made the shot was a master." Chi Tiecheng asked Qi Rui,
"Shan Leng knows her, she is Li Zihan who trained together in Wang Tianfeng's training camp."

"It turned out to be her. Shan Leng said that this girl is stronger than her! Leng Qiao also said so." Chi Tiecheng said,

"Well, I saw that girl was a good seed at the time."

"I heard that people are also beautiful, don't they! Mmmmm...hahaha..." Chi Tiecheng laughed evilly after finishing speaking,
"You guys still focus on your team members! This Li Zihan is not easy to mess with!" Qi Rui reminded,

"Haha, it's interesting not to mess with it!"

Qi Rui rolled his eyes at him and said, "We're leaving! Wait for the news!"

"Guests take two cakes and leave, how can you leave empty-handed when you come to my shop!"

Qi Rui has already designed a revenge plan. Since the devil wants to wipe out all the operatives in Shanghai, let them know what kind of opponent they are facing, so this time he wants the heroes to gather on the beach!
After Qi Rui and Zheng Yao left first, Shan Leng and Leng Qiao came over and asked, "Master, was that Brother Nine just now?"

"Didn't you guys meet Nine Brothers? Why do you still ask such a question?"

"Why do you think Brother Jiu's complexion is very ugly?" asked with sharp eyes,

"It must have been a little makeup."

"Master, did you take action this time?"

"Whether there is any action is not your question! At that time, you only need to obey the order, remember?"

"Yes! Master!"

Qi Rui took Zheng Yaoxian to the small building where the No. [-] special agent lived, because he would appear as Mitsuo Yutoyo most of the time in the future, and he might have very little contact with these people. He hoped that Brother Six could communicate and cooperate with them more.

"Ninth brother!" Gao Han opened the door and saw Qi Rui and rushed forward. She hugged Qi Rui and cried, "Ninth brother, you left without saying a word. I was really worried about what happened to you. My wife saw you safe and sound Happy!"

"Thank you, Miss Gao Han, for thinking about it! How can something happen to me, Brother Ninth?" Qi Rui patted Gao Han on the back lightly,
He Jian ran out when he heard the movement, saw that it was Qi Rui, Ninth Brother, and said with a smile: "Ninth Brother! You are so worried about us!"

"In your eyes, there is only Brother Ninth, and there is no Sixth Brother like me! My heart is really broken!" Zheng Yaoxian was happier than anyone else when he saw that the people in the No. [-] secret service team had such a close relationship with Xiao Jiu.

Ouyang Jianping walked over with a smile and said, "Sixth Brother is more mature and experienced than Ninth Brother, so it won't make people worry. Little Nine is sometimes too childish!"

At this time, Qi Rui, who had been released by Gao Han, hurriedly shouted: "Hello, big sister!"

"I don't have any news about you, your big sister, I'm not fine at all!" Ouyang Jianping complained,

"Sister, don't be angry, I'm leaving to deal with business, how can I be so petty!" Qi Rui laughed,
"It's better like this!" Ouyang Jianping said to Zheng Yaoxian after finishing speaking: "Lao Liu, you come with Xiao Jiu, what's going to happen!"

Zheng Yaoxian stretched out his thumb and said with a smile: "Why don't you say it's our own! You don't need us to open our mouths to know!"

"Sixth Brother, Ninth Brother, just tell me if you have any tasks." Ma Yunfei also came out and said,
"There must be something happening. The sixth brother happens to be here. You should also set up a contact code to facilitate cooperation in the future." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu, you give me a bad feeling like this, did something happen?" Ouyang Jianping felt that Qi Rui asked as if he was explaining the funeral,

"Sister, I've broken into the devil's interior, and it's inconvenient to contact you in the future, so I will notify Brother Six if I need your help."

"You left alone just to make it easier to break into the devil?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Yes, if I told everyone in advance, I would definitely not be able to leave!"

"I just said Brother Jiu is not someone who can't stand setbacks!" Gao Han said happily,

Although Gao Han and Qi Rui are very close, Ma Yunfei asked without any jealousy: "It seems that Brother Jiu has obtained confidential information again?"

Zheng Yaoxian clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, there is really a big event going to happen recently, and I need to ask some help."

(End of this chapter)

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