Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 728? Playing the role of traitor translator well

Chapter 728 Playing the role of traitor translator well
Song Jian was so teased by Su Wenqian, he put his arms around his shoulders and said, "Brother already knew about this plan, you were sent by Brother Nine to show off!"

"Brother Nine sent me here? Why didn't I know!" Su Wenqian had learned makeup from Qi Rui, and he had also learned some skills as a simulated portrait artist. His carving skills were taught by Qi Rui, so he was sure that there was no one around him who had ever made up. .

"It's right if you don't know! I'm here to tell you, don't worry, the Japanese plan is big brother Du Menqing, you just find a cool place to sleep and go!"

"Brother Song! Don't go, you haven't told me how to contact you yet."

"I don't need to tell you this, I will tell you later!"

"Brother Song, please don't play tricks, tell me who Brother Ninth is and why I haven't seen him."

"Haha, my silly brother, whoever sent you here is Brother Nine!"

"Whoever sent me here is Brother Ninth?" Su Wenqian thought for a while and shook his head: "Impossible, the one who sent me was Mitsuo Yutoyo, commander of the No. 17 mixed brigade, commander of the devil's garrison, he is a major general of devils, how could that be?" It's Brother Jiu!"

"My silly brother, I still don't believe you when I tell you, can I make fun of this kind of thing! Let's go! Tang Rui and I will come to you in a few days!"

After Song Jian left, Su Wenqian was still in a daze, because he really couldn't understand why Song Jian said that Sanwei Youfeng was the ninth brother. He obviously caused the team a lot of losses, and almost wiped out Fang Tianyi's group and Sun Facheng regiment, how could he be Brother Nine.

But after thinking about it, Song Jian really couldn't make fun of such things. Is Sanwei Yufeng really the ninth brother?Then he is too amazing!

Qi Rui didn't arrive at the Iwai mansion until the afternoon. He didn't enter the house at all when he came this time. He just found Komatsu Cangren and Kuuchi Reo and rearranged the security tasks before leaving. Qi Rui knew that he must not be in a hurry when dealing with an old fox like Iwai Eiichi. .

In the evening, Su Wenqian was replaced by others, and those who performed the task had to report their work for the day and hand in the work report when they came back. He was no exception to write the report and come to Sanwei Yufeng.

Qi Rui called Su Wenqian at the end, but he used the fake name Wensu.

When Su Wenqian entered the office, he saw that Yufeng Mio was alone, and he approached with a silly smile and handed over the report.

Qi Rui deliberately teased Su Wenqian to lower his head, took a look at the report, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Report to General Three Tails, my name is Wensu!"

"The first day was hard work! Go back and rest!" Qi Rui said without raising his head.

How could Su Wenqian be willing to leave? He had to find out whether Sanwei Yufeng was the ninth brother, so he stood still and looked at Sanwei Yufeng's face carefully.

Seeing Su Wenqian staring at him with staring eyes, not saying anything, but still looking up and down, Qi Rui held back a smile and said, "Hey! Why do you look at me like this, I'm a man!"

"I'm sorry General Three Tails, don't get me wrong, I'm staring at you because you look like an older brother to me!"

"I look like your brother? Is your brother as handsome as me?"

"Handsome?" Su Wenqian said heartily: You are not as handsome as my ninth brother with such a face, and you are not as young as my ninth brother. Song Jian is not lying to me, no matter how you look at it, he does not look like he is wearing makeup yes!

"Why, am I ugly?"

"No! No, General Three Tails, you look very manly."

"What is masculinity?" Qi Rui wrinkled his nose and smelled himself, and then said, "I don't have any smell! I pay great attention to personal hygiene."

"General! If there is nothing else, I will go first!"

"I heard you have a good shot, don't you?"

"Ah!?" Su Wenqian has never had a chance to show his marksmanship since he joined the Secret Service Committee, and he never told anyone about it.

"And I heard that your slingshot is also very accurate, is it true?"

Seeing Sanwei Youfeng squinting his eyes and smiling at himself, his expression really resembled Brother Ninth, Su Wenqian asked with a naive smile again: "How did General Sanwei know?"

"Because I'm Li Xunhuan!"

Li Xunhuan is the name Qi Rui told Su Wenqian before, and only he has heard of this name, no one else knows.

Su Wenqian burst into tears and shouted excitedly: "Brother Ninth!"

"Wen Qian! I finally got you by my side!"

"Ninth brother, what's going on with you?"

"It's because you took a special pill. If you want to perform well in the future, you must be more of a traitor than a traitor, so that I can reuse you! How is your Japanese practice now?"

"Brother Jiu, I am very fluent in Japanese now!" Su Wenqian replied in Japanese,

"Very well, you still have a task in the future, and that is to be an interpreter. Sometimes I need to pretend to be aggressive in front of Chinese people or traitors. Then you have to cooperate with me."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Haha, hurry up and go to rest. In a few days, Song Jian and Tang Rui will come over as Japanese, and they will also change their appearance. You should be prepared."

"I saw Brother Song today, and he has already told me."

"Well, go to rest, learn and use all the skills I have taught you, especially micro-expression management!"


Su Wenqian, who came out of the garrison commander's office, did not go to rest, but went to the barber shop to get a mid-parted hair and put on some pomade.

In the next few days, as long as he saw the little devil, he would respectfully nod and bow, and greeted in Japanese. When he saw the Chinese, he was like a barking mad dog, but this fake mad dog barks fiercely and never bites. .

"Wen Sang! You are very good, my friend is sincere!" Komatsu Cangren has received an order from Mio Yutoyo to bring Wensu, who can speak Japanese, with them during missions, and let him serve as an interpreter to communicate with the Chinese.

"Oh! Mr. Komatsu speaks Chinese very well! My translation is redundant!" Su Wenqian said flatteringly,
"No, my Chinese is not good enough, but I'm really working hard, please teach Wen Sang more in the future!"

"no problem."

Ever since he knew that Sanwei Yufeng was dead, and the current commander of the garrison was the Ninth Brother whom he admired, Su Wenqian was full of energy. Only in this way can Brother Jiu be helped.

Under Mio Yutoyo's propaganda, many Japanese ronin, samurai, and veterans came from all over the country to sign up to join the Mio Yutoyo Special Operations Team. Mio Yutoyo's recruitment conditions are harsh. First, he must be able to speak Chinese, and second, he must pass the military force. In the assessment, the third is that you must understand firearms.

Many people came, but very few were hired. Three ex-soldiers came that day. All three looked to be in their 30s, could speak Chinese, and their marksmanship was acceptable.

Sanwei Yufeng asked Yi and Xianren to assess their kendo, and as a result, all three of them had a level of [-] or more in kendo, and were directly hired by Sanwei Yufeng.

(End of this chapter)

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