Chapter 729

These three people are Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin. Tan Lin was doing nothing in Nanjing and strongly demanded to return to the brigade. It would be a waste to let Tan Lin stay in Nanjing, so I agreed to his request.

The three of them had Japanese names according to Qi Rui's meaning. Song Jian was called Gu Yue Changzhi, Tang Rui was Nobuo Kotaro, Tan Lin was Qianshou Takeshi, and Qi Rui made their fake identities and files himself. These materials are more true than real and absolutely can't find any flaws.

The three of them also took the Yirong medicine and completely changed their appearance. Qi Rui was very relieved that they came by his side, because they were very experienced in doing this.

In the Japanese files, both Song Jian and Tang Rui had scars like centipedes on their faces, but now the scars on their faces have been healed by Qi Rui, so even if they appeared in front of the devil with their original appearance No one can recognize it.

The three of them received the order from Nine Brothers to perform well, to be active in everything they do, and to try to get the attention of Komatsu Cangren and Jiu Nei Lianyang first.

A few days passed, and Hideo Iwai didn't see any follow-up actions from the killer, so he asked for the protector to be removed. Mio Yutoyo readily agreed to his request. On the night of the evacuation, the Iwai mansion was again attacked by unknown armed forces. , This time explosives were used, and the gates of the mansion were blown up.

Mio Yutoyo immediately took people to the Iwai mansion again when he heard about it, and saw the pale Iwai Eiichi who was scared and asked with concern: "General Iwai! Are you okay?"

"General Mitsuo, it seems that these killers are really after me!" This time, Iwai Hideichi was quite frightened. He didn't think about such cases as the bombing of the Sakura, the Yongming Bridge, and the secret laboratory. Forget, this time directly bombing his mansion.

"General Iwai, I will continue to send people to ensure your safety! Please also cooperate with us, General."

"Good! Good! Good! I will definitely cooperate."

"General Iwai, you go to rest first, I'll see if there are any clues at the scene."

"Okay! General Three Tails, please!"

Mio Yutoyo brought the special operations team to the gate. He looked at the scene and asked, "Who knows explosives and blasting?"

"General! I understand!" Song Jian Gu Yue raised his hand and reported,
"Very good, then let's see if there is anything special about this explosive." After finishing speaking, Mio Yutoyo said to Komatsu Cangren: "Xiaomatsu, go call Takeuchi Yunko and ask her to send all the information about the bombings of the God-killing Action Team Bring it."

After Takeuchi Yunzi and Sakai Mieko came together, Sanwei Yufeng asked Gu Yue Changzhi to report the investigation situation.

"General, ordinary explosives are used for the explosion, and the power is only equivalent to a grenade."

"you sure?"

"Very sure."

"Yunzi, give Gu Yue Changzhi the information on all the bombings of the God-killing Action Team, and let him compare them again."

When Yunzi Zhuuchi heard that Yufeng Sanwei called him, Yunzi was elated, and quickly gave the information to Gu Yue Changzhi.

"Yunzi, Mieko, come with me."

Mio Yutoyo called the two to a place where no one was around and said in a low voice: "General Iwai is very dangerous this time. It is now certain that this beast killer group has been secretly monitoring the Iwai mansion. As soon as I evacuated them, they immediately Trying again, I still can't figure out what their purpose is."

"Yeah, isn't this a warning to their killers? Why are they so high-profile? Is there any purpose?" Sakai Mieko asked in confusion,
"The Chinese are very cunning, and some of their actions are difficult for us to understand. I am worried that their next actions will cause very serious consequences, so I hope that General Iwai can cooperate well. Therefore, I will deliberately say the explosion It's more serious, do you understand?"

"General Mitsuo, even if you didn't say that we were on the way, you have already discussed and reminded you to do this. If something happens to this General Iwai, we will not be able to get rid of it. Therefore, your actions are too correct, General, and he must be realized. The seriousness of this matter." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"Very good. Thank you for understanding my thoughts. I have no choice but to do this. I'm still afraid."

"General, what do we need to do?"

"We want to fully take over the security work of the Iwai Mansion. We must take over the inside and outside. Only in this way can I be sure to ensure the safety of General Iwai."

"Good! We support General Three Tails!"

"Then let's work together and check the mansion immediately. Don't let go of any corners. We absolutely don't allow any potential safety hazards to exist."


The explosion was of course arranged by Qi Rui, just to scare Iwai Eiichi. Only in this way can he have an excuse to search the mansion. Qi Rui believes that all the information of the secret agents must be in the mansion.

Mio Yutoyo took Takeuchi Yunko and Sakai Mieko to meet Iwai Eiichi, and told him about the decision just discussed.

"You said that you will take over the security work of the mansion?"

"General, we have to do this for your safety. Please cooperate, because according to our investigation, it is very likely that you are the target of the Military Control Bureau. If you know the reason, please tell us." Mio Yutoyo said ,
"We have a hostile relationship with them. Do they need another reason to kill me?"

"General, as far as I know, the assassination list of the Military Command Bureau is not random. Every one of their assassination targets must have a reason. General Iwai has not been the deputy consul general in Shanghai for a year or two. Why did they suddenly come to assassinate at this time? You? General, please tell us, otherwise it will affect our security work."

Eiichi Iwai thought for a while and said, "Could it be that my intelligence personnel exposed their whereabouts during this period?"

"Does the general mean the intelligence personnel of the mansion?"

"Yes, the intelligence personnel of our mansion are all over China. They are carrying out various secret missions, but their actions are extremely secretive and should not be exposed."

"Did they kill some important people recently?"

"It's not a big shot, it's just a senior military officer in Xi'an. This person has seriously affected our work, so he was assassinated."

"Could it be Xu Yuanzheng, the boss of the Eight King Kong?"

"General Three Tails actually knows?"

"I'm also the head of the intelligence section of the dispatched army. It's no secret that Xu Yuanzheng, the boss of the Eight King Kong, was assassinated. He happened to be in Xi'an, so I guessed it."

"General Three Tails is right, we did indeed kill Xu Yuanzheng."

"No wonder the God-killing action team is dispatched!"

"Are you sure the God-killing action team is dispatched?"

"Yes, now we must search the mansion immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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