Chapter 708
Although the No. [-] special agent team is busy with their own affairs, but the God of Killing Qi Rui must support him if he has something to do. Ma Yunfei said: "You are still so polite with us, just talk about anything! Our No. [-] special agent team will not hesitate!"

"Yeah, old six! Little nine! We are all on our own. Just let us know if we have any actions. We will prepare in advance." Ouyang Jianping also said,
"Then let Sixth Brother tell you what's going on." Qi Rui said and cut the cake he brought from Chi Tiecheng himself for everyone to eat and listen.

After understanding what Zheng Yaoxian said, Ma Yunfei laughed and said, "It turns out that the person who killed the devil's secret messenger was the fourth brother's. This Shanghai is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Zheng Yaoxian said with a smile: "They are all Xiaojiu's students, so naturally they are not bad."

"Ninth brother, how many students do you have?" Gao Han asked,

"It's not my students, I just gave them a set of training outline, if they can practice it, they can do it themselves." Qi Rui said modestly,

Ouyang Jianping pondered for a while and said, "This is a big deal, Liu! Xiao Jiu, don't forget to assign us some difficult tasks."

"Okay, then I'll send someone over to help you!"

"Brother Nine, what mission do you need to send someone to help us? You are too underestimating our No. [-] special agent team."

"This mission is very difficult, don't underestimate the enemy, when the time comes, I will let your sister-in-law Jiu bring Song Jian, Tang Rui and the others to act together with you!"

"It turned out that Sister-in-law Jiu brought people here. It seems that this task is not easy! I am looking forward to it!" Ma Yunfei laughed,

"Sixth Brother and Ninth Brother appeared together, how can this task be so difficult, we can enjoy it this time!" He Jian also laughed,

"Just get ready guys, tell Sixth Brother if you need anything!" Zheng Yaoxian felt a lot more at ease when he saw this group of masters, because these people were all one against ten.

Qi Rui and Zheng Yao first chatted with the No. [-] agents for a while and then left. The elder sister, Ouyang Jianping, had already agreed on a contact number with the sixth brother.

Back at Xu Baichuan's residence, Qi Rui saw a girl in a cheongsam who was busy preparing food and drinks. The one who could make the fourth brother call here must be a very trustworthy person. When he sat down and saw the girl's appearance, he recognized her immediately This is Li Zihan whom I met at the training base.

Seeing Li Zihan staring at Qi Rui with wide eyes, Xu Baichuan introduced with a smile: "Zihan! How stupid! This is the Ninth Brother you miss so much!"

"Ninth Brother? You are really Ninth Brother, do you still remember me?" Li Zihan asked excitedly,
"How can I forget that you are such a heroine, Li Zihan, who participated in the training with the little girl Shan Leng at that time!" Qi Rui laughed,
Li Zihan, who has always been aloof, suddenly lost his image, and rushed to Qi Rui like a little girl, and said with his hands out of place, "Ninth Brother! I finally saw you again! You are my teacher!" .”

Seeing that Li Zihan is so cute, Qi Rui smiled and said, "Haha, I'm a little embarrassed to be called by the teacher! Because I didn't bring any presents."

"Meeting you is the best gift for me!"

"Ninth Brother, this girl heard that you came here because she was begging for nothing to see you. Look, she set up all the food and drinks for this table. She has been busy all afternoon."

"Thanks for your hard work! I will definitely thank you, Ninth Brother!" Qi Rui said,
"Zihan, are you all ready?" Xu Baichuan asked,
"Everything is ready, I'll buy you wine."

"Don't buy wine, I'm ready!" Xu Baichuan said and took out a few bottles of foreign wine,

Zheng Yaoxian let out a long sigh: "Hey, Xiao Jiu, have you seen that, wherever you are, we are all air!"

"Is this the Sixth Brother? He's also pretty handsome. The Eight Great King Kongs really deserve their reputation! I, Sansheng, are lucky enough to see four of them at once today!" Li Zihan was originally a glamorous female killer, but here she seems like a stranger A little girl from the past, chattering endlessly.

"Zihan, sit next to me. I don't want you to call me teacher for nothing. I'll talk about a few samples later, and I'll teach you what you want to learn right away."

"Yes! Teacher, I will present you with tea instead of wine!"

No plans were mentioned on the wine table, and with Li Zihan, a big beauty, in an active atmosphere, the few people drank indulgently once in a while.

There was no movement from the Shanghai Naval Control Station for three consecutive days, Kumamoto Hiroshi was not in a hurry, but Matsumoto Noxio kept calling to inquire about the situation.

On the night of the fourth day, Hiroshi Kumamoto suddenly received a call from Nanjing Intelligence Section [-], telling him that the God-killing Action Team might have sneaked into Shanghai. He immediately reported to Noo Matsumoto: "General Matsumoto, good news!"

"Xu Baichuan made a move!?"

"Not yet, the Dispatch Army's Intelligence Division called and told me that the God-killing Action Team might have sneaked into Shanghai. I think they might be the helpers Xu Baichuan invited!"

Noo Matsumoto excitedly laughed twice and said, "No wonder there was no movement in Sitian. It turned out that they were waiting for the God-killing Action Team! Yoshi! It seems that this time I really caught a big fish!"

"General! The God-killing Action Team is here. Shall we change our plan?"

"There is no need to change. I will ask the Gendarmerie Command to cooperate with this operation. It is precisely because Qi Rui is here that we cannot make any changes, lest all previous efforts be wasted!"


Just when Xiong Benhao received the news, Fu Yingxue brought Song Jian, Tang Rui, Xue Min, Leng Yue, Ouyang Lan, Zhu Xing, Duan Yi, Dong Sheng, Yuan Xiaoli to Shanghai to join Qi Rui.

As a result, when they met Qi Rui, Fu Yingxue beat him up. Qi Rui hugged his head and admitted his mistake, but it didn't work, so he hugged Fu Yingxue and kissed him, and said, "Xue'er, if I tell you, you will definitely go with me. That will distract me instead, I'm sorry, can't I be wrong?"

Fu Yingxue was angry because she didn't know where Qi Rui was until now, so she pinched Qi Rui's tender waist with one hand and asked, "It's so mysterious, don't you even believe me?"

"How is it possible, am I preparing to tell the truth?"

"Then explain it!" Fu Yingxue was very angry during this time, she couldn't discuss anything, and the organization called and asked several times, but she didn't know how to answer.

Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue what happened before and after, and then said: "This time I asked you to come here to humiliate the little devils. Later, you will act together with the No. [-] secret service team, and then ask Minglou to send you out of Shanghai. "

Knowing what Qi Rui went through, Fu Yingxue asked with tears in her eyes, "Rui, do you really need no one by your side?"

"I'm in the intelligence class now, how can I bring my own people with me? Don't worry, haven't I arranged for Yu Manli and Su Wenqian to break into the puppet government agency? Besides, we still have an old comrade lurking in the military aircraft department. Everything is in danger." Everything is under control, and I have to tell you a plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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